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This is a Bill, not an Act. For current law, see the Acts databases.
(As presented)
(Minister for Justice, Consumer Affairs and Road Safety)
Part 1.1Building and Construction Industry (Security of Payment) Act 200940
(As presented)
(Minister for Justice, Consumer Affairs and Road Safety)
Road Transport Reform (Light Rail) Legislation Amendment Bill 2017
A Bill for
An Act to amend legislation about light rail, and for other purposes
The Legislative Assembly for the Australian Capital Territory enacts as
This Act is the Road Transport Reform (Light Rail) Legislation Amendment Act 2017
This Act commences on the 7th day after its notification day.
Note The naming and commencement provisions automatically commence on the notification day (see Legislation Act
, s 75 (1)).
This Act amends the following legislation:
Note This Act also amends other legislation (see sch 1).
Part 2 Road Transport (Alcohol and Drugs) Act 1977
4 Meaning of special
New section 4B (1) (h) (v)
(v) a light rail vehicle; or
(m) the person is with a driver of a light rail vehicle and is—
(i) instructing the driver how to drive a light rail vehicle; or
(ii) assessing the driver’s suitability to drive a light rail vehicle.
6 Meaning of driver
Section 4BA
section 4B (1) (j), (k) or (l)
section 4B (1) (j) to (m)
7 Driver etc
Section 24A (2), definition of vehicle, new
paragraph (ab)
(ab) a segway; or
8 Consuming alcohol—driver or
driver trainer
Section 25 (2) (b)
9 Section 25 (5), definition of vehicle
vehicle means—
(a) a motor vehicle; or
(b) a bicycle; or
(c) a segway.
• light rail vehicle
• segway
Part 3 Road Transport (Driver Licensing) Regulation 2000
98A Exemption of drivers of light rail vehicles—Act, s 31 (1) (b)
A person who is driving a light rail vehicle on a road or road related area is exempt from holding an Australian driver licence that authorises the person to drive the light rail vehicle if the person is the holder of a full car licence.
• light rail vehicle
Part 4 Road Transport (General) Act 1999
13 Who is a responsible person
for a vehicle?
New section 10 (ca)
(ca) for a light rail vehicle—the accredited rail transport operator for the light rail vehicle;
after the note, insert
(2) In this section:
accredited rail transport operator means an accredited person within the meaning of the Rail Safety National Law (ACT)
15 Definitions—pt
Section 21A, definition of illegal user
or rail
16 Section 21A, definition of known user declaration
or rail
17 Section 21A, definition of online declaration
under section 57 (Approval of website for online declarations)
18 Section 21A, new definition of registrable or rail vehicle
registrable or rail vehicle means—
(a) a registrable vehicle; or
(b) a light rail vehicle.
19 Section 21A, definition of unknown user declaration
or rail
Division 3.3 Infringement notice offences involving registrable and rail vehicles
21 Meaning of all reasonable
steps—div 3.3
Section 32 (1), definition of all
reasonable steps
or rail
22 Responsible person’s
Section 33
or rail
after section 33, insert
Division 3.3AA Withdrawal of infringement notices
after section 38, insert
Division 3.3AB Effect of penalty payment etc
25 Infringement notice—effect of
penalty payment etc
Section 39 (1) (c) (i)
or rail
26 Definitions—div
Section 40, definition of corporation’s
registered owner
registered operator
27 Meaning of all reasonable
steps—div 3.3A
Section 41 (1), definition of
all reasonable steps
registered owner
registered operator
28 Demerit points
offences—suspension of registration
Section 42 (1) (a)
registered owner
registered operator
29 Suspension for nonpayment of
infringement notice
Section 44 (1) (b)
or rail
30 Presumption against responsible
Section 53AA
or rail
31 Police officer or authorised person
may require name, date of birth, address and driver licence—driver or
New section 58 (5)
after the note, insert
(5) In this section:
heavy combination—see the Heavy Vehicle National Law (ACT)
, section 5.
32 Certificate evidence and other
evidentiary provisions
Section 72 (6) (d)
registrable vehicles
or light rail vehicles
33 Indemnity from personal liability
for honest and good faith carrying out of duties
section 230 (5)
(5) This section does not apply to an individual who is—
(a) employed by a rail transport operator; and
(b) exercising a function under the road transport legislation in the course of that employment.
