In the exercise of any of its functions under Part 8 with respect to a complaint about a registered health practitioner or a student, a Council must have regard to any of the following matters, to the extent the Council reasonably considers the matter to be relevant to the complaint--
(a) another complaint or notification about the practitioner or student made to the Council or the National Agency, or made to a former Board under a repealed Act, including a complaint--(i) in respect of which the Council, the Commission or a National Board has decided no further action should be taken; and(ii) that is not required to be referred, or that the Council or the Commission decides not to refer, under Division 3 of Part 8;
(b) a previous finding or decision of a Council inquiry in relation to the practitioner or student;
(c) a previous finding or decision of a board inquiry, professional standards committee or a tribunal established under a repealed Act in respect of the practitioner or student;
(d) a written report made by an assessor following an assessment of the practitioner's professional performance;
(e) a recommendation made, or written statement of decision on a performance review provided, by a Performance Review Panel in relation to the practitioner.