A cease work notice, in relation to a direction given under section 85 (1) or (3) , must state—
(a) briefly, the health and safety representative’s concern and the basis for that concern by reference to—(i) the risk to the worker’s health or safety; and(ii) the work that, if carried out, will expose the worker to a serious risk to the worker’s health or safety; and
(b) whether the direction is given under section 85 (1) or (3) ; and
(c) a description of the work group, or the name of the worker, subject to the direction; and
(d) the day and time—(i) if the direction is given under section 85 (1) —the notice is given to the worker; or(ii) if the direction is given under section 85 (3) —the direction was given to the worker; and
(e) if the direction is given under section 85 (1) —confirmation the health and safety representative has—(i) consulted about the matter with the person conducting the business or undertaking; and(ii) attempted to resolve the matter as an issue under division 5 ; and
(f) the name of the health and safety representative.