34 Dictionary, definition of all reasonable steps, paragraph (a)
(a) for division 3.3 (Infringement notice offences involving registrable and rail vehicles)—see section 32; and
35 Dictionary, new definitions
light rail—
(a) means a system of transport for public passengers using lightweight rail and rolling stock; and
(b) includes tracks, catenaries, supports for tracks and catenaries, stops, pedestrian access to stops, signalling facilities and signalling equipment.
light rail vehicle means a motor vehicle built to be used on light rail.
36 Dictionary, definition of motor vehicle
motor vehicle means a vehicle built to be propelled by a motor that forms part of the vehicle, but does not include a segway.
37 Dictionary, new definitions
rail transport operator—see the Rail Safety National Law (ACT)
, section 4.
registrable or rail vehicle, for part 3 (Infringement notices for certain offences)—see section 21A.
segway means a vehicle that—
(a) is designed to be self-balancing while a person travels in or on the vehicle; and
(b) is propelled by an electric motor; and
(c) has 2 wheels that operate on a single axis; and
(d) has a platform anywhere between the 2 wheels for the person’s feet; and
(e) has handles mounted on an upright post.
38 Dictionary, definition of vehicle
(a) means any vehicle, including—
(i) a tracked vehicle; and
(ii) a light rail vehicle; and
(iii) anything else prescribed by regulation to be a vehicle; but
(b) does not include a vehicle (other than a light rail vehicle) that is
used exclusively on a railway or tramway.
Part 5 Road Transport (Offences) Regulation 2005
39 Meaning of identifying
particulars—pt 2
Section 4A, definition of
identifying particulars, new paragraph (ba)
(ba) for a light rail vehicle involved in an infringement notice offence—see section 4CA; and
4CA Identifying particulars for vehicle for infringement notice offence involving light rail vehicle—pt 2
(1) In this part:
identifying particulars, for a light rail vehicle involved in an infringement notice offence, means the unique identification number displayed on the light rail vehicle by the rail transport operator for the light rail vehicle.
(2) For a camera-detected offence, subsection (1) does not apply if it is not possible to decide those particulars from the image taken by the traffic offence detection device.
12 Infringement notices—service if offender known—Act, s 24 (2)
(1) If the identity of the person who is believed to have committed an infringement notice offence (the suspected offender) is known, an authorised person may serve an infringement notice for the offence on the suspected offender.
Note For how documents may be served, see the Legislation Act
, pt 19.5.
(2) An infringement notice may be served—
(a) if it is reasonably practicable to serve the notice on the suspected offender personally—on the offender personally; or
(b) in any other case—by sending the notice to the offender—
(i) by prepaid post addressed to the offender, at—
(A) the offender’s home address or business address; or
(B) if the offender has an address for service in a record or register kept under the road transport legislation, Heavy Vehicle National Law (ACT)
or a corresponding law—the recorded address for service; or
(ii) by an electronic means if—
(A) the electronic means is approved by the chief police officer or the road transport authority; and
(B) the offender has given the authorised person an electronic address at which service may be effected by the electronic means.
Examples—electronic means
• email address
• mobile telephone number
Note 1 For when a notice sent by post is taken to be given, see
, s 9B. The
, s 250 (1) does not apply to a notice given under the road transport legislation (see Road Transport (General) Regulation 2000
, s 9B (4)).
Note 2 An example is part of the regulation, is not exhaustive
and may extend, but does not limit, the meaning of the provision in which it
appears (see
, s 126 and s 132).
12A Infringement notices—service if offender unknown—Act, s 24 (2)
(1) If the identity of the person who is believed to have committed an infringement notice offence is not known, but the offence involves a registrable or rail vehicle, an authorised person may serve an infringement notice for the offence on the responsible person for the vehicle.
Note For how documents may be served, see the Legislation Act
, pt 19.5.
