(1) A person who is not a registered health practitioner must not knowingly or recklessly--(a) take or use the title of "registered health practitioner", whether with or without any other words; or(b) take or use a title, name, initial, symbol, word or description that, having regard to the circumstances in which it is taken or used, indicates or could be reasonably understood to indicate--(i) the person is a health practitioner; or(ii) the person is authorised or qualified to practise in a health profession; or(c) claim to be registered under this Law or hold himself or herself out as being registered under this Law; or(d) claim to be qualified to practise as a health practitioner.: Maximum penalty--(a) in the case of an individual--$60,000 or 3 years imprisonment or both; or(b) in the case of a body corporate--$120,000.
(2) A person must not knowingly or recklessly--(a) take or use the title of "registered health practitioner", whether with or without any other words, in relation to another person who is not a registered health practitioner; or(b) take or use a title, name, initial, symbol, word or description that, having regard to the circumstances in which it is taken or used, indicates or could be reasonably understood to indicate--(i) another person is a health practitioner if the other person is not a health practitioner; or(ii) another person is authorised or qualified to practise in a health profession if the other person is not a registered health practitioner in that health profession; or(c) claim another person is registered under this Law, or hold the other person out as being registered under this Law, if the other person is not registered under this Law; or(d) claim another person is qualified to practise as a health practitioner if the other person is not a registered health practitioner.: Maximum penalty--(a) in the case of an individual--$60,000 or 3 years imprisonment or both; or(b) in the case of a body corporate--$120,000.