(1) The Governor in Council may make regulations for or with respect to any matter or thing required or permitted by this Act to be prescribed or necessary to be prescribed to give effect to this Act, including but not limited to the following matters—
S. 191(1)(a) amended by No. 22/1998 s. 43(Sch. item 15).
(a) the acquisition and possession of cartridge ammunition or classes of cartridge ammunition, including—
S. 191(1)(a)(i) amended by No. 22/1998 s. 43(Sch. item 15).
(i) specifying amounts of cartridge ammunition that may be acquired by persons or classes of persons; and
S. 191(1)(a)(ii) amended by No. 22/1998 s. 43(Sch. item 15).
(ii) specifying amounts of cartridge ammunition that may be possessed by persons or classes of persons;
(b) any devices which are not to fall within the definition of firearms;
(c) classes of firearms that fall within the definitions of category D or E longarms;
S. 191(1)(ca) inserted by No. 28/2003 s. 71.
(ca) classes of firearms that fall within the definition of category E handguns;
(d) classes of persons that fall within the definition of prohibited person;
(e) reasons for which persons may need licences to possess, carry or use category B longarms or handguns;
(f) reasons for which the Chief Commissioner must not issue licences under the Act;
(g) fees for any application or for the issue or renewal of any licence or permit or the giving of any approval made under the Act;
(h) fees which may be charged by firearms dealers when acting as agents;
(i) fees for applications to the Committee to review decisions of the Chief Commissioner;
(j) forms for the purposes of the Act;
(k) particulars to be included in applications, forms, notices, registers or other documents under the Act;
(l) grounds for the cancellation of licences under the Act;
(m) particulars which must be kept on the firearms register or any other document or by any other person or class or persons;
(n) grounds upon which licences, permits or other approvals may be varied;
(o) grounds upon which renewals of licences, permits or other approvals may be refused;
(p) items for which permits to possess, carry or use are required;
(q) grounds for refusing to issue permits;
S. 191(1)(qa) inserted by No. 9/2003 s. 14.
(qa) the manner in which searches are to be conducted;
S. 191(1)(qb) inserted by No. 9/2003 s. 14.
(qb) particulars to be included in records of searches;
(r) the procedure of the Committee, whether sitting as a whole or in Divisions;
(s) offences in respect of which infringement notices may be issued.
(2) Regulations made under this Act—
(a) may be of general or limited application;
(b) may differ according to differences in time place or circumstances; and
(c) may confer a discretionary authority or impose a duty on a specified person or body or a specified class of persons or bodies; and
(d) may impose a penalty not exceeding 5 penalty units for a contravention of the regulations; and
(e) may make provision for—
(i) a scale of fees according to the nature of the licence, permit or approval provided; or
(ii) the reduction, waiver or refund in whole or in part of the fees.
(3) If, under subsection (2)(e), regulations provide for a reduction, waiver or refund in whole or in part of a fee, the reduction, waiver or refund may be expressed to apply either generally or specifically—
(a) in respect of certain matters or transactions or classes of matters or transactions;
(b) in respect of certain documents or classes of documents;
(c) when an event happens;
(d) in respect of certain persons or classes of persons; or
(e) in respect of any combination of such matters, transactions, documents, events or persons—
and may be expressed to apply subject to specified conditions or in the
discretion of any specified person or body.
Part 12—Transitional provisions