New South Wales Bills

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                       New South Wales

Sporting Venues (Offenders Banning
Orders) Bill 2005


Part 1   Preliminary
          1   Name of Act                                                  2
          2   Commencement                                                 2
          3   Definitions                                                  2

Part 2   Banning orders
          4   Making of banning orders                                     3
          5   Effect of banning order                                      3
          6   Duration of banning order                                    4
          7   Special provision--appeals solely against banning orders
              imposed by District Court                                    4
          8   Revocation of banning orders                                 4
          9   Offence of contravening a ban                                5
Sporting Venues (Offenders Banning Orders) Bill 2005


Part 3       Miscellaneous
              10    Savings, transitional and other provisions     6
              11    Amendment of other Acts                        6
              12    Review of Act                                  6

Schedule 1          Savings, transitional and other provisions     7
Schedule 2          Amendment of Acts                              8

Contents page 2
I certify that this PUBLIC BILL, which originated in the LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY,
has finally passed the LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL and the LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY of

                                               Clerk of the Legislative Assembly.
                                               Legislative Assembly,
                                               Sydney,                     , 2005

                            New South Wales

Sporting Venues (Offenders Banning
Orders) Bill 2005
Act No      , 2005

An Act to provide for the making of banning orders in relation to certain sporting
events; and for related purposes.

I have examined this Bill, and find it to correspond in all respects with the Bill
as finally passed by both Houses.

                          Chairman of Committees of the Legislative Assembly.
Clause 1          Sporting Venues (Offenders Banning Orders) Bill 2005

Part 1            Preliminary

The Legislature of New South Wales enacts:

Part 1         Preliminary
  1      Name of Act
               This Act is the Sporting Venues (Offenders Banning Orders) Act 2005.
  2      Commencement
               This Act commences on a day or days to be appointed by proclamation.
  3      Definitions
         (1)   In this Act:
               banning order means an order made under Part 2.
               sporting event means a sporting event at a sporting venue at which a fee
               is charged, or for which membership of a club or association is required,
               for admission to the venue (or both).
               sporting event offence means any of the following offences if the
               offence occurred at or in connection with a sporting event:
                (a) an offence involving an act of actual or threatened violence,
               (b) the offences of riot and affray under the Crimes Act 1900,
                (c) the offence under section 20D of the Anti-Discrimination Act
                      1977 of serious racial vilification,
               (d) the offence under section 11B of the Summary Offences Act 1988
                      of having custody of an offensive implement in a public place or
                      a school,
                (e) any offence under the Crimes Act 1900 relating to the malicious
                      destruction or damage of property,
                (f) any offence of attempting, conspiring or inciting to commit, or
                      aiding, abetting, counselling or procuring the commission of, an
                      offence referred to in paragraphs (a) to (e).
         (2)   Notes included in this Act do not form part of this Act.

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Sporting Venues (Offenders Banning Orders) Bill 2005                   Clause 4

Banning orders                                                         Part 2

Part 2       Banning orders
  4   Making of banning orders
       (1)   A court that finds a person guilty of a sporting event offence may, in
             addition to any other penalty that may be imposed for the offence, make
             a banning order in relation to the person.
       (2)   A court may make a banning order only if it is satisfied that there are
             reasonable grounds to believe that making the order will help to prevent
             violence or disorder at or in connection with any sporting event.
       (3)   For the purpose of deciding whether to make an order under this section,
             the court may, after the finding of guilt, consider evidence (including
             evidence relating to other conduct of the person) led by the prosecution
             and the defence.
       (4)   It is immaterial whether the evidence led under subsection (3) would
             have been admissible in the proceedings in which the person was found
       (5)   In subsection (2):
             disorder includes the following:
              (a) inciting hatred against a group of persons defined by reference to
                    colour, race, nationality (including citizenship) or ethnic or
                    national origins, or against an individual as a member of such a
             (b) using threatening words or threatening or abusive behaviour,
              (c) displaying any writing or other thing that is threatening or
             violence means violence against persons or property, and includes
             threatening violence and doing anything that endangers the life of any
  5   Effect of banning order
       (1)   A banning order may, according to its terms, prohibit the person who is
             the subject of the order from doing either or both of the following:
              (a) entering, for the purpose of attending a sporting event, any one or
                    more of the following sporting venues:
                     (i) any sporting venue specified in the order,
                    (ii) any sporting venue of a class specified in the order,
                   (iii) any sporting venue at which a sporting event of a class
                          specified in the order is being held,

                                                                             Page 3
Clause 6          Sporting Venues (Offenders Banning Orders) Bill 2005

Part 2            Banning orders

               (b)    coming within the immediate vicinity, or a specified distance, of
                      any one or more of the following sporting venues while a sporting
                      event is being held at the venue or venues:
                       (i) any sporting venue specified in the order,
                      (ii) any sporting venue of a class specified in the order,
                     (iii) any sporting venue at which a sporting event of a class
                             specified in the order is being held.
         (2)   For the purpose of this section, a sporting event is taken to be held at a
               sporting venue for the period commencing 2 hours before the event
               begins and concluding 2 hours after the event has finished.
               Note. A banning order is a sentence for the purpose of appeals under the
               Crimes (Local Courts Appeal and Review) Act 2001 and the Criminal Appeal Act

