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Issued by the Authority of the Minister for Transport and Regional Development
Airports Act 1996
Airports Regulations (Amendment)
Section 252 of the Airports Act 1996 (the Act) provides that the Governor-General may make regulations prescribing matters:
a) required or permitted by this Act to be prescribed; or
b) necessary or convenient to be prescribed for carrying out or giving effect
to this Act.
Section 5 of the Act defines an airport site to be, inter alia, a place "declared by the regulations to be an airport site; and a Commonwealth place".
The Airports Regulations (the Regulations) specify the airports to be declared .airport sites" and the land titles or plan particulars which define the relevant airport sites. Prior to the Airports Regulations (Amendment), the Regulations provided for the sites of Essendon Airport and of the leased, or soon to be leased, Federal airports.
With the establishment of the Sydney Airports Corporation, the Federal airports in the Sydney Basin, namely Sydney, Bankstown, Camden and Hoxton Park, are subject to the Act. Regulation 3 provides for these airports to be included in the list of airport sites that are Commonwealth places, while regulation 5 provides for Schedule 1 of the Regulations to be amended to include the title particulars for these airports.
Regulation 4 provides for the correction of a typographical error.
The amendments to the Regulations commence on gazettal.