Either of the following documents—
(a) a document (an
"intelligence agency document" ) that has originated with, or has been received from, any of the following entities—(i) the Australian Secret Intelligence Service;(ii) the Australian Security Intelligence Organisation;(iii) the Inspector-General of Intelligence and Security;(iv) the Office of National Assessments;(v) the Defence Imagery and Geospatial Organisation;(vi) the Defence Intelligence Organisation;(vii) the Defence Signals Directorate;
(b) a document that contains a summary of, or an extract or information from, an intelligence agency document, to the extent that it contains such a summary, extract or information.
A document created or received in carrying out activities under the Terrorism (Preventative Detention) Act 2005 .
Any of the following documents—
(a) a document under, or a document to the extent it comprises information about an activity under, the Crime and Corruption Act 2001 , chapter 3 , part 6 , division 2 or 3 ;Note—Part 6 deals with surveillance devices.
(b) a document under, or a document to the extent it comprises information about an activity under, the Crime and Corruption Act 2001 , chapter 3 , part 6A ;Note—Part 6A deals with controlled operations and controlled activities for misconduct offences.
(c) a document under, or a document to the extent it comprises information about an activity under, the Crime and Corruption Act 2001 , chapter 3 , part 6B , divisions 2 to 7 ;Note—Part 6B deals with assumed identities.
(d) a covert search warrant under the Crime and Corruption Act 2001 , chapter 3 , part 7 ;
(e) an additional powers warrant under the Crime and Corruption Act 2001 , chapter 3 , part 8 ;
(f) a document mentioned in the Crime and Corruption Act 2001 , section 371 ;
(g) a document to the extent it comprises data, or that is or forms part of a record, of the CJC inquiry mentioned in the Crime and Corruption Act 2001 , section 346C .
Either of the following documents—
(a) a document under, or a document to the extent it comprises information about an activity under, any of the following provisions of the Police Powers and Responsibilities Act 2000 —• chapter 10• chapter 11• chapter 12 , parts 2 to 7• chapter 13• chapter 18 if it would enable either of the following to be revealed—• the identity of a person in relation to whom a disease test order within the meaning of the Police Powers and Responsibilities Act 2000 is made• the identity of a victim of an offence to which the Police Powers and Responsibilities Act 2000 , chapter 18 applies;
(b) a document to the extent it comprises information kept in a register under the Police Powers and Responsibilities Act 2000 , chapter 21 , part 2 , division 2 .Note—Chapter 10 deals with controlled activities. Chapter 11 deals with controlled operations. Chapter 12 deals with assumed identities. Chapter 13 deals with surveillance device warrants. Chapter 18 deals with blood and urine testing of persons suspected of committing sexual or other serious assault offences. Chapter 21 , part 2 , division 2 deals with a register of covert acts.
A document created under the Police Service Administration Act 1990 , part 5A .
Note—Part 5A deals with alcohol and drug tests for members of the police service.
A document created, or received, by the Queensland Integrity Commissioner for the Integrity Act 2009 , chapter 3 .
A document of an agency that is a coronial document (other than a document given to, or accessed by, the agency under the Coroners Act 2003 , section 25 , 54 or 54A ) while a coroner is investigating the death to which the document relates.
A document created for a root cause analysis of a reportable event under—
(a) the Ambulance Service Act 1991 , part 4A ; or
(b) the Hospital and Health Boards Act 2011 , part 6 .
Notes—1 For what is a root cause analysis of a reportable event under the Ambulance Service Act 1991 , part 4A , see sections 36A and 36B .2 For what is a root cause analysis of a reportable event under the Hospital and Health Boards Act 2011 , part 6 , see sections 94 and 95 .
Either of the following documents—
(a) a document created, or received, by the Workers’ Compensation Regulator in carrying out its function of monitoring the financial performance of self-insurers within the meaning of the Workers’ Compensation and Rehabilitation Act 2003 ;
(b) a document created, or received, by WorkCover Queensland in carrying out its commercial activities other than activities about policies, applications for compensation, or proceedings for damages.
Any of the following documents under the Biodiscovery Act 2004 —
(a) a benefit sharing agreement;
(b) a record kept by a department about a benefit sharing agreement or proposed benefit sharing agreement;
(c) a subsequent use agreement;
(d) a record kept by a department about a subsequent use agreement;
(e) a record kept by a department about a collection authority;
(f) a document identifying a person who gave a sample of native biological material to a receiving entity under section 30 of that Act.
A document to the extent it contains confidential commercial information under the Gene Technology Act 2000 (Cwlth) , as applied as a law of Queensland by the Gene Technology (Queensland) Act 2016 .
Either of the following documents—
(a) a document in connection with any of the following matters under the Sugar Industry Act 1999 that was held by the Sugar Authority on or after 1 July 2004 and before 1 January 2006—(i) the giving of a periodic estimate;(ii) the making or granting of an application for an exemption;(iii) the giving of an annual return;
(b) a document in connection with either of the following matters under the Sugar Industry Act 1999 that was given to the Sugar Industry Commissioner on or after 1 January 2006 and before 1 July 2008—(i) the making or granting of an application for an exemption;(ii) the giving of an annual return.
A document—
(a) that is created, or received, by the Brisbane Organising Committee for the 2032 Olympic and Paralympic Games in carrying out its functions under the Brisbane Olympic and Paralympic Games Arrangements Act 2021 ; and
(b) to the extent it comprises information not already in the public domain that was communicated in confidence by or for the Australian Olympic Committee or the International Olympic Committee.
A document to which the repealed Freedom of Information Act 1992 did not apply under section 11A of that Act.
A document to which the repealed Freedom of Information Act 1992 did not apply under section 11B of that Act.
Either of the following documents—
(a) a document received by or for the Attorney-General, the justice department or a judicial appointments adviser that expresses a person’s interest in being considered for judicial appointment in Queensland;
(b) a document created, or received, by or for the Attorney-General, the justice department or a judicial appointments adviser for the purpose of—(i) consulting on, or nominating, candidates for judicial appointment in Queensland; or(ii) otherwise carrying out a function under a judicial appointments protocol.