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Issued by the Authority of the Minister for Primary Industries and Energy
Primary Industries and Energy Research and Development Act 1989
Rural Industries Research and Development Corporation Regulations (Amendment)
Section 149 of the Primary Industries and Energy Research and Development act 1989 (the Act) provides that the Governor-General may make regulations for the purposes of the Act.
Section 9 of the Act establishes the Rural Industries Research And Development Corporation (the Corporation) and provides that the regulations may specify the primary industries or class of primary industries in respect of which the Corporation is established.
Section 5 of the Act provides for a declaration by the regulations as to the levies to be attached to the Corporation. The whole of the levies imposed by section 5 of the Rice Levy Act 1991 is attached by the regulations under this provision.
Section 40 of the Act provides that the regulations may require a Research and Development Corporation to keep separate accounting records in relation to the funding of specified classes of research and development activities, specify the amounts to be credited and debited in the accounting records and the manner in which the amounts are to be calculated. It also provides that the regulations may make provision in relation to the expenditure of money to which the accounting records relate.
The regulations require the Corporation to keep separate accounting records for the rice industry, specify the amounts to be credited and debited to the account and restrict expenditure from rice accounts to research and development activities in respect of rice.
The regulations omit triticale. Section 6 of the Act provides for a levy to be redirected from one Corporation to another. Paragraph 5(1)(d) of the Grains Research and Development Corporation Regulations (SR No 19901235) provides for triticale to be redirected from the Rural Industries Research and Development Corporation to the Grains Research and Development Corporation.
The regulations also make minor changes of a drafting nature to existing regulations for pasture seeds and goat fibre levies.
Details of the proposed regulations are set out below:
Regulation 1.1 provides for the existing regulations to be amended
Regulation 2 provides for additional definitions to be inserted into Regulation 2 (Interpretation) of the existing regulations
Regulation 3 provides for Regulation 4 (Attachment of the triticale levy) of the existing regulations, to be omitted
Regulation_4 provides for Regulation 5 (Accounting records for triticale) of the existing regulations, to be omitted. See Regulation 3 above.
Regulation 5.1 provides for Regulation 7 (Accounting records for pasture seed levy) of the existing regulations, to be amended to take Into account the appropriate collection Act
Regulation 5.2 provides for minor deletions to Regulation 7 (Accounting records for pasture seed levy), paragraphs 7(2)(b) and (c), of the existing regulations, which do not affect the regulations' intention or meaning
Regulation 5.3 provides for minor drafting amendments to Regulation 7 (Accounting records for pasture seed levy), paragraph 7(2)(d) of the existing regulations, which do not affect the regulations' intention or meaning
Regulation 6 provides for similar changes to Regulation 9 (accounting records for goat fibre) of the existing regulations, as those made to pasture seed levy in Regulations 5.1, 5.2 and 5.3 above.
Regulation 7 inserts new regulations after Regulation 9 (Accounting records for goat fibre levy) in the existing regulations. Regulation 9A declares the research levy imposed by section 5 of the Rice Levy Act 1991 to be attached to the Corporation and the growing of rice to be the primary industry to which the levy relates. Regulation 9B requires the Corporation to keep separate accounting records for the rice industry, specifies the amounts to be credited and debited to the account and restricts expenditure from rice accounts to research and development activities in respect of the growing of rice.
The proposed regulations would commence on gazettal.