10—Transitional provision—meetings in year of first election
The following provisions apply in respect of the calendar year in which the
first election of members of Local First Nations Voices after the commencement
of Schedule 2 clause 3 of the Act occurs (the "relevant year ):
(a) a
Local First Nations Voice need not comply with the requirement in
section 16(2) of the Act to meet not less than 4 times in the
relevant year;
(b) the
State First Nations Voice need not comply with the requirement in
section 22(1) of the Act to convene, at least once in the relevant year,
a meeting of all Local First Nations Voices;
(c) the
State First Nations Voice need not comply with the requirement in
section 29(2) of the Act to meet not less than 4 times in the
relevant year;
(d) the
requirement in section 43(1) of the Act for the State First Nations Voice
and the Cabinet to meet at least twice in the relevant year need not be
complied with;
(e) the
Premier need not comply with the requirement in section 45(1) of the Act
to cause a Chief Executive's briefing to be held at least twice in the
relevant year;
(f) the
Premier need not comply with the requirement in section 46(1) of the Act
to cause an engagement hearing to be held in the relevant year.