FWC may make any orders it considers appropriate
(1) For the purposes of paragraph 66M(6)(b), the FWC may deal with the dispute by arbitration, including by making any orders it considers appropriate, including (but not limited to) any order referred to in subsection (4) of this section.
(2) However, the FWC must not make an order under this section unless the FWC considers that it would be fair and reasonable to make the order.
Note: The FWC must also take into account the object of this Act and the object of this Division (see paragraph 578(a)).
(3) The FWC must not make an order under subsection (1) that would be inconsistent with:
(a) a provision of this Act; or
(b) a term of a fair work instrument (other than an order made under that subsection) that, immediately before the order is made, applies to the employer and employee.
Orders relating to employee choice
(4) For the purposes of paragraph (1)(a), the orders are the following:
(a) that the employee continue to be treated as a casual employee;
(b) that the employee be treated as a full - time employee or part - time employee (as the case may be) from the first day of the employee's first full pay period that starts after the day the order is made, or such later day that the FWC considers appropriate.
(5) In considering whether to make, and the terms of, an order under subsection (1) (including an order referred to in subsection (4)) in relation to a dispute about the operation of Subdivision B of this Division (which deals with employee choice about casual employment), the FWC must:
(a) have regard to whether substantial changes to the employee's terms and conditions would be reasonably necessary to ensure the employer does not contravene a term of a fair work instrument that would apply to the employee as a full - time employee or part - time employee; and
(b) disregard conduct of the employer and employee that occurred after the employee gave the notification under section 66AAB (which deals with employee choice notifications) to the employer.
Contravening an order under subsection (1)
(8) A person must not contravene a term of an order made under subsection (1).
Note: This subsection is a civil remedy provision (see Part 4 - 1).