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This is a Bill, not an Act. For current law, see the Acts databases.
House of Assembly—No 11
As laid on the table and read a first time, 22 September
South Australia
Protection (Miscellaneous) Amendment Bill 2004
A Bill For
An Act to amend the Environment Protection Act 1993.
Part 1—Preliminary
1 Short title
2 Commencement
3 Amendment provisions
Part 2—Amendment of
Environment Protection Act 1993
4 Amendment of long title
5 Amendment of section 3—Interpretation
6 Amendment of section 5—Environmental
7 Amendment of section 7—Interaction
with other Acts
8 Amendment of section 9—Territorial
and extra-territorial application of Act
9 Amendment of section 10—Objects of
10 Substitution of heading to Part 3
11 Amendment of section 14A—Chief
12 Amendment of section 14B—Board of
13 Amendment of section 15—Terms and
conditions of office
14 Amendment of section 16—Proceedings of
15 Amendment of section 17—Board may
establish committees and subcommittees
16 Insertion of Part 3 Division 1A
Division 1A—Administering
18A Administering agencies
18B Powers and functions of administering
18C Delegation
18D Reports by administering agencies
17 Amendment of section 24—Environment
Protection Fund
18 Amendment of section 27—Nature and
contents of environment protection policies
19 Amendment of section 28—Normal
procedure for making policies
20 Repeal of section 28A
21 Amendment of section 29—Simplified
procedure for making certain policies
22 Amendment of section 34—Offence to
contravene mandatory provisions of policy
23 Amendment of section 36—Requirement
for licence
24 Amendment of section 37—Exemptions
25 Amendment of section 39—Notice and
submissions in respect of applications for environmental authorisations
26 Amendment of section 43—Term and
renewal of environmental authorisations
27 Amendment of section 45—Conditions
28 Amendment of section 46—Notice and
submissions in respect of proposed variations of conditions
29 Amendment of section 47—Criteria for
grant and conditions of environmental authorisations
30 Amendment of section 48—Annual fees and
31 Amendment of section 51—Conditions
requiring financial assurance to secure compliance with Act
32 Amendment of section 52—Conditions
requiring tests, monitoring or audits
33 Amendment of section 53—Conditions
requiring preparation and publication of plan to deal with emergencies
34 Amendment of section 54—Conditions
requiring environment improvement program
35 Insertion of sections 54A and 54B
54A Conditions requiring training of
employees etc
54B Conditions requiring certificate of
36 Substitution of section 82
82 Causing environmental nuisance
37 Amendment of section 83—Notification
where serious or material environmental harm caused or threatened
38 Amendment of section 85—Appointment of
authorised officers
39 Amendment of section 86—Identification
of authorised officers
40 Amendment of section 87—Powers of
authorised officers
41 Amendment of section 90—Offence to
hinder etc authorised officers
42 Amendment of section 91—Self-incrimination
43 Amendment of section 93—Environment
protection orders
44 Insertion of section 93A
93A Environment protection orders
relating to cessation of activity
45 Amendment of section 94—Registration
of environment protection orders in relation to land
46 Amendment of section 95—Action on
non-compliance with environment protection order
47 Amendment of section 96—Information
discovery orders
48 Amendment of section 97—Obtaining of
information on non-compliance with order or condition of environmental
49 Amendment of section 98—Admissibility
in evidence of information
50 Amendment of section 99—Clean-up
51 Amendment of section 101—Registration
of clean-up orders or clean-up authorisations in
relation to land
52 Amendment of section 103—Recovery of
costs and expenses incurred by the Authority
53 Substitution of heading to Part 11
54 Amendment of section 104—Civil remedies
55 Insertion of section 104A
104A Authority may recover civil penalty in
respect of contravention
56 Amendment of section 105—Emergency
57 Amendment of section 106—Appeals to
58 Amendment of section 109—Public
59 Amendment of section 111—Annual
reports by Authority
60 Amendment of section 112—State of
environment reports
61 Amendment of section 116—Waiver or
refund of fees and levies and payment by instalments
62 Amendment of section 118—Service
63 Amendment of section 119—False or
misleading information
64 Substitution of sections 120 and 120A
120 Statutory declarations
120A False or misleading reports
65 Amendment of section 122—Immunity from
personal liability
66 Amendment of section 124—General
67 Substitution of section 125
125 Notice of defences
68 Amendment of section 126—Proof of
intention etc
69 Amendment of section 127—Imputation of
conduct or state of mind of officer, employee etc
70 Amendment of section 128—Statement of
officer evidence against body corporate
71 Substitution of sections 129 and 130
129 Liability of officers of body
130 Reports in respect of alleged
72 Amendment of section 133—Orders in
respect of contraventions
73 Substitution of section 135
135 Recovery of administrative and
technical costs associated with contraventions
74 Amendment of section 136—Assessment of
reasonable costs and expenses
75 Insertion of section 137A
137A Joint and several liability
76 Amendment of section 138—Enforcement
of charge on land
77 Amendment of section 139—Evidentiary provisions
78 Amendment of section 140—Regulations
79 Amendment of Schedule 1—Prescribed
activities of environmental significance
80 Repeal of Schedule 2
Schedule 1—Transitional provisions
1 Interpretation
2 Environment, Resources and
Development Committee to conduct inquiry into administering agencies
3 Amendment of environment protection
policies by notice
4 Environment
protection policies in force under section 28A
The Parliament of South Australia enacts
as follows:
This Act may be cited as the Environment Protection
(Miscellaneous) Amendment Act 2004.
This Act will come into operation on a day to be fixed by
In this Act, a provision under a heading referring to the
amendment of a specified Act amends the Act so specified.
