(1) There is established an Animal Welfare Advisory Committee consisting of (a) a person appointed as chairperson of the Advisory Committee; and(b) a person nominated by the Secretary of the responsible Department in relation to the Animal Welfare Act 1993 ; and(c) a person nominated by the Secretary of the responsible Department in relation to the Nature Conservation Act 2002 ; and(d) a person nominated by the Secretary of the responsible Department in relation to the Police Service Act 2003 ; and(da) a person nominated by the Secretary of the responsible Department in relation to the Racing Regulation and Integrity Act 2004 ; and(e) a person nominated by the Municipal Association of Tasmania; and(f) a person nominated by the University of Tasmania; and(g) a person to represent the sporting and recreational users of animals; and(h) a person to represent the intensive animal industry including the pig and poultry industries; and(i) a person nominated by the Tasmanian Farmers and Graziers Association to represent the grazing animal industry; and(j) a person nominated by the Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals; and(k) a registered veterinary surgeon nominated by the Australian Veterinary Association; and(l) a person nominated by Animals Australia Incorporated; and(m) such other persons as the Minister considers appropriate.(2) The members are appointed by the Minister.(3) A member of the Advisory Committee may, with the approval of the Minister, appoint a person nominated by the organization which the member represents as his or her deputy.(3A) The Secretary of a responsible Department referred to in paragraph (b) , (c) or (d) of subsection (1) may, with the approval of the Minister, appoint a person as a deputy to the person nominated in paragraph (b) , (c) or (d) of subsection (1) .(4) If a nomination under subsection (1) is not made within 30 days after the date on which that nomination is required by the Minister to be made, the Minister may appoint suitably qualified persons for appointment under that subsection.(5) If a body referred to in paragraph (e) , (i) , (j) , (k) or (l) of subsection (1) changes its name, the Minister may, by order, amend that paragraph by substituting the body's new name.(6) If a body referred to in paragraph (e) , (i) , (j) , (k) or (l) of subsection (1) ceases to exist, the Minister, on the recommendation of the Advisory Committee, may, by order, amend that paragraph by substituting the name of a body which the Minister is satisfied substantially represents the interests represented by the first-mentioned body.(7) Schedule 1 has effect with respect to members of the Advisory Committee.(8) Schedule 2 has effect with respect to meetings of the Advisory Committee.