New South Wales Bills

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                               New South Wales

Technical and Further Education
Commission Amendment (Closure of
TAFE Establishments) Bill 2000


                  1 Name of Act                                             2
                  2 Commencement                                            2
                  3 Amendment of Technical and Further Education
                    Commission Act 1990 No 118                              2
       Schedule 1 Amendments                                                3

                             New South Wales

Technical and Further Education
Commission Amendment (Closure of
TAFE Establishments) Bill 2000

No     , 2000

A Bill for

An Act to amend the Technical and Further Education Commission Act 1990 so
as to require consultation and review before any TAFE establishment is closed; and
for other purposes.
Clause 1        Technical and Further Education Commission Amendment (Closure of
                TAFE Establishments) Bill 2000

The Legislature of New South Wales enacts:                                         1

  1      Name of Act                                                               2
             This Act is the Technical and Further Education Commission            3
             Amendment (Closure of TAFE Establishments) Act 2000.                  4

  2      Commencement                                                              5
             This Act commences on the date of assent.                             6

  3      Amendment of Technical and Further Education Commission Act               7
         1990 No 118                                                               8
             The Technical and Further Education Commission Act 1990 is             9
             amended as set out in Schedule 1.                                     10

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Technical and Further Education Commission Amendment (Closure of
TAFE Establishments) Bill 2000

Amendments                                                              Schedule 1

Schedule 1          Amendments                                                           1

                                                                           (Section 3)   2

 [1]   Section 7 Miscellaneous functions                                                 3

       Insert after section 7 (1) (a):                                                   4
                    (a1)    close any TAFE establishment, but only in accordance         5
                            with Part 3A (if that Part applies), and                     6

 [2]   Part 3A                                                                           7

       Insert after section 8:                                                           8

       Part 3A Closure of TAFE establishments                                            9

        8A    Closure of TAFE establishments must be in accordance with                  10
              this Part                                                                  11
               (1) The TAFE Commission must not close any TAFE                           12
                   establishment except in accordance with this Part.                    13
               (2) For the purposes of this Act, a TAFE establishment is closed          14
                   when it ceases to provide technical and further education.            15

        8B    Commencement of procedure to close a TAFE establishment                    16
                    The TAFE Commission may, if it proposes to close a TAFE              17
                    establishment, commence the procedure set out in this Part by:       18
                    (a)     giving notice of the proposal, in accordance with section    19
                            8C, to each person or body, and in each type of              20
                            newspaper, referred to in that section, and                  21
                    (b)     establishing a TAFE Establishment Closure Review             22
                            Committee in accordance with section 8D.                     23

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               Technical and Further Education Commission Amendment (Closure of
               TAFE Establishments) Bill 2000

Schedule 1     Amendments

         8C   Notice of proposal to close a TAFE establishment                       1
              (1) Written notice of a proposal to close a TAFE establishment         2
                  must be given to:                                                  3
                  (a)    the Executive Officer of the TAFE establishment             4
                         concerned, and                                              5
                  (b)    the student representative body of the TAFE                 6
                         establishment,                                              7
                  (c)    the NSW Teachers Federation, and                            8
                  (d)    the Public Service Association of NSW, and                  9
                  (e)    the Federation of Parents and Citizens' Association of      10
                         NSW.                                                        11
              (2) Notice of such a proposal must also be published in:               12
                  (a)    at least one local newspaper circulating generally in the   13
                        area in which the TAFE establishment is located, and         14
                  (b)   at least one newspaper circulating throughout the State.     15

         8D   TAFE Establishment Closure Review Committee                            16
              (1) The TAFE Commission must establish a TAFE Establishment            17
                  Closure Review Committee within 28 days after giving public        18
                  notice under section 8C (2) (a) of any proposal to close a TAFE    19
                  establishment.                                                     20
              (2) A TAFE Establishment Closure Review Committee is to                21
                  comprise:                                                          22
                  (a)   an independent person appointed by the TAFE                  23
                        Commission, who is to chair the Committee, and               24
                  (b)   the Managing Director or a nominee of the Managing           25
                        Director, and                                                26
                  (c)   a nominee of the Local Government Association of             27
                        New South Wales, and                                         28
                  (d)   a nominee of the student representative body of the          29
                        TAFE establishment, and                                      30
                  (e)   a nominee of the New South Wales Teachers                    31
                        Federation, and                                              32
                  (f)   a nominee of the TAFE Commission.                            33