Part 2—Amendment of Environment Protection Act 1993
Long title—delete "to repeal the Beverage Container
Act 1975, the Clean Air Act 1984, the Environmental
Protection Council Act 1972, the Marine Environment Protection Act 1990,
the Noise Control Act 1977, and the Waste Management Act 1987; to
amend the Water Resources Act 1990, the Environment, Resources and
Development Court Act 1993 and the Development Act 1993;"
5—Amendment of section 3—Interpretation
(1) Section 3(1)—after the definition of activity
administering agency—see Division 1A of Part 3;
(2) Section 3(1), definition of council—delete
the definition and substitute:
council means a council within the meaning of the
Local Government Act 1999;
(3) Section 3(1), definition of environmental
nuisance, (a)(i)—delete
subparagraph (i) and substitute:
(i) is caused by
pollution; and
(4) Section 3(1), definition of environmental
nuisance, (b)—delete "waste" and substitute:
(5) Section 3(1), definition of occupier—delete
the definition and substitute:
occupier, in relation to a place, includes a
person with a right to occupy the place or a licensee or any holder of a right
to use or carry on operations at the place, but does not include a mortgagee in
possession unless the mortgagee assumes active management of the place;
(6) Section 3(1), definition of pollutant,
(d)—delete paragraph (d) and substitute:
(d) anything declared by regulation or by an environment
protection policy to be a pollutant,
but does not include anything declared by regulation or by an
environment protection policy not to be a pollutant;
(7) Section 3(1), definition of related
body corporate—delete "Corporations Law" and
Corporations Act 2001 of the Commonwealth
(8) Section 3(1)—after the definition of spouse
undertake an activity includes commence or proceed
with an activity or cause, suffer or permit an activity to be commenced or to
(9) Section 3(1), definition of waste—delete
the definition and substitute:
waste means—
(a) any
discarded, rejected, abandoned, unwanted or surplus matter, whether or not
intended for sale or for recycling, reprocessing, recovery or purification by a
separate operation from that which produced the matter; or
(b) anything declared by regulation or by an environment
protection policy to be waste,
whether of value or not;
6—Amendment of section 5—Environmental harm
Section 5(1)—delete subsection (1) and
(1) For the purposes of this Act, environmental
harm is any harm, or potential harm, to the environment (of whatever
degree or duration) and includes—
(a) an environmental nuisance; and
(b) anything declared by regulation or by an environment
protection policy to be environmental harm.
7—Amendment of section 7—Interaction with other Acts
Section 7(4)—delete "Petroleum Act
1940" wherever occurring and substitute in each case:
Petroleum Act 2000
8—Amendment of section 9—Territorial and extra-territorial application of Act
Section 9(2)—delete subsection (2) and
(2) Where—
(a) a person causes a pollutant to come within the State or
causes environmental harm within the State, by conduct engaged in outside the
State; and
(b) the conduct would, if engaged in within the State,
constitute a contravention of this Act,
the person is liable to a penalty in respect of the
contravention as if the conduct were engaged in by the person within the State.
9—Amendment of section 10—Objects of Act
Section 10(2)—delete "bodies"
and substitute:
administering agencies
10—Substitution of heading to Part 3
Heading to Part 3—delete the heading and
Part 3—Administering agencies, conferences
and the Fund
11—Amendment of section 14A—Chief Executive
Section 14A(5)(b)—before
"has," insert:
subject to this Act
12—Amendment of section 14B—Board of Authority
Section 14B(7)—delete subsection (7)
13—Amendment of section 15—Terms and conditions of office
Section 15(2)—delete "two" and
14—Amendment of section 16—Proceedings of Board
(1) Section 16(2)—after "Board"
at which the Chief Executive is present
(2) Section 16—after subsection (2) insert:
(2a) The
Governor may appoint a member of the Board to be the deputy presiding member
and, in the absence of the Chief Executive, the deputy
presiding member will preside at meetings of the Board.
15—Amendment of section 17—Board may establish committees and subcommittees
Section 17(2)—after "subsection
(1)" insert:
will consist of such persons as the Board thinks fit and
16—Insertion of Part 3 Division 1A
After Part 3 Division 1 insert:
Division 1A—Administering
(1) The following bodies are, in addition to
the Authority, administering agencies for the purposes of this Act:
(a) councils prescribed by regulation as administering agencies;
(b) any other public authorities prescribed by regulation as
administering agencies.
(2) A regulation by which a council is
prescribed as an administering agency, or ceases to be prescribed as an
administering agency, may be made only at the request of the council.
and functions of administering agencies
(1) An administering agency that is a council
has the function of administering and enforcing this Act in relation to
activities in its area other than—
(a) prescribed activities of environmental significance or
activities undertaken at the same place as a prescribed activity of
environmental significance;
(b) activities undertaken by the Crown, the council or another
public authority or a prescribed person or body;
(c) any other activities prescribed by regulation for the
purposes of this subsection.
(2) An
administering agency, other than the Authority or a council, has the function
of administering and enforcing this Act in relation to activities prescribed by
regulation, subject to any conditions specified in the regulations.
(3) The
conferral of a function on an administering agency under subsection (1) or
(2) is not to be taken to limit or affect the performance of that function by
the Authority.
(4) A
reference in this Act to an administering agency is, in relation to an
administering agency other than the Authority, a reference to the administering
agency only in relation to functions conferred on the administering agency
under this section.
(1) An
administering agency may, by instrument executed by the administering agency,
delegate to a specified public authority or other person or committee of
persons, or the person for the time being holding or assigned to a specified
office or position, a function conferred on the administering agency under this
(2) A
delegation under this section may be given subject to conditions specified in
the instrument of delegation.
(3) A
delegation under this section is revocable at will and does not prevent the
administering agency from acting in any matter.
by administering agencies
An administering agency must report to the Authority, at such
intervals as the Authority requires, on the performance by the administering
agency of functions conferred on the administering agency under this Division.
17—Amendment of section 24—Environment Protection Fund
Section 24(3)—after paragraph (b) insert:
(ba) the prescribed percentage of amounts
recovered by the Authority, by negotiation or as a result of civil proceedings,
in respect of a contravention of this Act;
18—Amendment of section 27—Nature and contents of environment protection policies
(1) Section
27(2)(a)(iii)—delete subparagraph (iii)
(2) Section 27(2)(b)
and (c)—delete paragraphs (b) and (c) and substitute:
(b) set
out matters to be taken into account by the Authority or another administering
agency in determining any specified matters required to be determined by the
Authority or another administering agency for the purposes of this Act;
(c) set out requirements, standards, goals and
(d) specify that certain requirements or standards (mandatory
provisions) are to be enforceable under Division 2.
