(1) This regulation sets out:
(a) for paragraph 24(1)(a) of the Act--a circumstance in relation to information made publicly available by, or with the consent of, the nominated person, patentee or predecessor in title of the nominated person or patentee; and
(b) for subsection 24(1) of the Act--a period for making a complete application for an invention if the circumstance applies.
Circumstance--information read before learned society or published by or on behalf of learned society
(2) The circumstance is that the information has been made publicly available in a paper:
(a) read before a learned society; or
(b) published by or on behalf of a learned society.
(3) The period for making a complete application for the invention is:
(a) if the complete application claims priority from a basic application made within 6 months of the day of the reading or publication--12 months from the day the basic application was made; or
(b) if the complete application is associated with a provisional application made within 6 months of the day of the reading or publication--12 months from the day the provisional application was made; or
(c) otherwise--12 months from the day of the reading or publication.