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Technical and Further Education Commission Amendment (Closure of
TAFE Establishments) Bill 2000

Amendments                                                          Schedule 1

              (3) The procedure of a TAFE Establishment Closure Review              1
                  Committee is to be as determined by the Minister.                 2
              (4) If the TAFE Commission proposes to close more than one            3
                  TAFE establishment, a separate TAFE Establishment Closure         4
                  Review Committee is to be established in relation to each         5
                  TAFE establishment that is proposed to be closed.                 6

        8E    Conduct of review of proposed closure                                 7
              (1) A TAFE Establishment Closure Review Committee must                 8
                  review the proposal to close the TAFE establishment to which       9
                  it relates.                                                       10
              (2) In conducting a review in relation to a TAFE establishment, the   11
                  Committee:                                                        12
                  (a)    is to call for submissions and seek expert demographic     13
                         and educational advice on both the present and possible    14
                         future use of the TAFE establishment, and                  15
                  (b)    is to seek and have regard to the views of the local       16
                         community concerned, staff of the TAFE establishment       17
                         and students attending the TAFE establishment, and         18
                  (c)    is required to meet with representatives of those local    19
                         communities, staff and students.                           20
              (3) In making any recommendations concerning the closure of the       21
                  TAFE establishment, the Committee is to have regard               22
                  primarily to the educational needs of the local community         23
                  concerned and of the State.                                       24

        8F    Recommendations of TAFE Establishment Closure Review                  25
              Committee                                                             26
              (1) A TAFE Establishment Closure Review Committee is to make          27
                  recommendations to the TAFE Commission concerning the             28
                  closure of the TAFE establishment to which the Committee          29
                  relates.                                                          30
              (2) Such recommendations must be made no earlier than 18              31
                  months after the Committee is established.                        32

                                                                          Page 5
                  Technical and Further Education Commission Amendment (Closure of
                  TAFE Establishments) Bill 2000

Schedule 1        Amendments

          8G    TAFE Commission must not act until Committee makes                       1
                recommendation                                                           2
                (1) The TAFE Commission must not close a TAFE establishment              3
                    until the TAFE Establishment Closure Review Committee that           4
                    relates to that proposed closure has made its recommendations        5
                    under section 8F.                                                    6
                (2) If the TAFE Commission decides not to accept any                      7
                    recommendation of the TAFE Establishment Closure Review               8
                    Committee, the TAFE Commission must make public the                   9
                    reasons for its decision.                                            10

          8H    Application of this Part                                                 11
                      The procedure set out in this Part does not apply to the closure   12
                      of a TAFE establishment if:                                        13
                      (a)    the TAFE Commission Board is satisfied that there are       14
                             exceptional or emergency circumstances that require an      15
                             earlier closure of the TAFE establishment, or               16
                      (b)    a majority of the students attending a particular TAFE      17
                             establishment have, either before or after the making of    18
                             an announcement under this Part, expressed their            19
                             consent to the closure by writing (either individually or   20
                             collectively) to the Minister or the TAFE Commission.       21

 [3]     Schedule 4 Savings, transitional and other provisions                           22

         Insert after clause 10:                                                         23

         Part 4 Provisions consequent on enactment of                                    24
                amendments                                                               25

          11    Provision consequent on enactment of Technical and Further               26
                Education Commission Amendment (Closure of TAFE                          27
                Establishments) Act 2000                                                 28
                (1) The amendments made by the amending Act extend to any                29
                    proposed closure of a TAFE establishment that was under              30
                    consideration immediately before the date of assent to the           31
                    amending Act.                                                        32

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Technical and Further Education Commission Amendment (Closure of
TAFE Establishments) Bill 2000

Amendments                                                          Schedule 1

              (2) After the date of assent to the amending Act no TAFE              1
                  establishment is to be closed otherwise than in accordance with   2
                  the provisions of Part 3A (if they apply).                        3
              (3) In this clause, amending Act means the Technical and Further      4
                  Education Commission Amendment (Closure of TAFE                   5
                  Establishments) Act 2000.                                         6

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