For the purposes of section 10 (1) (d), the number of ordinary members prescribed in respect of a club--
(a) whose premises are situated within a radius of 24 kilometres from the General Post Office in Sydney is--(i) in a case where a certificate of registration under the Liquor Act 1912 in respect of the club was in force immediately before the commencement of the Liquor (Amendment) Act 1954 --sixty, or(ii) in any other case--200 or such lesser number, not being less than 60, as the Authority may in special circumstances determine in respect of the club, or
(b) whose premises are situated elsewhere, is--(i) in a case where a certificate of registration under the Liquor Act 1912 was in force immediately before the commencement of the Liquor (Amendment) Act 1954 --thirty, or(ii) in any other case--100 or such lesser number, not being less than 30, as the Authority may in special circumstances determine in respect of the club.