(3) Section 27(3)(a)—delete
"category A, category B or category C offence" and substitute:
category A, B, C, D or E offence
(4) Section 27(4)(d)—after
"Authority" insert:
or another administering agency
19—Amendment of section 28—Normal procedure for making policies
(1) Section 28(3)—delete subsection (3) and
(3) Before commencing to prepare a draft
environment protection policy, the Authority—
(a) must consult with the Minister in relation to the general
purpose and intended effect of the proposed policy; and
(b) after consulting with the Minister, must cause an
advertisement to be published in the Gazette and in a newspaper circulating
generally in the State giving notice of its intention to prepare the draft
policy and describing the general purpose of the proposed policy.
(2) Section 28(6)(d)—delete
paragraph (d) and substitute:
(d) stating
that the Authority's response to any submissions will be available for
inspection by interested persons as provided by subsection (9); and
(e) appointing a place and time at which a public information
session will be held by the Authority in relation to the draft policy.
(3) Section
28(7)—delete subsection (7)
(4) Section 28(8)—delete "subsection
(4)" and substitute:
subsection (3)
(5) Section 28(9) and (10)—delete subsections
(9) and (10) and substitute:
(9) Where
written submissions are made in response to a draft policy, the Authority must,
as soon as is reasonably practicable after the end of the period specified for
the making of submissions, prepare a response to the submissions and make the
response available for inspection by interested persons during ordinary
business hours at the principal office of the Authority until the Authority
reports to the Minister on the draft policy under subsection (11).
Section 28A—delete the section
21—Amendment of section 29—Simplified procedure for making certain policies
Section 29(1a) and (1b)—delete subsections
(1a) and (1b) and substitute:
(1a) Where a national
environment protection measure has been made, amended or revoked or has expired—
(a) the normal procedure for making environment protection
policies under this Division does not apply in relation to—
(i) a draft
environment protection policy to implement the national environment protection
measure or the amendment, revocation or expiry; or
(ii) a
draft environment protection policy that amends or revokes another environment
protection policy as the Minister considers necessary or desirable in
consequence of implementation of the national environment protection measure or
the amendment, revocation or expiry; and
(b) the Minister may refer a draft policy referred to in
paragraph (a) directly to the Governor.
(1b) For
the purposes of subsection (1a), a draft environment protection policy
will be taken to implement a national environment protection measure despite
the fact that it includes provisions that are not included in or required by
the measure if the Minister is satisfied that the provisions relate to the
enforcement of the policy (including the imposition of penalties for
contravention of the policy) or are otherwise necessary for the application of
the policy in this jurisdiction.
22—Amendment of section 34—Offence to contravene mandatory provisions of policy
(1) Section 34(1), penalty provision, paragraph
(b)—delete "B or C" and substitute:
B, C, D or E
(2) Section 34(2), penalty provision—delete the
penalty provision and substitute:
(a) For
a category A offence if the offender—
(i) is a body
corporate—$150 000;
(ii) is a natural person—Division 1 fine;
(b) For
a category B offence—Division 6 fine;
(c) For
a category C offence—Division 7 fine;
(d) For
a category D offence—Division 9 fine;
(e) For a category E offence—Division 11 fine.
Expiation fee:
(a) For a category B offence—Division 6 fee;
(b) For
a category C offence—Division 7 fee;
(c) For
a category D offence—Division 9 fee;
(d) For
a category E offence—Division 11 fee.
(3) Section 34(3)—delete "category A offence, category B offence or category C offence"
and substitute:
category A, B, C, D or E offence
23—Amendment of section 36—Requirement for licence
Section 36—after its present contents (now
to be designated as subsection (1)) insert:
(2) The Authority may, by notice in writing,
exempt a person undertaking a prescribed activity of environmental significance
from subsection (1) if the Authority is satisfied that—
(a) another person who is principally responsible for the
activity will be authorised in accordance with that subsection to undertake the
activity; and
(b) the activity can be properly regulated through the
authorisation granted to that other person.
(3) The
Authority may, by notice in writing, revoke an exemption under subsection (2).
(4) The
subsequent Divisions of this Part do not apply to an exemption under subsection
24—Amendment of section 37—Exemptions
Section 37—delete "this Part and the
regulations" and substitute:
this Act
(1) Section 39(1)—delete subsection (1) and
(1) Subject to this section, the Authority
must, on receipt of an application for the grant of an environmental
(a) cause
public notice of the application to be published in a newspaper circulating
generally in the State, inviting interested persons to make written submissions
in relation to the application within a period specified in the notice (being
not less than 14 days from the date on which the notice was published); and
(b) if
the application relates to an activity that is to be undertaken on a particular
piece of land—cause notice of the application to be given to the owner or
occupier of each piece of adjacent land, inviting the owner or occupier to make
written submissions in relation to the application within a period specified in
the notice (being not less than 14 days from the day on which the notice is
given to the owner or occupier).
(2) Section 39(3)—delete "No public notice
is required in respect of" and substitute:
Subsection (1) does not apply in relation to
(3) Section 39(3)—before paragraph (a) insert:
(aa) an application for an exemption from the
application of a provision of an environment protection policy if the
environment protection policy provides that subsection (1) does not apply in
relation to such applications; or
(4) Section 39—after subsection (3) insert:
(4) Notice
is not required to be given to an owner or occupier of adjacent land under
subsection (1)(b) in circumstances prescribed by
(5) Where
written submissions are made in response to a notice published or given under
this section, the Authority must forward a copy of the submissions to the
applicant and allow the applicant an opportunity to respond, in writing, to the
submissions within a period specified by the Authority.
(6) A
notice to be given to the owner or occupier of adjacent land under subsection
(1)(b) may be given by addressing it to the
"owner or occupier" and posting it to, or leaving it at, the adjacent
(7) In this section—
adjacent land, in relation to other land, means land—
(a) that abuts on the other land; or
(b) that is no more than 60 metres from the
other land and is directly separated from the other land only by—
(i) a road, street,
footpath, railway or thoroughfare; or
(ii) a watercourse; or
(iii) a reserve or other similar open space.
26—Amendment of section 43—Term and renewal of environmental authorisations
(1) Section 43—after subsection (4) insert:
(4a) Before determining
an application for renewal, the Authority may, by notice in writing served on
an applicant, require the applicant—
(a) to undertake public consultation in relation to the
application, in accordance with requirements specified in the notice; and
(b) to report to the Authority, at a time and in a manner
specified in the notice, on the results of the consultation.
