(1) A National Board must give an identity card to each inspector it appoints.
(2) The identity card must--(a) contain a recent photograph of the inspector; and(b) be signed by the inspector; and(c) identify the person as an inspector appointed by the National Board; and(d) include an expiry date.
(3) This section does not prevent the issue of a single identity card to a person--(a) if the person is appointed as an inspector for this Law by more than one National Board; or(b) if the person is appointed as an inspector and investigator for this Law by a National Board; or(c) for this Law and other Acts.
(4) A person who ceases to be an inspector must give the person's identity card to the National Board that appointed the person within 7 days after the person ceases to be an inspector, unless the person has a reasonable excuse.