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Statutory Rules 2000 No. 191EXPLANATORY STATEMENT
Issued by authority of the Minister for Aged Care
Australian Hearing Services Act 1991
Australian Hearing Services Amendment Regulations 2000 (No. 1)
The Australian Hearing Services Act 1991 (the Act) establishes the Australian Hearing Services (AHS) as a statutory authority to provide hearing services.
Section 77 of the Act provides that the Governor-General may make regulations for the purposes of the Act. Section 62 of the Act provides that the Regulations may provide for charges to be payable to the Authority for the provision of services.
The purpose of the Regulations is to amend the Australian Hearing Services Regulations 1992 to provide for charges that are inclusive of a goods and services tax in accordance with A New Tax System (Goods and Services Tax) Act 1999 (the New Tax Act).
Details of the Regulations are as follows:
Regulation 1 provides that the name of the regulations may be cited as the Australian Hearing Services Amendment Regulations 2000 (No. 1).
Regulation 2 provides that the Regulations commence on gazettal.
Regulation 3 provides that the Australian Hearing Services Regulations 1992 are amended by Schedule 1.
Schedule 1 Amendments
Item 1 amends subregulation 4 (2) to increase the maximum charge allowable as a hearing aid service charge from $30 to $31.50.
Item 2 amends subregulation 4 (4) to increase the maximum charge allowable as a hearing aid service charge to a person under 21 years of age from $25 to $26.25.
Item 3 inserts a new subregulation 4 (8) to define that the charge mentioned in subregulation (2) or (4) is the price of the taxable supply within the meaning of the New Tax Act.
Item 4 inserts a new subregulation 6 (3) to define that the charge mentioned in clause 2 of the Schedule is the price of the taxable supply within the meaning of the New Tax Act.
Item 5 amends Schedule, clause 2, item 1 column 3 to increase the charge for audiometric testing from $110 to $119.
Item 6 substitutes Schedule, clause 2, item 2, column 3 with paragraphs that provide for an audiological compensation package, monaural, charge of $800 for 12 month periods that end on or before the first anniversary of the commencement of these Regulations and $821 for 12 month periods ending thereafter.
Item 7 substitutes Schedule, clause 2, item 3, column 3 with paragraphs that provide for an audiological compensation package, binaural, charge of $1,400 for 12 month periods that end on or before the first anniversary of the commencement of the proposed Regulations and $1,434 for 12 month periods ending thereafter.
Audiological compensation packages are the provision of certain hearing services in relation to a workers compensation claim.
Item 8 amends the charges in Schedule, clause 2, items 4, 5, 6, 8 and 9 to increase the respective charges by 8.5% and the charge in item 7 from $110 to $119.