(2) Section 43(5)—after "section"
first occurring insert:
and to the applicant complying with any notice under
subsection (4a)
(3) Section 43(6)—after "necessary"
or appropriate
(4) Section 43(6)—after "conditions of the
authorisation" insert:
(notwithstanding that the activity in
respect of which the authorisation was granted has ceased)
27—Amendment of section 45—Conditions
Section 45(3)—after paragraph (a) insert:
(ab) if the authorisation is granted or renewed
for a term exceeding one year—at any time during the period of three calendar
months following the anniversary of the date on which the authorisation was
granted or renewed (provided that such conditions may only be of a type
described in section 52(1)); or
28—Amendment of section 46—Notice and submissions in respect of proposed variations of conditions
(1) Section 46(1)—after paragraph (b) insert:
(c) if
the proposed variation relates to an activity that is to be undertaken on a
particular piece of land—cause notice of the proposed variation to be given to
the owner or occupier of each piece of adjacent land—
(i) setting out the
reasons for the proposed variation; and
(ii) inviting the owner or occupier to make written submissions
in relation to the proposed variation within a period specified in the notice
(being not less than 14 days from the day on which the notice is given to the
owner or occupier).
(2) Section 46—after subsection (4) insert:
(4a) Notice is not required to be given to an
owner or occupier of adjacent land under subsection (1)(c)—
(a) if the proposed variation—
(i) does not result in
any relaxation of the requirements imposed for the protection or restoration of
the environment by or under this Act on the holder of the environmental
authorisation; and
(ii) will not, in the opinion of the Authority, result in any
adverse effect on the adjoining land or on the amenity value of the adjoining
land; or
(b) in circumstances prescribed by regulation.
(3) Section 46—after subsection (5) insert:
(5a) Where
written submissions are made in response to a notice published under subsection
(1)(b) or given to the owner or occupier of adjacent
land under subsection (1)(c), the Authority must forward a copy of the
submissions to the holder of the environmental authorisation and allow the
holder of the environmental authorisation an opportunity to respond, in
writing, to the submissions within a period specified by the Authority.
(4) Section 46—after subsection (6) insert:
(7) A
notice to be given to the owner or occupier of adjacent land under subsection
(1)(c) may be given by addressing it to the "owner
or occupier" and posting it to, or leaving it at, the adjacent land.
(8) In this section—
adjacent land, in relation to other land, means land—
(a) that abuts on the other land; or
(b) that is no more than 60 metres from the
other land and is directly separated from the other land only by—
(i) a road, street,
footpath, railway or thoroughfare; or
(ii) a watercourse; or
(iii) a reserve or other similar open space.
29—Amendment of section 47—Criteria for grant and conditions of environmental authorisations
Section 47(1)(h)—delete
paragraph (h) and substitute:
(h) have regard to any written submissions (and any responses to
such submissions) made to the Authority under this Part that are relevant to
the matters to be determined; and
30—Amendment of section 48—Annual fees and returns
Section 48—after
subsection (2) insert:
(2a) The
Authority may, by condition of an environmental authorisation or by notice in
writing, require the holder of the authorisation to verify any information
required under subsection (2) in such manner as the Authority thinks fit.
31—Amendment of section 51—Conditions requiring financial assurance to secure compliance with Act
(1) Section
51(1)—delete "a guarantee, insurance policy or other"
(2) Section 51(2)(a)—after
"authorisation" insert:
, or activities previously undertaken at the place to which the
authorisation relates,
32—Amendment of section 52—Conditions requiring tests, monitoring or audits
Section 52(1)(a)—after
"authorisation" insert:
, or activities previously undertaken at the place to which the
authorisation relates,
Section 53(a)—delete paragraph (a) and
(a) require
the holder of the authorisation to prepare, in accordance with specified
requirements and to the satisfaction of the Authority, a plan of action to be
taken in the event of emergencies that might forseeably
arise out of the activity undertaken pursuant to the authorisation, or
activities previously undertaken at the place to which the authorisation
relates, and involve the risk of material or serious environmental harm; and
34—Amendment of section 54—Conditions requiring environment improvement program
(1) Section 54(1)(a)—delete
"to the satisfaction of the Authority" and substitute:
, in accordance with specified requirements and to the
satisfaction of the Authority,
(2) Section 54(1)—after paragraph (a) insert:
(ab) to undertake public consultation, in
accordance with specified requirements, in the course of developing the
proposed environment improvement program; and
35—Insertion of sections 54A and 54B
After section 54 insert:
requiring training of employees etc
The Authority may, by conditions of an environmental
authorisation, require the holder of the authorisation to provide such
information, instruction, training and supervision as is reasonably necessary
to ensure that employees and agents of the holder of the authorisation and any
other persons involved in carrying out the activity undertaken pursuant to the
authorisation understand, and are able to comply with, any requirements imposed
by or under this Act (including any conditions of the authorisation).
requiring certificate of compliance
(1) The Authority may, by conditions of an
environmental authorisation, require the holder of the authorisation to supply
to the Authority certificates of compliance that include any of the following
(a) the extent to which the conditions of the authorisation have
or have not been complied with;
(b) particulars of any failure to comply with the conditions and
the reasons for such failure;
(c) any action taken, or to be taken, to prevent any recurrence
of that failure or to mitigate the effects of that failure.
(2) A
certificate of compliance must, if required by the Authority, be certified as
correct by a person approved by the Authority.
(3) It
is not an excuse for a person to refuse or fail to provide information required
to be included in a certificate of compliance on the ground that to do so might
tend to incriminate the person or make the person liable to a penalty.
(4) If
compliance by a person with a requirement to include information in a
certificate of compliance might tend to incriminate the person or make the
person liable to a penalty, then the information included in compliance with
the requirement is not admissible in evidence against the person in proceedings
for an offence or for the imposition of a penalty (other than proceedings in
respect of the making of a false or misleading statement).
Section 82—delete the section and
82—Causing environmental nuisance
A person who by polluting the environment
causes an environmental nuisance is guilty of an offence.
Penalty: Division 3 fine.