(2) An infringement notice may be served on a responsible person for the registrable or rail vehicle—
(a) if the vehicle is a registrable vehicle and it is reasonably practicable to access the vehicle—by securely placing or attaching the notice, addressed to the responsible person (without further description), on or to the vehicle in a prominent position; or
(b) in any other case—by sending the notice to the responsible person—
(i) by prepaid post addressed to the person, at—
(A) the person’s home address or business address; or
(B) if the person has an address for service in a record or register kept under the road transport legislation, Heavy Vehicle National Law (ACT)
or a corresponding law—the recorded address for service; or
(ii) by an electronic means if—
(A) the electronic means is approved by the chief police officer or the road transport authority; and
(B) the responsible person has given the authorised person an electronic address at which service may be effected by the electronic means.
Examples—electronic means
• email address
• mobile telephone number
Note 1 For when a notice sent by post is taken to be given, see
, s 9B. The
, s 250 (1) does not apply to a notice given under the road transport legislation (see Road Transport (General) Regulation 2000
, s 9B (4)).
Note 2 An example is part of the regulation, is not exhaustive
and may extend, but does not limit, the meaning of the provision in which it
appears (see
, s 126 and s 132).
(3) A person commits an offence if—
(a) an infringement notice is placed on or attached to a vehicle; and
(b) the person does something that prevents the responsible person for the vehicle receiving or reading the infringement notice; and
(c) the person is reckless about whether the person’s action prevents the responsible person for the vehicle receiving or reading the infringement notice.
Maximum penalty: 20 penalty units.
Note The fault element of recklessness can be satisfied by proof of intention, knowledge or recklessness (see Criminal Code
, s 20 (4)).
12B Infringement notices—service by electronic means—Act, s 24 (2)
(1) If the sender has no reason to suspect that an infringement notice served by electronic means under section 12 or section 12A was not received by the recipient when sent, the notice is presumed to be served when sent unless evidence sufficient to raise doubt about the presumption is given.
(2) If the sender has reason to suspect that an infringement notice served by electronic means was not received by the recipient when sent only if, on the day the notice was sent or on the next working day, the equipment the sender used to send the notice indicated by way of a signal or other message that—
(a) the equipment did not send the notice when the equipment was used to send the notice; or
(b) for an email—the address to which the email was sent was not an email address of the recipient; or
(c) for a mobile telephone—the number to which the notice was sent was not a mobile telephone number of the recipient.
(3) In this section:
recipient, for an infringement notice, means the person on whom the notice is intended to be served.
sender, for an infringement notice served or to be served by electronic means, means the person sending or seeking to send the notice.
42 Infringement notices—service
on nominated
person—Act, s 24 (2)
Section 14 (1) (a)
or rail
43 Infringement
notices—contents—Act, s
Section 14A (1) (f)
or rail
or rail
registrable vehicle
registrable or rail vehicle
registrable vehicles—responsible person’s liability
registrable and rail vehicles
47 Reminder
notices—contents—Act, s
27 (3)
Section 14B (1) (r) (ii)
or rail
registrable vehicle
registrable or rail vehicle
registrable vehicles—responsible person’s liability
registrable and rail vehicles
• light rail vehicle
• registrable or rail vehicle
51 Dictionary, new definition of corresponding law
corresponding law—see the Road Transport (Vehicle Registration) Act 1999
, dictionary.
52 Dictionary, new definition of identifying particulars
identifying particulars, for part 2 (Infringement notices)—
(a) generally—see section 4A; and
(b) for an animal involved in an infringement notice offence—see section 4B; and
(c) for a registrable vehicle involved in an infringement notice offence—see section 4C; and
(d) for a light rail vehicle involved in an infringement notice offence—see section 4CA; and
(e) for an authorised person—see section 4D.
Part 6 Road Transport (Public Passenger Services) Act 2001
53 Meaning of bus and public
Section 10A, definition of bus,
paragraph (b)
(b) does not include—
(i) a limousine; or
(ii) a light rail vehicle.
Part 7 Road Transport (Safety and Traffic Management) Act 1999
in division 2.1, insert
8A Registered operator and interested people to be notified of prosecution
(1) This section applies if a prosecution is started against a person for an offence involving a motor vehicle against—
(a) section 5A (Races, attempts on speed records, speed trials etc); or
(b) section 5B (Improper use of motor vehicle); or
(c) section 5C (Failing to stop motor vehicle for police); or
(d) section 8 (Menacing driving).