  6      Duration of banning order
         (1)   A banning order has effect for the period specified in the order.
         (2)   The first banning order made in relation to a person must not be made
               to have effect for a period that exceeds 5 years.
         (3)   The second or any subsequent order made in relation to a person must
               not be made to have effect for a period that exceeds 10 years.
         (4)   If a banning order is made in addition to a sentence of imprisonment by
               way of full-time detention, the court may order that the banning order is
               to commence on the person's release from full-time detention.
  7      Special provision--appeals solely against banning orders imposed by
         District Court
               Despite section 3 of the Criminal Appeal Act 1912, if a person appeals
               to the Court of Criminal Appeal under that Act and the appeal relates
               solely to the making or terms (or both) of a banning order made by the
               District Court, the power of the Court of Criminal Appeal to hear and
               determine the appeal is to be exercised by a single judge of the Supreme
               Court as directed by the Chief Justice.
  8      Revocation of banning orders
         (1)   If a banning order has had effect for at least two-thirds of its specified
               duration, the person subject to the order may apply to the court by which
               it was made to revoke the order.
         (2)   As soon as practicable after a court receives an application for the
               revocation of a banning order, the court is to notify:

Page 4
Sporting Venues (Offenders Banning Orders) Bill 2005                     Clause 9

Banning orders                                                           Part 2

              (a)   if the prosecutor in proceedings that led to the making of the
                    banning order was a police prosecutor--the Commissioner of
                    Police, or
             (b)    in any other case--the Director of Public Prosecutions.
       (3)   A person who is notified under subsection (2) is taken to be the
             respondent in the application proceedings.
       (4)   On the application, the court may revoke the banning order as from a
             specified date or refuse the application.
       (5)   In exercising its powers under subsection (4), the court must have
             regard to the following:
              (a) the person's character,
             (b) the person's conduct since the banning order was made,
              (c) the nature of the offence or conduct that led to the making of the
                   banning order,
             (d) any other circumstances that appear to the court to be relevant.
       (6)   If an application under subsection (1) in respect of a banning order is
             refused, no further application in respect of the order may be made
             within the period of 6 months beginning on the day of the refusal.
       (7)   Despite section 212 of the Criminal Procedure Act 1986, the court may
             award costs (including professional costs) in application proceedings at
             its discretion and may determine by whom, to whom and to what extent
             costs are to be paid in or in relation to application proceedings.
       (8)   An order for the payment of costs by the applicant made by a court
             under subsection (7) is taken to be a fine within the meaning of the Fines
             Act 1996.
       (9)   In this section, professional costs means costs relating to professional
             expenses and disbursements (including witnesses' expenses) in respect
             of proceedings before a court.
  9   Offence of contravening a ban
             A person who contravenes a banning order is guilty of an offence.
             Maximum penalty: 50 penalty units or imprisonment for 6 months, or

                                                                              Page 5
Clause 10         Sporting Venues (Offenders Banning Orders) Bill 2005

Part 3            Miscellaneous

Part 3         Miscellaneous
10       Savings, transitional and other provisions
               Schedule 1 has effect.
11       Amendment of other Acts
               The Acts specified in Schedule 2 are amended as set out in that
12       Review of Act
         (1)   The Minister is to review this Act to determine whether the policy
               objectives of the Act remain valid and whether the terms of the Act
               remain appropriate for securing those objectives.
         (2)   The review is to be undertaken as soon as possible after the period of
               5 years from the date of assent to this Act.
         (3)   A report on the outcome of the review is to be tabled in each House of
               Parliament within 12 months after the end of the period of 5 years.

Page 6
Sporting Venues (Offenders Banning Orders) Bill 2005

Savings, transitional and other provisions                               Schedule 1

Schedule 1               Savings, transitional and other
                                                                           (Section 10)

Part 1        General
  1    Regulations
       (1)    The Governor may make regulations of a savings or transitional nature
              consequent on the enactment of the following Acts:
              this Act
       (2)    Any such provision may, if the regulations so provide, take effect from
              the date of assent to the Act concerned or a later date.
       (3)    To the extent to which any such provision takes effect from a date that
              is earlier than the date of its publication in the Gazette, the provision
              does not operate so as:
               (a) to affect, in a manner prejudicial to any person (other than the
                     State or an authority of the State), the rights of that person
                     existing before the date of its publication, or
              (b) to impose liabilities on any person (other than the State or an
                     authority of the State) in respect of anything done or omitted to
                     be done before the date of its publication.

Part 2        Provisions consequent on enactment of this
  2    Banning orders only to be made in relation to offences committed after
       commencement of Act
              Section 4 of this Act applies only to offences committed after the
              commencement of that section.

                                                                               Page 7
                Sporting Venues (Offenders Banning Orders) Bill 2005

Schedule 2      Amendment of Acts

Schedule 2             Amendment of Acts
                                                                            (Section 11)

2.1 Crimes (Local Courts Appeal and Review) Act 2001 No 120
      Section 3 Definitions
      Insert at the end of paragraph (e) of the definition of sentence in section 3 (1):
                     (f) a banning order made by a Local Court under the Sporting
                           Venues (Offenders Banning Orders) Act 2005.

2.2 Criminal Appeal Act 1912 No 16
      Section 2 Definitions
      Insert in appropriate order in the definition of Sentence in section 2 (1):
                    (j) a banning order under the Sporting Venues (Offenders
                          Banning Orders) Act 2005,

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