(1) Section 83(1)—delete "Where an
incident occurs so that" and substitute:
(2) Section 83(1)—delete "incident, notify
the Authority of the incident" and substitute:
harm or threatened harm, notify the Authority of the harm or
threatened harm
(3) Section 83(2)(a)—delete
"such an incident if the person has reason to believe that the
incident" and substitute:
harm or threatened harm if the person has reason to believe that
the harm or threatened harm
(4) Section 83(2)(b)—delete
"such an incident" and substitute:
harm or threatened harm
38—Amendment of section 85—Appointment of authorised officers
(1) Section
85(1)—delete ", with the approval of the Minister,"
(2) Section
85(3)—delete ", after consultation with the Authority,"
39—Amendment of section 86—Identification of authorised officers
Section 86(1)—delete "in a form approved by the
40—Amendment of section 87—Powers of authorised officers
(1) Section 87(1)(d)—after
"take" insert:
and remove
(2) Section 87(1)(h)—delete
"for the purpose of determining whether a provision of this Act is being
or has been complied with" and substitute:
as reasonably required in connection with the administration
or enforcement of this Act
(3) Section 87(1)(i)—after paragraph (i) insert:
(ia) take onto or into any place or vehicle, and
use, any equipment or apparatus (such as drilling, boring, earth-moving,
testing, measuring, photographic, film, audio, video or other recording
equipment or apparatus) as reasonably required in connection with the
administration or enforcement of this Act;
(4) Section 87(1)(k)—after
"those matters" insert:
, to state the person's full name and usual place of residence and
to produce evidence of the person's identity
(5) Section 87—after subsection (7) insert:
(8) An authorised officer appointed by a
council may only exercise powers under this Act—
(a) within the area of the council; and
(b) within the area of any other council to the extent agreed
to, in writing, by the other council.
(9) Where
the exercise of a power under this section (other than a power exercised with
the authority of a warrant) results in any damage, the Authority or, if the
power was exercised by an authorised officer appointed by a council, the
council must make good the damage as soon as is reasonably practicable or pay
reasonable compensation for the damage.
41—Amendment of section 90—Offence to hinder etc authorised officers
(1) Section 90(1)(e)—after
"officer" insert:
or other person with powers under this Act
(2) Section 90(1), penalty provision—delete the
penalty provision and substitute:
Penalty: Division 4 fine.
(3) Section 90(2), penalty provision—delete the
penalty provision and substitute:
Penalty: Division 4 fine or division 5 imprisonment, or both.
42—Amendment of section 91—Self-incrimination
Section 91(2)—after "compliance by
a" insert:
43—Amendment of section 93—Environment protection orders
(1) Section 93(1)—after "Authority"
or another administering agency
(2) Section 93(2)(c)(i)—after "Authority" insert:
or other administering agency
(3) Section 93(2)(c)(iii)—after
"period" insert:
or at specified times or in specified circumstances
(4) Section 93(2)(c)—after
subparagraph (iii) insert:
(iv) a
requirement that the person prepare, in accordance with specified requirements
and to the satisfaction of the Authority or other administering agency, a plan
of action to prevent, minimise or control pollution or waste;
(v) a requirement that the person comply with such a plan of
action to the satisfaction of the Authority or other administering agency;
(vi) a requirement that the person undertake specified tests or
environmental monitoring;
(vii) a requirement that the person furnish to the Authority or
other administering agency specified test, monitoring or compliance reports;
(viii) a requirement that the person appoint or engage a person
with specified qualifications to prepare a plan or report or undertake tests or
monitoring required by the order.
(5) Section 93—after subsection (2) insert:
(2aa) Despite
any other provisions of this section, an environment protection policy may make
provision as to the circumstances in which an environment protection order may
be issued or as to the requirements or contents of an order.
(6) Section 93(2a)—after "Authority"
or other administering agency
(7) Section 93(5)—after "Authority"
or another administering agency
(8) Section 93(6)—after "Authority"
, another administering agency
(9) Section 93(6)—delete "criminal
liability" and substitute:
liability to a penalty
(10) Section 93(7)—delete subsection (7) and
(7) Where
an environment protection order has been issued to a person by the Authority or
another administering agency, the Authority or other administering agency (as
the case may be) may, by written notice served on the person, vary or revoke
the order.
(11) Section 93(8), penalty provision—delete the
penalty provision and substitute:
(a) If
the order was issued for the purpose of securing compliance with a requirement
imposed by or under this Act and a penalty is fixed by this Act for
contravention of that requirement—that penalty;
(b) If
the order was issued in relation to a domestic activity for the purpose of
securing compliance with the general environmental duty—Division 9 fine;
(c) If
the order was issued in relation to a domestic activity in circumstances
specified in an environment protection policy or for the purpose of giving
effect to an environment protection policy—Division 9 fine;
(d) In any other case—Division 6 fine.
Expiation fee:
(a) If
the order was issued for the purpose of securing compliance with a requirement
imposed by or under this Act and an expiation fee is fixed by this Act for
contravention of that requirement—that expiation fee;
(b) If
the order was issued in relation to a domestic activity for the purpose of
securing compliance with the general environmental duty—Division 9 fee;
(c) If
the order was issued in relation to a domestic activity in circumstances
specified in an environment protection policy or for the purpose of giving
effect to an environment protection policy—Division 9 fee;
(d) In
any other case—Division 6 fee.
(12) Section 93—after subsection (8) insert:
(8a) It is not an excuse for a person to refuse or fail to
provide information in response to a requirement imposed by an environment
protection order on the ground that to do so might tend to incriminate the
person or make the person liable to a penalty.
(8b) If
compliance by a natural person with a requirement to provide information
imposed by an environment protection order might tend to incriminate the person
or make the person liable to a penalty, then the information provided in
compliance with the requirement is not admissible in evidence against the
person in proceedings for an offence or for the imposition of a penalty (other
than proceedings in respect of the making of a false or misleading statement).
After section 93 insert:
protection orders relating to cessation of activity
(1) The
Authority may issue an environment protection order for the purpose of
preventing or minimising environmental harm that may result from a prescribed
activity of environmental significance after the activity has ceased.
(2) The regulations may—
(a) limit the circumstances in which an environment protection
order may be issued under this section; or
(b) prescribe circumstances in which an environment protection
order issued under this section will be taken to have been revoked.
(3) An environment protection order issued for
a purpose described in subsection (1)—
(a) must
be in the form of a written notice served on the owner for the time being of
the land on which the activity was undertaken (whether or not the owner was the
person who had undertaken the activity);
(b) must—
(i) specify the person
to whom it is issued (whether by name or a description sufficient to identify
the person);
(ii) state the purpose for which it is issued and specify the
environmental harm that it is directed towards preventing or minimising;
(c) may
impose any requirement of a kind that could be imposed as a condition of an
environmental authorisation or that is reasonably required for the purpose for
which the order is issued (including a requirement of a kind that could be
imposed in an order issued under section 93);
(d) must state that the person may, within 14 days, appeal to
the Environment, Resources and Development Court against the order.