(2) The chief police officer must give notice of the prosecution to—
(a) if the prosecution is against a person other than the registered operator of the vehicle—the registered operator; or
(b) if the vehicle may be subject to forfeiture if the person is convicted or found guilty of the offence—the holder of any registered interest in the vehicle.
Note For how documents may be served, see the Legislation Act
, pt 19.5.
(3) The notice must be given within 7 days after the day the prosecution starts.
(4) The notice must—
(a) state—
(i) either—
(A) the short description prescribed by regulation under the Road Transport (General) Act 1999
for the offence for which the prosecution has been started; or
(B) the provision of this Act contravened by the person; and
(ii) the place where the offence was committed and the date and approximate time of the offence; and
(iii) the identifying particulars prescribed by regulation under the Road Transport (General) Act 1999
for the vehicle; and
Note The short descriptions and identifying particulars are prescribed
in the
(b) if the vehicle is not a light rail vehicle—tell the person that the vehicle may be subject to impounding or, if appropriate, forfeiture under section 10B.
(5) In this section:
registered interest, in relation to a motor vehicle, means an interest in the vehicle that is registered under the Personal Property Securities Act 2009
before section 10AA, insert
10AAA Application—div 2.3
This division does not apply to a motor vehicle that is a light rail vehicle.
10D Registered operator to be notified of seizure
(1) If a motor vehicle is seized under section 10C (1) (a) (Powers of police officers to seize and impound vehicles used in committing certain offences), the chief police officer must give notice of the seizure to the registered operator of the vehicle.
Note For how documents may be served, see the Legislation Act
, pt 19.5.
(2) The notice must be given within 7 days after the day the vehicle is seized.
(3) The notice must—
(a) state—
(i) either—
(A) the short description prescribed by regulation under the Road Transport (General) Act 1999
for the offence for which the motor vehicle has been seized; or
(B) the provision of this Act contravened by the person; and
(ii) the place where the offence was committed and the date and approximate time of the offence; and
(iii) the identifying particulars prescribed by regulation under the Road Transport (General) Act 1999
for the vehicle; and
Note The short descriptions and identifying particulars are prescribed
in the
(b) tell the registered operator that an application may be made to the chief police officer or the Magistrates Court for the release of the vehicle.
57 Inspection and purchase of images
taken by traffic offence detection devices
27 (1) (b)
division 3.2 (Infringement and reminder notices)
division 3.3 (Infringement notice offences involving registrable and rail vehicles)
• light rail vehicle
Part 8 Road Transport (Safety and Traffic Management) Regulation 2000
59 Division 2.2.1 heading, note 2
dict, def bus
33 (1)
60 ARR dict—definitions for
Section 33 (1), new definition of bus
bus means a motor vehicle built mainly to carry people that seats over 12 adults (including the driver), but does not include a light rail vehicle.
61 Keeping safe lateral distance when
passing bicycle rider
New section 38A (1A)
(1A) This section does not apply to a driver of a light rail vehicle.
62 Number of vehicles that may be
New section 41 (6) (f)
(f) a light rail vehicle.
(7) In this section:
articulated vehicle means a motor vehicle, other than a light rail vehicle, with—
(a) 2 rigid sections, each of which has wheels; and
(b) the rear section pivoted on, and part of the rear section (other than a pole, drawbar or similar device, or an accessory of the motor vehicle) superimposed on, the front section.
64 Definitions—div
Section 82, definition of heavy vehicle
heavy vehicle—
(a) means a vehicle (whether loaded or unloaded) that—
(i) is longer than 7.5m; and
(ii) has a GVM over 4.5t; and
(iii) is used for commercial purposes; but
(b) does not include a light rail vehicle.
65 Tracked vehicle—Act, dict, def
vehicle, par (b)
Section 116
• light rail vehicle
67 Dictionary, definition of articulated vehicle
Part 9 Road Transport (Third-Party Insurance) Act 2008
68 What is insured under a
CTP policy?
New section 19 (ba)
(ba) a light rail vehicle;
paragraph (a) or (b)
paragraphs (a) to (ba)
70 Who is the
CTP insurer?
