(1) The AUSTRAC CEO may, in writing, authorise specified officials of a specified Commonwealth, State or Territory agency to access specified AUSTRAC information for the purposes of performing the agency's functions and duties and exercising the agency's powers.
Note 1: For specification by class, see subsection 33(3AB) of the Acts Interpretation Act 1901 .
Note 2: For variation and revocation, see subsection 33(3) of the Acts Interpretation Act 1901 .
(2) However, the AUSTRAC CEO may give an authorisation under subsection (1) in relation to an agency, authority, body or organisation of a State or Territory only if its head (however described) has given a written undertaking to the AUSTRAC CEO that it and its officials will comply with the Australian Privacy Principles in respect of AUSTRAC information obtained under subsection 121(2) or (3), this section or subsection 126(2).
Authorisation not a legislative instrument
(3) An authorisation under subsection (1) is not a legislative instrument.