(4) The
Authority may, by written notice served on a person to whom an environment
protection order has been issued in accordance with this section, vary or
revoke the order.
(5) A person to whom an environment protection
order is issued in accordance with this section must comply with the order.
Penalty: If the offender is a body corporate—$120 000.
If the offender is a
natural person—Division 1 fine.
(6) It
is not an excuse for a person to refuse or fail to provide information in
response to a requirement imposed by an environment protection order issued in
accordance with this section on the ground that to do so might tend to
incriminate the person or make the person liable to a penalty.
(7) If
compliance by a natural person with a requirement to provide information
imposed by an environment protection order issued in accordance with this
section might tend to incriminate the person or make the person liable to a
penalty, then the information provided in compliance with the requirement is
not admissible in evidence against the person in proceedings for an offence or
for the imposition of a penalty (other than proceedings in respect of the making
of a false or misleading statement).
(8) A person must not hinder or obstruct a
person complying with an environment protection order issued in accordance with
this section.
Penalty: Division 6 fine.
(9) This
section is in addition to and does not limit the effect of section 93.
(10) This
section only applies in relation to a prescribed activity of environmental
significance that ceases after the commencement of this section.
45—Amendment of section 94—Registration of environment protection orders in relation to land
(1) Section 94(1)—after "Authority"
or, if the order was issued by another administering agency,
that administering agency
(2) Section 94(1)(a)—after
"land" insert:
or an activity previously carried on on
(3) Section 94(1)(b)—delete
"owned by the" and substitute:
owned by a
(4) Section 94(2)(b)(i)—after "land" insert:
or each owner from time to time of the land (as the case may
(5) Section 94(2)(b)(ii)—after
"Authority" insert:
or other administering agency
(6) Section 94(3)(a)—after
"Authority" insert:
or another administering agency
(7) Section 94(4)(a)—after
"land" insert:
or an activity previously carried on on
(8) Section 94(4)(c)
and (d)—delete paragraphs (c) and (d) and substitute:
(c) the order is binding on—
(i) in the case of an environment protection
order issued in relation to an activity carried on on
land—each owner and occupier from time to time of the land; or
(ii) in
the case of an environment protection order issued in relation to an activity
previously carried on on land—each owner from time to
time of the land,
and this Division (including subsection (1)(b)) applies as if
the order had been issued to each such person;
(d) if
such a person ceases to own or occupy the land (as the case may be), he or she
must, as soon as reasonably practicable, notify the Authority or, if the order
was issued by another administering agency, that administering agency, in writing
of the name or address of the new owner or occupier.
(9) Section 94(5)—delete "An owner or
occupier" and substitute:
A person
(10) Section 94(6)—after "Authority"
or, if the order was issued by another administering agency,
that administering agency
(11) Section 94(7)—delete subsection (7) and
(7) The Authority or another administering
agency may, if it thinks fit, apply to the Registrar-General for cancellation
of the registration of an environment protection order that has been registered
in relation to land on the application of the Authority or other administering
agency (as the case may be), and must do so—
(a) on revocation of the order; or
(b) on full compliance with the requirements of the order; or
(c) where
the Authority or other administering agency takes action under this Division to
carry out the requirements of the order—on payment to the Authority or other
administering agency of the amount recoverable by the Authority or other
administering agency under this Division in relation to the action so taken.
46—Amendment of section 95—Action on non-compliance with environment protection order
(1) Section 95(1)—after "Authority"
or, if the order was issued by another administering agency,
that administering agency
(2) Section 95(2)—delete subsection (2) and
(2) Any
action to be taken by the Authority or another administering agency under
subsection (1) may be taken by an authorised officer acting on behalf of the
Authority or other administering agency or by other persons authorised by the
Authority or other administering agency for the purpose.
(3) Section 95(3)(a)—after
"Authority" insert:
or other administering agency
(4) Section 95(4)—after "Authority" first
occurring insert:
or another administering agency
(5) Section 95(4)—after "Authority"
second occurring insert:
or other administering agency (as the case may be)
(6) Section 95—after subsection (4) insert:
(4a) Subject to subsection (4b), where—
(a) an environment protection order has been registered in
relation to land under section 94; or
(b) the registration of an environment protection order in
relation to land has been cancelled under that section,
the Authority or, if the order was registered on the application
of another administering agency, that administering agency may recover, as a
debt from the person to whom the order was issued, an amount prescribed by
regulation in respect of the registration or cancellation (as the case may be).
(4b) No
amount is recoverable by the Authority or another administering agency under
subsection (4a) in relation to an environment protection order that has
been revoked.
(7) Section 95(5)—after "Authority"
first occurring insert:
or another administering agency
(8) Section 95(5)(a)
and (b)—after "Authority" wherever occurring insert:
or other administering agency
47—Amendment of section 96—Information discovery orders
(1) Section 96(1)—after "Authority"
first occurring insert:
or another administering agency
(2) Section 96(1)—after "Authority"
second occurring insert:
or other administering agency (as the case may be)
(3) Section 96(2)—after "Authority"
wherever occurring insert:
or other administering agency
(4) Section 96(3)(c)—after
"Authority" insert:
or other administering agency
(5) Section 96(4)—delete subsection (4) and
(4) Where
an information discovery order has been issued to a person by the Authority or
another administering agency, the Authority or other administering agency (as
the case may be) may, by written notice served on the person, vary or revoke
the order.
(1) Section 97(1)—after "Authority"
or, in the case of an information discovery order issued by
another administering agency, that administering agency
(2) Section 97(2)—delete subsection (2) and
(2) Any
action to be taken by the Authority or another administering agency under
subsection (1) may be taken by an authorised officer acting on behalf of the
Authority or other administering agency or by other persons authorised by the
Authority or other administering agency for the purpose.