Section 23, definition of CTP
insurer, paragraph (a)
(a) for an insured motor vehicle that—
(i) is a registered motor vehicle—the insurer selected as the CTP insurer for the motor vehicle under—
(A) section 28 (Selecting for registered vehicle—first registration); or
(B) section 29 (Selecting for registered vehicle—renewal of registration); or
(ii) has a valid trader’s plate attached—the insurer selected under section 30 (Selecting for motor vehicle with trader’s plate) as the CTP insurer for a motor vehicle to which the trader’s plate may be attached; or
(iii) is a light rail vehicle—the insurer selected as the CTP insurer for the light rail vehicle under section 30A (Selecting for light rail vehicle); or
71 Sections 28, 29 and 30 headings
28 Selecting for registered vehicle—first registration
29 Selecting for registered vehicle—renewal of registration
30 Selecting for motor vehicle with trader’s plate
in part 2.3, insert
30A Selecting for light rail vehicle
(1) Before each insurance period for which a rail transport operator for a light rail vehicle intends to use the vehicle on a road or road related area, the operator must—
(a) tell the road transport authority about—
(i) the intention; and
(ii) if there is no CTP policy in force for the light rail vehicle—the unique identification number displayed on the light rail vehicle by the rail transport operator for the light rail vehicle; and
(b) select, in a way approved by the road transport authority, a licensed insurer to be the CTP insurer under a CTP policy for the light rail vehicle for the insurance period; and
(c) pay to the road transport authority the CTP premium for the CTP policy for the insurance period.
Note CTP premiums must be decided in accordance with pt 2.6.
(2) In this section:
insurance period, for a light rail vehicle, means—
(a) a period of 12 months beginning on 1 November; or
(b) if the CTP policy for the light rail vehicle comes into force on another day—a period of less than 12 months beginning on the day the policy comes into force and ending on 31 October.
73 Sections 31 and 34A headings
31 When CTP policy takes effect—registered motor vehicles
34A When CTP policy takes effect—trader’s plates
in part 2.4, insert
34C When CTP policy takes effect—light rail vehicles
If a rail transport operator for a light rail vehicle pays to the road transport authority a CTP premium for a CTP policy for the light rail vehicle, the CTP policy comes into force—
(a) on the next 1 November; or
(b) if there is no CTP policy in force for the light rail vehicle when the CTP premium is paid—on the day after the day payment is made.
34D CTP policy in effect while insurer on risk—light rail vehicles
(1) A CTP policy for a light rail vehicle is in force for the period for which the CTP insurer is on risk under this section.
(2) The CTP insurer of the light rail vehicle is on risk for the insurance period for the light rail vehicle.
(3) The CTP insurer ceases to be on risk if the CTP policy is cancelled.
Note Cancellation of CTP policies is dealt with in s 36B.
(4) In this section:
insurance period—see section 30A (2).
in part 2.5, insert
36B CTP policy cancellation—light rail vehicles
(1) A CTP policy for a light rail vehicle is cancelled if the accreditation of the rail transport operator for light rail vehicle is cancelled or surrendered.
Note A rail transport operator’s accreditation may be cancelled or surrendered under the Rail Safety National Law (ACT)
, s 73 or s 75.
(2) In this section:
accreditation, of a rail transport operator, means accreditation by the Office of the National Rail Safety Regulator under the Rail Safety National Law (ACT)
76 Nominal defendant may recover costs
from responsible person or driver
Section 174 (1) and
(1) This section applies if personal injury is caused by a motor accident involving—
(a) an uninsured motor vehicle that is not a light rail vehicle; or
(b) an unidentified motor vehicle.
Note The nominal defendant is liable in relation to uninsured motor vehicles (see s 61), and unidentified motor vehicles (see s 63).
174A Nominal defendant may recover costs from rail transport operator
(1) This section applies if personal injury is caused by a motor accident involving an uninsured light rail vehicle.
Note The nominal defendant is liable in relation to uninsured light rail vehicles (see s 61).
(2) The nominal defendant may recover as a debt from the rail transport operator for the light rail vehicle any costs reasonably incurred by the nominal defendant for a motor accident claim for the personal injury.
(3) The nominal defendant may bring a proceeding for recovery of costs under this section before the costs have been actually paid in full and, in that case, a judgment for recovery of costs may provide that, as far as the costs have not been actually paid, the right to recover the costs is contingent on payment.
