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Minute No. 6 of 1998 - Minister for Schools, Vocational Education and Training
Indigenous Education (Supplementary Assistance) Amendment Act 1998
Indigenous Education (Supplementary Assistance 1998-2000) Regulations 1998
Section 15 of the Indigenous Education (Supplementary Assistance) Act 1989 (as amended), provides that the Governor-General may make regulations for the purposes of the Act.
The purpose of the Indigenous Education (Supplementary Assistance 1998-2000) Regulations 1998 (the regulations) is to allow the payment of cost supplementation for funds to organisations and institutions to supplement the cost of delivering educational services to Indigenous students for the period 1 January 1997 to 30 June 1998.
Subsection 13C of the Act provides that the regulations may state numbers to be used for the variation of amounts of supplementary assistance specified in subsections 13B(4),(5),(6) and (7). The regulations specify a number for the period 1 January 1997 to 3 0 June 1998 in respect of supplementary funding paid under subsection 13B(5). Funding specified in subsection 13B(6) for the period 1 January 1998 to 30 June 1999 and subsection 13B(7) for the period 1 January 1999 to 30 June 2000, will be adjusted further by numbers specified in regulations to be made in respect of those periods.
The amounts of funding provided for supplementary assistance are set out in section 13B of the Act and are to be supplemented to meet the costs of inflation by multiplying the amounts in subsections 13B(5),(6) and (7) by the relevant numbers set out in the regulations. The amount specified in subsection 13B(4) will not be supplemented in accordance with the Act as the period during which this funding could be expended expired on 30 June 1997, prior to passage of the Indigenous Education (Supplementary Assistance) Amendment Act 1998 which inserted the supplementation provisions in the Act.
Funding under the Act is supplemented for price movements in line with an index determined by the Minister for Finance and Administration. The index determined by the Minister of Finance and Administration for this purpose is the Wage Cost Index No. 1 (WCI1) which is a composite index comprising 75 per cent Safety Net Adjustment and 25 per cent Treasury Measurement of Underlying Inflation. The latest available WCI1 is for the 1996/97 financial year.
The regulations provide for supplementary assistance for the period 1 January 1997 to 30 June 1998 to be supplemented for the movement in the WCI1 index between the 1995/96 and 1996/97 financial years of 1. 6%, resulting in a stated number of 1. 0 16 to reflect the above changes in the WCI1 index.
The effect of the regulations is to provide an additional $1.6 million in supplementary assistance for the period 1 January 1997 to 30 June 1998.
A Regulation Impact Statement is not required because the regulations have no impact on business.
The regulations commenced on the date of Gazettal.