(3) Section 97(3)(a)—after
"Authority" insert:
or other administering agency
(4) Section 97(4)—after "Authority"
first occurring insert:
or another administering agency
(5) Section 97(4)—after "Authority"
second occurring insert:
or other administering agency (as the case may be)
49—Amendment of section 98—Admissibility in evidence of information
Section 98(2)—after "compliance by
a" insert:
50—Amendment of section 99—Clean-up orders
(1) Section 99(2)—after paragraph (c) insert:
(ca) may
include requirements for—
(i) preparing, in
accordance with specified requirements and to the satisfaction of the
Authority, a plan of action in relation to the environmental harm; and
(ii) complying with such a plan of action to the satisfaction of
the Authority;
(2) Section 99(2)(e)—delete
paragraph (e) and substitute:
(e) may include requirements for specified testing or
environmental monitoring;
(ea) may include requirements for furnishing to
the Authority specified test, monitoring or compliance reports;
(eb) may include requirements that the person to
whom it is issued appoint or engage a person with specified qualifications to
prepare a plan or report or undertake tests or monitoring required by the
(3) Section 99(6)—delete "criminal
liability" and substitute:
liability to a penalty
(4) Section 99—after subsection (8) insert:
(9) It
is not an excuse for a person to refuse or fail to provide information in
response to a requirement imposed by a clean-up order on the ground that to do
so might tend to incriminate the person or make the person liable to a penalty.
(10) If
compliance by a natural person with a requirement to provide information
imposed by a clean-up order might tend to incriminate the person or make the
person liable to a penalty, then the information given in compliance with the
requirement is not admissible in evidence against the person in proceedings for
an offence or for the imposition of a penalty (other than proceedings in
respect of the making of a false or misleading statement).
Section 101(1)(b)—delete
"owned by the" and substitute:
owned by a
52—Amendment of section 103—Recovery of costs and expenses incurred by the Authority
Section 103—after
subsection (2) insert:
(2a) Subject to subsection (2b), where—
(a) a
clean-up order or clean-up authorisation has been registered in relation to
land under section 101; or
(b) the registration of a clean-up order or clean-up
authorisation in relation to land has been cancelled under that section,
the Authority may recover, as a debt from the person whose
contravention gave rise to the issuing of the order or authorisation, an amount
prescribed by regulation in respect of the registration or cancellation (as the
case may be).
(2b) No
amount is recoverable by the Authority under subsection (2a) in relation
to a clean-up order or clean-up authorisation that has been revoked.
53—Substitution of heading to Part 11
Heading to Part 11—delete the heading to
Part 11 and substitute:
Part 11—Civil remedies and penalties
54—Amendment of section 104—Civil remedies
(1) Section 104(7)(a)—after
"Authority" insert:
or another administering agency
(2) Section 104—after subsection (22) insert:
(23) Without limiting the generality of
subsection (22), in determining whether to make any order in relation to costs
the Court may have regard to the following matters (so far as they are
(a) whether the applicant is pursuing a personal interest only
in bringing the proceedings or is furthering a wider group interest or the
public interest;
(b) whether or not the proceedings raise significant issues
relating to the administration of this Act.
After section 104 insert:
may recover civil penalty in respect of contravention
(1) If
the Authority is satisfied that a person has committed an offence by
contravening a provision of this Act, the Authority may, as an alternative to
criminal proceedings, recover, by negotiation or by application to the
Environment, Resources and Development Court, an amount as a civil penalty in
respect of the contravention.
(2) The
Authority may not recover an amount under this section in respect of a
contravention if the relevant offence requires proof of intention or some other
state of mind, and must, in respect of any other contravention, determine
whether to initiate proceedings for an offence or take action under this
section, having regard to the seriousness of the contravention, the previous
record of the offender and any other relevant factors.
(3) The maximum amount that the Authority may
recover by negotiation as a civil penalty in respect of a contravention is—
(a) the amount specified by this Act as the criminal penalty in
relation to that contravention; or
(b) $120
whichever is the lesser.
(4) If,
on an application by the Authority, the Environment, Resources and Development
Court is satisfied on the balance of probabilities that a person has
contravened a provision of this Act, the Court may order the person to pay to
the Authority an amount as a civil penalty (but not exceeding the amount
specified by this Act as the criminal penalty in relation to that
(5) In determining the amount to be paid by a
person as a civil penalty, the Court must have regard to—
(a) the nature and extent of the contravention; and
(b) any environmental harm or detriment to the public interest
resulting from the contravention; and
(c) any financial saving or other benefit that the person stood
to gain by committing the contravention; and
(d) whether the person has previously been found, in proceedings
under this Act, to have engaged in any similar conduct; and
(e) any other matter it considers relevant.
(6) The
jurisdiction conferred by this section is to be part of the civil jurisdiction
of the Court.
(7) If
conduct of a person constitutes a contravention of two or more provisions of
this Act, an amount may be recovered from the person under this section in relation
to the contravention of any one or more of those provisions (provided that the
person is not liable to pay more than one amount as a civil penalty in respect
of the same conduct).
(8) Proceedings
for an order under this section that a person pay an amount as a civil penalty
in relation to a contravention of this Act, or for enforcement of such an
order, are stayed if criminal proceedings are started or have already been
started against the person for an offence constituted by conduct that is substantially
the same as the conduct alleged to constitute the contravention.
(9) Proceedings
referred to in subsection (8) may only be resumed if the criminal
proceedings do not result in a formal finding of guilt being made against the
(10) Evidence of information given or evidence of
the production of documents by a person is not admissible in criminal
proceedings against the person if—
(a) the
person gave the evidence or produced the documents in the course of
negotiations or proceedings under this section for the recovery of an amount as
a civil penalty in relation to a contravention of this Act; and
(b) the conduct alleged to constitute the offence is
substantially the same as the conduct that was alleged to constitute the
(11) However,
subsection (10) does not apply to criminal proceedings in respect of the
making of a false or misleading statement.
(12) Proceedings
for an order under this section may be commenced at any time within three years
after the date of the alleged contravention or, with the authorisation of the
Attorney-General, at any later time within 10 years after the date of the
alleged contravention.
(13) An
apparently genuine document purporting to be under the hand of the
Attorney-General and to authorise the commencement of proceedings for an order
under this section will be accepted in any legal proceedings, in the absence of
proof to the contrary, as proof of the authorisation.
(14) The
Court may, in any proceedings under this section, make such orders in relation
to the costs of the proceedings as it thinks just and reasonable.