(4) This section does not affect a right of recovery that the nominal defendant may have, apart from this section, against the rail transport operator.
Note An amount recovered under this section must be paid into the nominal defendant fund (see s 163B).
• light rail vehicle
79 Dictionary, new definition of rail transport operator
rail transport operator—see the Rail Safety National Law (ACT)
, section 4.
Part 10 Road Transport (Third-Party Insurance) Regulation 2008
80 CTP premiums for policies for
less than 1 year
Section 11 (1) (c) and note
(c) is issued with a trader’s plate for less than 1 year; or
(d) enters into a CTP policy for a light rail vehicle for less than 1 year.
Note A CTP premium for a CTP policy must be paid when—
(a) registering a vehicle (see Act
, s 28); and
(b) renewing the registration of a vehicle (see Act
, s 29); and
(c) applying for a trader’s plate (see Act
, s 30); and
(d) intending to use a light rail vehicle (see Act
, s 30A).
81 CTP premium
Schedule 1, section 1.1, definition of bus, new
paragraph (f)
(f) a light rail vehicle.
82 Schedule 1, section 1.1, definition of passenger vehicle, new paragraph (j)
(j) a light rail vehicle.
83 Schedule 1, part 1.2, new items 22.1 and 22.2
light rail vehicle
light rail vehicle
• motor accident
• motor accident claim
• light rail vehicle
• vehicle
Part 11 Road Transport (Vehicle Registration) Act 1999
• light rail vehicle
87 Dictionary, definition of heavy vehicle
heavy vehicle—
(a) means a motor vehicle or trailer with a GVM more than 4.5t; but
(b) does not include a light rail vehicle.
88 Dictionary, definition of registrable vehicle, paragraph (a)
(a) any motor vehicle except a light rail vehicle; or
Part 12 Road Transport (Vehicle Registration) Regulation 2000
89 Using a heavy vehicle without
registration label etc
Section 45 (3) (c)
registered owner
registered operator
90 Vehicles to which sch 1 does not
apply etc
Schedule 1, new
section 1.6 (1) (aa)
(aa) a light rail vehicle; or
Schedule 1 Consequential Amendments
(see s 3)
Part 1.1 Building and Construction Industry (Security of Payment) Act 2009
[1.1] Section 7 (1), definition of construction work, paragraph (b)
light rail and other railways
(3) In this section:
light rail—see the Road Transport (General) Act 1999
, dictionary.
Part 1.2 Building and Construction Industry Training Levy Act 1999
3 The construction, alteration, repair, demolition or removal of light rail or any other railway, or part of light rail or other railway, or of any platform, signal or other structure connected with light rail or other railway.
[1.4] Dictionary, new definition of light rail
light rail—see the Road Transport (General) Act 1999
, dictionary.
Part 1.3 Civil Law (Wrongs) Act 2002
[1.5] Dictionary, definition of motor vehicle, paragraph (a) (i), new note
Note A light rail vehicle is a motor vehicle under the Road Transport (General) Act 1999
[1.6] Dictionary, definition of motor vehicle, paragraph (a) (ii)
a vehicle
another vehicle
Note 1 The dictionary at the end of this Act defines certain terms used in this Act, and includes references (signpost definitions) to other terms defined elsewhere in this Act.
For example, the signpost definition ‘motor vehicle—see the Road Transport (General) Act 1999
, dictionary.’ means that the term ‘motor vehicle’ is defined in that dictionary and the definition applies to this Act.
Note 2 A definition in the dictionary (including a signpost
definition) applies to the entire Act unless the definition, or another
provision of the Act, provides otherwise or the contrary intention otherwise
appears (see
, s 155 and s 156 (1)).
[1.8] Section 28A (4), definition of railway
[1.9] Section 28A (4), definition of vehicle, paragraph (b)
(b) a light rail vehicle, train or tram;
railway engine
light rail vehicle,
railway engine
light rail vehicle,
[1.12] Section 252F (4), definition of motor vehicle
[1.13] Dictionary, new definitions of light rail, light rail vehicle and railway
light rail—see the Road Transport (General) Act 1999
, dictionary.
light rail vehicle—see the Road Transport (General) Act 1999
, dictionary.
railway includes light rail.
