Australian Capital Territory Bills
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This is a Bill, not an Act. For current law, see the Acts databases.
(As presented)
(Mr Brendan Smyth)
(Bushfire Reporting) Amendment Bill 2009
(As presented)
(Mr Brendan Smyth)
Emergencies (Bushfire
Reporting) Amendment Bill 2009
A Bill for
An Act to amend the
Emergencies Act
The Legislative Assembly for the Australian Capital Territory enacts as
This Act is the Emergencies (Bushfire Reporting) Amendment
Act 2009.
This Act commences on the day after its notification day.
Note The naming and commencement provisions automatically commence
on the notification day (see Legislation Act, s 75 (1)).
This Act amends the Emergencies Act 2004.
Part 5.3B Bushfire preparedness
85F Definitions—pt 5.3B
In this part:
appropriate standing committee means—
(a) the standing committee of the Legislative Assembly nominated by the
Speaker for this part; or
(b) if no nomination under paragraph (a) is in effect—the standing
committee of the Legislative Assembly responsible for the consideration of
emergency services issues.
bushfire preparedness report—see section 85G.
bushfire recommendation means a recommendation in relation to
the management of bushfires in the ACT arising from—
(a) a report prepared or commissioned by the Territory; or
(b) a plan prepared under this Act; or
(c) an inquest under the Coroners Act 1997.
firefighting services, in relation to bushfires, means
services for the protection of life, property and the environment from
relevant entity—each of the following is a
relevant entity:
(a) the fire brigade;
(b) the rural fire service;
(c) the SES;
(d) a manager of territory land or land occupied by the
85G Bushfire preparedness
The Minister must give the Legislative Assembly, by the last sitting day
before September in each year, a report (the bushfire preparedness
report) that includes the information required under sections 85H to
85H Bushfire preparedness report
requirements—previous bushfire season
The bushfire preparedness report must include the following information in
relation to the immediately previous bushfire season in the ACT:
(a) the total number of bushfires attended by an emergency
(b) the total area of land burnt by bushfires;
(c) the total cost to the Territory of undertaking firefighting services
in relation to bushfires, and the estimated financial impact of bushfires on the
ACT economy generally;
(d) the number of members of the fire brigade, rural fire service or SES
engaged, including as volunteers, for firefighting services in relation to
(e) the total number of bushfires in other States attended by members of
the fire brigade, rural fire service or SES, the total number of members who
attended and the total cost to the Territory of the attendance.
85I Bushfire preparedness report
requirements—budgets, staffing, fire appliances etc for upcoming bushfire
(1) The bushfire preparedness report must include the following
information in relation to the state of preparedness of each relevant entity to
deal with bushfires in the ACT during the upcoming bushfire season:
(a) the allocation, in the budget of each relevant entity, for resources
for firefighting services in relation to bushfires;
staff, vehicles, aircraft, other fire appliances
Note An example is part of the Act, is not exhaustive and may
extend, but does not limit, the meaning of the provision in which it appears
(see Legislation Act, s 126 and s 132).
(b) a list of plans prepared under this Act in relation to
(c) a list of studies conducted or commissioned by the Territory in the
previous 12 months in relation to bushfires;
(d) the number, state of repair, age and availability of vehicles that are
intended to be used for firefighting services in relation to
(e) the state of repair, age and availability of other fire appliances
that are intended to be used for firefighting services in relation to
(f) the number of members of each relevant entity and community fire unit
available for firefighting services in relation to bushfires;
(g) the level and currency of training in accredited courses of the
members mentioned in paragraph (f);
(h) a long range weather forecast for the bushfire season.
(2) In this section:
accredited course means a course, in relation to
firefighting, that is accredited or approved under a Commonwealth or State
85J Bushfire preparedness report
requirements—fine fuel reduction activity
(1) The bushfire preparedness report must include the following
information in relation to the conduct and effectiveness of controlled fires
under section 84 (Fire fuel reduction) (a controlled fire) in the
ACT in the previous 12 months:
(a) an assessment of fine fuel in fire prone areas;
(b) the number of controlled fires that were planned to be
(c) the number of controlled fires that were undertaken;
(d) the area of land affected by the controlled fires that were
(e) the effectiveness of the controlled fires that were
(2) The bushfire preparedness report must also include information about
the area of land affected by controlled fires that were undertaken in the ACT in
the previous 10 years.
