(1) An inspector must, on completion or termination of an investigation, prepare a report about the investigation.
(2) The report must set out:
(a) the inspector's findings about the matters investigated; and
(b) the evidence and other material on which these findings were based; and
(c) such other matters relating to or arising out of, the investigation as the inspector thinks fit.
(3) The Regulator:
(a) must give a copy of the report to:
(i) each trustee of the superannuation entity to which the investigation related; or
(ii) the approved SMSF auditor to whom the investigation related; or
(iii) the person who conducted, or is conducting, the audit to which the investigation related; and
(b) if the report, or a part of the report, relates to the affairs of another person to a material extent--may, on the Regulator's own initiative or at the request of that person, give a copy of the report or part of that report, to that person; and
(c) if the report, or a part of the report, relates to a contravention of a law of the Commonwealth, of a State or of a Territory--may give a copy of the whole or a part of the report to:
(i) the Australian Federal Police; or
(ii) the Chief Executive Officer of the Australian Crime Commission; or
(iii) the Director of Public Prosecutions; or
(iv) a prescribed agency.
(4) APRA and ASIC must give each other a copy of any reports they prepare under this section.
(5) ASIC and the Commissioner of Taxation must give each other a copy of any report they prepare under this section in relation to:
(a) a self managed superannuation fund; or
(b) an approved SMSF auditor; or
(c) a person who conducted, or is conducting, an audit of a self managed superannuation fund.