[1.16] Dictionary, new definition of motor vehicle
motor vehicle—see the Road Transport (General) Act 1999
, dictionary.
Part 1.6 Dangerous Goods (Road Transport) Act 2009
[1.17] Dictionary, new definition of light rail
light rail—see the Road Transport (General) Act 1999
, dictionary.
[1.18] Dictionary, definition of road infrastructure, paragraph (a) (v)
(including light rail)
Part 1.7 Environment Protection Act 1997
(a) a light rail vehicle or other train; or
[1.20] Section 8 (3), new definition of light rail vehicle
light rail vehicle—see the Road Transport (General) Act 1999
, dictionary
Part 1.8 Environment Protection Regulation 2005
[1.21] Division 2.1 heading, note 1, paragraph (a)
(a) a light rail vehicle or other train; or
[1.22] Part 3 heading, note 1, paragraph (a)
(a) a light rail vehicle or other train; or
[1.23] Schedule 2, section 2.2 (1), definition of light rail
light rail—see the Road Transport (General) Act 1999
, dictionary.
[1.24] Dictionary, definition of light rail
light rail, for schedule 2, part 2.3 (Noise
conditions)—see the
, dictionary.
[1.25] Dictionary, part 1, new definition of Rail Safety National Law (ACT)
Rail Safety National Law (ACT) means the provisions applying in the ACT because of the Rail Safety National Law (ACT) Act 2014
, section 6 (Application of Rail Safety National Law).
[1.26] Section 30A (8), definition of motor vehicle, paragraph (a), new note
Note A light rail vehicle is a motor vehicle under the Road Transport (General) Act 1999
[1.27] Section 30A (8), definition of motor vehicle, paragraph (b)
a vehicle
any other vehicle
(2) Subsection (1) does not apply if the leaflet is placed in or on a motor vehicle (other than a light rail vehicle) and—
(a) is placed in accordance with a territory law; or
(b) contains a message that is—
(i) of a personal nature; and
(ii) directed only to the owner, or the driver or rider, of the motor vehicle.
(4) Subsection (3) does not apply if the leaflet is placed—
(a) in or on a motor vehicle (other than a light rail vehicle); and
(b) in accordance with a territory law.
[1.30] Section 13 (6), new definition of light rail vehicle
light rail vehicle—see the Road Transport (General) Act 1999
, dictionary.
Part 1.12 Long Service Leave (Portable Schemes) Act 2009
[1.31] Schedule 1, section 1.1 (1) (a) (ii)
light rail and other railways
[1.32] Schedule 1, new section 1.1 (3)
(3) In this section:
light rail—see the Road Transport (General) Act 1999
, dictionary.
Part 1.13 Planning and Development Act 2007
[1.33] Dictionary, definition of light rail
light rail—see the Road Transport (General) Act 1999
, dictionary.
Part 1.14 Sale of Motor Vehicles Act 1977
[1.34] Dictionary, new definition of light rail vehicle
light rail vehicle—see the Road Transport (General) Act 1999
, dictionary.
[1.35] Dictionary, definition of motor vehicle
any vehicle used on a railway
a light rail vehicle or any other vehicle used on a railway
Part 1.15 Spent Convictions Act 2000
[1.36] Section 14 (1), definition of motor vehicle
motor vehicle—see the Road Transport (General) Act 1999
, dictionary.
Part 1.16 Uncollected Goods Act 1996
[1.37] Dictionary, new definition of light rail vehicle
light rail vehicle—see the Road Transport (General) Act 1999
, dictionary.
[1.38] Dictionary, definition of vehicle
(a) means any means of conveyance which runs on wheels, including a light rail vehicle; but
(b) does not include—
(i) a wheelchair; or
(ii) a vehicle (other than a light rail vehicle) that is used on a railway.
Part 1.17 Work Health and Safety Regulation 2011
[1.39] Section 291, definition of high risk construction work, paragraph (n)
(including light rail)
(2) In this section:
light rail—see the Road Transport (General) Act 1999
, dictionary.
1 Presentation speech
Presentation speech made in the Legislative Assembly on 8 June 2017.
2 Notification
Notified under the
on 2017.
3 Republications of amended laws
For the latest republication of amended laws, see www.legislation.act.gov.au
© Australian Capital Territory 2017
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