(1) For the purposes of this part, the production of a reproduction of a document to a court in answer to a legal process, or the admission of such a reproduction in evidence in a proceeding, shall not be precluded on the ground that it is not a copy of an original document or, where the reproduction is a print made from a transparency, on the ground that the transparency does not bear an image of an original document, if the reproduction is not such a copy, or the transparency does not bear such an image, by reason only of the fact—(a) that, in the process by which the reproduction or transparency was made, the colours or tones appearing in the original document were altered or reversed in the reproduction or transparency; or(b) that any number or mark of identification added for the purposes of section 113 appears in the reproduction or transparency.
(2) A document may be certified under division 2 of this part to be a reproduction of an original document notwithstanding that—(a) any writing or representation describing or identifying colours in the original document appears in the reproduction; or(b) any colours appearing in the reproduction were added after it was made and before certification.