5—Prescribed bodies (sections 3, 4 and 5)
(1) For the purposes
paragraph (d) of the definition of "pollutant" in section 3(1) of
the Act, and for the purposes of section 5(1)(b) of the Act, the
following bodies are prescribed:
Australian Conservation Foundation Inc;
Business Council for Sustainable Development Australia;
Conservation Council of South Australia Incorporated;
Environmental Defenders Office (SA) Incorporated;
Environmental Health Australia;
Local Government Association of South Australia Incorporated;
National Environmental Law Association Limited (SA Branch);
Primary Producers SA Incorporated;
Royal Australian Chemical Institute Inc.;
(j) SA
South Australian Chamber of Mines and Energy Incorporated;
South Australian Employers' Chamber of Commerce and Industry Incorporated
(trading as Business SA);
South Australian Fire and Emergency Services Commission (established under
Part 2 Division 1 of the Fire and Emergency Services Act 2005
(n) The
Australian Industry Group;
(o) The
Nature Conservation Society of South Australia Incorporated;
Waste Management and Resource Recovery Association of Australia Ltd.
(2) For the purposes
of section 4(1)(b) of the Act, the following bodies are prescribed:
Conservation Council of South Australia Incorporated;
Local Government Association of South Australia Incorporated;
South Australian Employers' Chamber of Commerce and Industry Incorporated
(trading as Business SA);
(d) The
Australian Industry Group;
Waste Management and Resource Recovery Association of Australia Ltd.