New South Wales Bills

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                              New South Wales

Motor Racing Legislation Amendment
(Newcastle 500) Bill 2017

             1   Name of Act                                                  2
             2   Commencement                                                 2
Schedule 1       Amendment of Homebush Motor Racing (Sydney 400) Act 2008
                 No 106                                                       3
I certify that this public bill, which originated in the Legislative Assembly, has finally passed
the Legislative Council and the Legislative Assembly of New South Wales.

                                                Clerk of the Legislative Assembly.
                                                Legislative Assembly,
                                                Sydney,                                   , 2017

                                    New South Wales

Motor Racing Legislation Amendment
(Newcastle 500) Bill 2017

Act No      , 2017

An Act to amend the Homebush Motor Racing (Sydney 400) Act 2008 to facilitate the conduct of
an annual motor race and associated races and events at Newcastle.

I have examined this bill and find it to correspond in all respects with the bill as finally
passed by both Houses.

                                                Assistant Speaker of the Legislative Assembly.
Motor Racing Legislation Amendment (Newcastle 500) Bill 2017 [NSW]

The Legislature of New South Wales enacts:
  1   Name of Act
             This Act is the Motor Racing Legislation Amendment (Newcastle 500) Act 2017.
  2   Commencement
             This Act commences on the date of assent to this Act.

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Motor Racing Legislation Amendment (Newcastle 500) Bill 2017 [NSW]
Schedule 1 Amendment of Homebush Motor Racing (Sydney 400) Act 2008 No 106

Schedule 1            Amendment of Homebush Motor Racing (Sydney
                      400) Act 2008 No 106
[1]   Whole Act (except section 46 and Schedule 2 and where otherwise amended by this
      Omit "Homebush" wherever occurring.
[2]   Long title
      Insert "or Newcastle" after "Homebush".
[3]   Section 1
      Omit the section. Insert instead:
         1   Name of Act
                   This Act is the Motor Racing (Sydney and Newcastle) Act 2008.
[4]   Section 3 Definitions
      Omit the definitions of Homebush motor race and Homebush motor racing period from
      section 3 (1).
      Insert in alphabetical order:
                   motor race means a motor race, and any associated races and events,
                   authorised under Division 1 of Part 3.
                   motor racing period--see section 12.
[5]   Section 12 Minister may declare racing area and racing period
      Omit section 12 (1) and (2). Insert instead:
             (1)   The Minister may, by order published in the Gazette, declare any area within
                   Sydney Olympic Park or the City of Newcastle local government area as the
                   area within which a motor race may be conducted (the declared racing area).
             (2)   The Minister may, by order published in the Gazette, designate the period
                   during which a motor race may be conducted in the declared racing area (the
                   motor racing period).
[6]   Section 13 Approval of person who may apply for authorisation to conduct race (the
      race promoter)
      Omit section 13 (1). Insert instead:
             (1)   The Minister may, by order, approve the person who is entitled to apply to
                   Destination NSW for an authorisation under section 15 to conduct a motor
                   race, and other associated races and events, within the declared racing area
                   during the motor racing period.
[7]   Section 14 Provisions relating to Ministerial orders
      Omit section 14 (1). Insert instead:
             (1)   An order made under this Division may be made to enable the conduct of only
                   one motor race in each year.

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Motor Racing Legislation Amendment (Newcastle 500) Bill 2017 [NSW]
Schedule 1 Amendment of Homebush Motor Racing (Sydney 400) Act 2008 No 106

 [8]   Section 15 Conduct of race requires authorisation by Destination NSW
       Omit section 15 (1) and (2). Insert instead:
             (1)    A motor race, and other associated races and events, are not authorised to be
                    conducted under this Act unless Destination NSW authorises the conduct of
                    the race, and the associated races and events, under this section.
             (2)    Destination NSW may authorise the race promoter to conduct a motor race,
                    and other associated races and events, subject to and in accordance with this
 [9]   Section 17 Authorisation to carry out works
       Omit section 17 (5). Insert instead:
             (5)    Before granting an authorisation under this section, Destination NSW must
                    consult with the following:
                    (a) the Sydney Olympic Park Authority--in relation to a motor race within
                          Sydney Olympic Park,
                    (b) Newcastle City Council--in relation to a motor race within the City of
                          Newcastle local government area,
                    (c) any other public or local authority prescribed by the regulations for the
                          purposes of this subsection.
[10]   Section 18 Community and other consultation
       Omit section 18 (a) (iii). Insert instead:
                          (iii) the Sydney Olympic Park Authority--in relation to a motor race
                                   within Sydney Olympic Park, and
                        (iiia) Newcastle City Council--in relation to a motor race within the
                                   City of Newcastle local government area, and
                        (iiib) any other public or local authority prescribed by the regulations
                                   for the purposes of this paragraph, and
[11]   Section 18 (c)
       Omit "at Sydney Olympic Park and in those areas adjacent to Sydney Olympic Park".
       Insert instead "on land within the works area and land adjacent to the works area".
[12]   Section 22 Removal of unattended motor vehicles
       Omit section 22 (1) and (2). Insert instead:
             (1)    At any time during the motor racing period, the following officers may, and
                    must at the request of Destination NSW, remove any unattended motor vehicle
                    or trailer from the declared racing area:
                    (a) a police officer,
                    (b) a SOPA officer--in relation to a motor race within Sydney Olympic
                    (c) a Newcastle City Council officer--in relation to a motor race within the
                            City of Newcastle local government area.
[13]   Section 22 (5)
       Insert in alphabetical order:
                     Newcastle City Council officer means a person:

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Motor Racing Legislation Amendment (Newcastle 500) Bill 2017 [NSW]
Schedule 1 Amendment of Homebush Motor Racing (Sydney 400) Act 2008 No 106

                    (a) who is employed by Newcastle City Council, or
                    (b) who is subject to the control and direction of that council,
                    and who is an authorised person (within the meaning of the Local Government
                    Act 1993) for the purposes of section 679 of that Act.
[14]   Section 29A
       Insert after section 29:
       29A   Suspension and application of Roads Act 1993
              (1)   Except to the extent that the regulations otherwise provide and subject to any
                    modifications specified in the regulations, the provisions of the Roads Act
                    1993 do not apply within the declared racing area during a motor racing period
                    (including the conduct of a motor race during the motor racing period).
              (2)   A person who is authorised to carry out works under this Act may carry out
                    those works despite the fact that carrying out those works is not authorised
                    (when it is required to be) by, or is contrary to, or inconsistent with, the
                    provisions of the Roads Act 1993 or any regulations made under that Act.
[15]   Section 30 Suspension of certain Acts
       Omit section 30 (2).
[16]   Section 35 Use of official title and official insignia
       Insert "or Newcastle 500" after "Sydney 400" in the definition of official title in
       section 35 (3).
[17]   Section 37 Prohibition of certain advertising on buildings and structures
       Insert "or Newcastle City Council, as appropriate," after "Sydney Olympic Park Authority"
       in section 37 (8) (b).

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