(1) The RSPCA, the
Commissioner of Police and the chief executive officers of —
(a) the
Department; and
Agriculture WA; and
(c) the
Biodiversity Conservation Department; and
Fisheries Western Australia; and
every local government,
are each to appoint as
authorised persons as many members of their staff as are required for the
purposes of this Division.
(2) A person appointed
under subsection (1) by the RSPCA or the Commissioner of Police is an
authorised person only in respect of infringement notices given by the RSPCA
or the Commissioner of Police respectively.
(3) A person appointed
under subsection (1) by the chief executive officer of a department or a local
government is an authorised person only in respect of infringement notices
given by that department or local government.
(4) A person cannot be
both an authorised person and an inspector.
[Section 64 amended: No. 24 of 2016 s. 310(10).]