(3) In this section:
fine fuel means fuel that has a diameter under 6mm.
85K Bushfire preparedness report
requirements—access preparation for upcoming bushfire
The bushfire preparedness report must include the following information
about access to fire prone areas in the ACT:
(a) the following information in relation to fire trails in the previous
12 months:
(i) the length and location of fire trails cleared or upgraded;
(ii) the number of fire trails planned to be cleared or
(iii) the number of new fire trails created (if any);
(iv) the number of fire trails closed (if any);
(b) the proposed maintenance program for fire trails over the next 12
(c) the state of bridges in, and other road access to, fire prone areas,
and the capacity of the bridges and road access to accommodate fire appliances,
including vehicles, required for firefighting services;
(d) the state of landing strips in, and other aerial access to, fire prone
areas, and the capacity of the landing strips and aerial access to accommodate
aerial traffic required for firefighting services.
85L Bushfire preparedness report
requirements—protecting significant areas
(1) The bushfire preparedness report must include the following
information about protecting significant areas:
(a) what areas have been identified as significant areas;
(b) what plans have been developed to protect the significant areas;
(c) what action has been taken to implement the plans.
(2) In this section:
significant area means an area in which there
(a) a place or object on the heritage register under the Heritage
Act 2004; or
(b) an item of infrastructure that provides an essential service within
the meaning of the Utilities Act 2000.
85M Bushfire preparedness report
requirements—legislative requirements
The bushfire preparedness report must include the following information
about the legislative requirements of each relevant entity in relation to
(a) a list of the legislative requirements;
(b) what legislative requirements have been, or are being, complied
(c) what legislative requirements have not been complied with and an
explanation of why the requirements have not been complied with.
85N Bushfire preparedness report
requirements—bushfire recommendations
The bushfire preparedness report must include the following information in
relation to a bushfire recommendation made in the previous 20 years:
(a) a list of the bushfire recommendations made;
(b) which of the bushfire recommendations have been, or are being,
complied with;
(c) which of the bushfire recommendations have not been complied with and
an explanation of why the recommendations have not been complied with.
85O Bushfire preparedness report
requirements—research and development
The bushfire preparedness report must include information about advances in
the previous 12 months in research and development, equipment and methods for
managing bushfires that are appropriate for the ACT.
85P Bushfire preparedness report
requirements—public education
The bushfire preparedness report must include information about any public
education program, undertaken by the Territory or a relevant entity, to do 1 or
more of the following:
(a) provide information about how people should prepare for or respond to
(b) provide information about the Territory’s preparations for the
upcoming bushfire season;
(c) increase public awareness about bushfire warnings under part 5.3A
and the fire danger index.
85Q Reports of appropriate standing committee
The appropriate standing committee must report to the Legislative Assembly
about the bushfire preparedness of the ACT for the upcoming bushfire season by
the first sitting day after August in each year.
85R Responses to standing committee
The Minister must give the Legislative Assembly a report in response to the
report by the appropriate standing committee under section 85Q by the first
sitting day after September in each year.
• State
6 Dictionary,
new definitions
appropriate standing committee, for part 5.3B (Bushfire
preparedness reports)—see section 85F.
bushfire preparedness report, for part 5.3B (Bushfire
preparedness reports)—see section 85G.
bushfire recommendation, for part 5.3B (Bushfire preparedness
reports)—see section 85F.
7 Dictionary,
definition of firefighting services
firefighting services—
(a) for part 4.6 (Other approved providers)—see section 60;
(b) for part 5.3B (Bushfire preparedness reports)—see
section 85F.
8 Dictionary,
new definition of relevant entity
relevant entity, for part 5.3B (Bushfire preparedness
reports)—see section 85F.
1 Presentation speech
Presentation speech made in the Legislative Assembly on 2009.
2 Notification
Notified under the Legislation Act on 2009.
3 Republications of amended laws
For the latest republication of amended laws, see
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