(1) Subject to this Division, a student register kept by a National Board must be kept in the way the National Agency considers appropriate.
(2) A student register kept by a National Board must include the following information for each student whose name is included in the register--(a) the student's name;(b) the student's date of birth;(c) the student's sex;(d) the student's mailing address and any other contact details;(e) the name of the education provider that is providing the approved program of study being undertaken by the student;(f) the date on which the student was first registered, whether under this law or a corresponding prior Act;(g) the date on which the student started the approved program of study;(h) the date on which the student is expected to complete the approved program of study;(i) if the student has completed or otherwise ceased to be enrolled in the approved program of study, the date of the completion or cessation;(j) if a condition has been imposed on the student's registration, details of the condition;(k) if the Board accepts an undertaking from the student, details of the undertaking;(l) any other information the Board considers appropriate.