New South Wales Bills

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                               New South Wales

Roads Amendment (Road Tunnel
Pollution Filtration) Bill 2002


                  1 Name of Act                                  2
                  2 Commencement                                 2
                  3 Amendment of Roads Act 1993 No 33            2

        Schedule 1 Amendment                                     3

                              New South Wales

Roads Amendment (Road Tunnel
Pollution Filtration) Bill 2002

No     , 2002

A Bill for

An Act to amend the Roads Act 1993 to require pollution filtration equipment to
be installed and maintained that will remove particulate matter from air exiting the
M5 East motorway tunnel, the proposed Lane Cove Tunnel and the proposed Cross
City Tunnel.
Clause 1         Roads Amendment (Road Tunnel Pollution Filtration) Bill 2002

The Legislature of New South Wales enacts:                                        1

   1     Name of Act                                                              2
             This Act is the Roads Amendment (Road Tunnel Pollution Filtration)   3
             Act 2002.                                                            4

   2     Commencement                                                             5
             This Act commences on the date of assent.                            6

   3     Amendment of Roads Act 1993 No 33                                        7
             The Roads Act 1993 is amended as set out in Schedule 1.              8

Page 2
Roads Amendment (Road Tunnel Pollution Filtration) Bill 2002

Amendment                                                             Schedule 1

Schedule 1           Amendment                                                           1

                                                                           (Section 3)   2

        Section 161A                                                                     3

        Insert after section 161:                                                        4

       161A     RTA to reduce road tunnel air pollution                                  5
                (1) Immediately after the commencement of this section, the RTA          6
                    must install filtration equipment that removes particulate matter    7
                    from air exiting the M5 East motorway tunnel.                        8
                (2) The RTA must ensure that filtration equipment that removes            9
                    particulate matter from air exiting the tunnel will be installed     10
                    before each of the proposed Lane Cove Tunnel and the                 11
                    proposed Cross City Tunnel are operational.                          12
                (3) The RTA must maintain the filtration equipment after its             13
                    installation.                                                        14
                (4) Any money needed to allow the RTA to exercise its functions          15
                    under this section is to be provided out of money to be              16
                    appropriated by Parliament or otherwise legally available.           17

                                                                              Page 3


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