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Issued by the authority of the Minister for Primary Industries and Energy
Wool International Act 1993
Wool International Regulations
The Wool International Act 1993 (the Act) provides for the Governor-General to make regulations for the purpose of prescribing all matters required or permitted by this Act to be prescribed.
The Act provides for the establishment of Wool International and its functions, powers, membership and related matters. Wool International will be responsible for management and disposal of the stockpile, reducing the debt over time, encouraging the development of market and risk management mechanisms and providing other wool marketing related services. Wool International was established when the Australian Wool Research and Promotion Organisation Act 1993 commenced by Proclamation on 1 December 1993.
Paragraph 23(6)(b) of the Act provides that certain persons from organisations prescribed by regulation may not be appointed as members of Wool International, specifically excluding the president or chairperson of a prescribed organisation. An organisation may only be prescribed for the purposes of paragraph 28(6)(b) if it represents a sector of the wool industry.
The purpose of the Regulations is to exclude the president or chairperson of a number of peak wool industry organisations from appointment as members of Wool International. The reason for this is to avoid any conflict of interest for, and maintain the impartiality of, members. This is also to make clear that members are to be appointed on the basis of having qualifications relevant to, or experience in, certain fields rather than being closely identified with, or representative of, specific sectoral interests.
A person holding the position of president or chairperson of such organisations is not excluded from consideration as a member of Wool International but would need to be prepared to resign their position in order to be appointed.
The proposed Regulations prescribe relevant wool industry peak representative organisations for this purpose and will take effect on gazettal.