56—Amendment of section 105—Emergency authorisations
(1) Section 105(2)—delete subsection (2) and
(2) An authorisation issued to a person under
this section—
(a) is subject to a condition that the person pay the prescribed
fee (which may be recovered as a debt); and
(b) may be subject to such other conditions as the Authority or
authorised officer considers appropriate and specifies in the authorisation.
(2) Section 105(3)—delete "criminal
liability" and substitute:
liability to a penalty under this Act
(3) Section 105(4)—delete "be guilty of an
offence of contravening" and substitute:
have contravened
(4) Section 105(4)(a)—delete
paragraph (a) and substitute:
(a) any proceedings under section 104 in respect of the
57—Amendment of section 106—Appeals to Court
Section 106(1)(d)—delete "by the
Authority or an authorised officer"
58—Amendment of section 109—Public register
(1) Section 109(3)—before paragraph (a) insert:
(aa) details of any exemptions granted by the
Authority under section 36(2);
(2) Section 109(3)(h)—delete
paragraph (h) and substitute:
(h) details of serious or material environmental harm caused or
threatened in the course of an activity that come to the notice of the
(3) Section 109(3)(i)—after "Authority" insert:
or another administering agency
(4) Section 109(3)—after paragraph (k) insert:
(ka) the following details of the recovery by the
Authority, by negotiation, of an amount as a civil penalty in respect of an
alleged contravention of this Act:
(i) the name of the
person from whom the amount was recovered;
(ii) particulars of the alleged contravention;
(iii) the amount recovered;
(5) Section 109—after subsection (3) insert:
(3a) If
an administering agency other than the Authority takes any action the details
of which are required to be recorded in the register, the administering agency
must ensure that those details are provided to the Authority as soon as
practicable but, in any event, within three months after taking the action.
(6) Section 109—after subsection (6) insert:
(7) The
Governor may, by regulation, provide for the removal by the Authority of
information recorded in the register under this section.
59—Amendment of section 111—Annual reports by Authority
Section 111—after
subsection (3) insert:
(4) The
report is, by force of this section, referred to the Environment, Resources
and Development Committee of the Parliament.
60—Amendment of section 112—State of environment reports
Section 112—after
subsection (4) insert:
(5) The
Minister must, within a reasonable time after the report being delivered to the
Minister, prepare and publish a response to the report.
(6) The
Minister must cause a copy of the Minister's response to be laid before each
House of Parliament within 12 sitting days after the publication of the
61—Amendment of section 116—Waiver or refund of fees and levies and payment by instalments
(1) Section 116—after "The Authority"
or another administering agency
(2) Section 116(a)—after "the
Authority" insert:
or other administering agency
(3) Section 116(a) and (b)—after
"fee" wherever occurring insert:
or levy
62—Amendment of section 118—Service
(1) Section 118(1)—delete "the Authority
or the Minister" and substitute:
the Minister, the Authority, another administering agency
(2) Section 118(2)(b)—delete
paragraph (b) and substitute:
(b) if the person is a company or registered body within the
meaning of the Corporations Act 2001 of the Commonwealth—be given or
served on the person in accordance with that Act.
63—Amendment of section 119—False or misleading information
Section 119, penalty provision—delete the
penalty provision and substitute:
(a) If
the offender is a body corporate—Division 1 fine.
(b) If
the offender is a natural person—Division 3 fine.
64—Substitution of sections 120 and 120A
Sections 120 and 120A—delete the sections
and substitute:
120—Statutory declarations
Where a person is required by or under this Act to furnish
information to the Authority or another administering agency, the Authority or
other administering agency may require that the information be verified by
statutory declaration and, in that event, the person will not be taken to have
furnished the information as required unless it has been so verified.
or misleading reports
(1) A person who makes a false or misleading
report to the Authority, another administering agency or a person engaged in
the administration of this Act is guilty of an offence if—
(a) the person knows the report is false or misleading; and
(b) the report is of a
kind that would reasonably call for investigation or action by the Authority or
another administering agency.
Penalty: Division 4 fine.
(2) Where
a person is convicted of an offence against subsection (1), the court
must, on application by the Authority or another administering agency, order
the convicted person to pay to the Authority or other administering agency the
reasonable costs and expenses incurred by the Authority or other administering
agency in carrying out an investigation or taking action as a result of the
false or misleading report.
65—Amendment of section 122—Immunity from personal liability
(1) Section 122(1)—after "Board,"
a member of an administering agency other than the Authority,
(2) Section 122(3)—delete "an authorised
officer who is" and substitute:
a member of a council or
66—Amendment of section 124—General defence
(1) Section 124(1)—delete subsection (1) and
(1) It will be a defence in any criminal
proceedings, or in any proceedings for the payment of an amount as a civil
penalty, in respect of an alleged contravention of this Act, including—
(a) proceedings against a body corporate or a natural person
where conduct or a state of mind is imputed to the body or person under this
Part; and
(b) proceedings against an officer of a body corporate under
this Part,
if it is proved that the alleged contravention did not result
from any failure on the defendant's part to take all reasonable and practicable
measures to prevent the contravention or contraventions of the same or a
similar nature.
(2) Section 124(2)—delete "offence"
and substitute:
(3) Section 124(4)—delete "be guilty of an
offence of contravening" and substitute:
have contravened
(4) Section 124(4)(a)—delete
paragraph (a) and substitute:
(a) any proceedings under section 104 in respect of the
67—Substitution of section 125
Section 125—delete the section and
of defences
(1) A person who, in criminal proceedings,
intends to rely on the general defence under this Part or any other defence
under this Act may only do so if the person gives notice in writing of that
(a) if the proceedings are for a summary offence and have been
commenced by an authorised officer appointed by a council—to the council; or
(b) in any other case—to the Authority.
(2) A notice under subsection (1) must be given—
(a) if
the proceedings are for a summary offence—within 28 days after the summons to
answer the charge is served on the person; or
(b) if
the proceedings are for a minor indictable offence where the charge is to be
dealt with in the same way as a charge of a summary offence—not less than 28
days before the date for hearing of the charge; or
(c) in any other case—within seven days after the person is
committed for trial.
68—Amendment of section 126—Proof of intention etc
Section 126—delete "the commission of
an offence against this Act" and substitute:
a contravention of this Act
69—Amendment of section 127—Imputation of conduct or state of mind of officer, employee etc
Section 127(1)—after "for an offence
against this Act" insert:
or proceedings for the payment of an amount as a civil
penalty in respect of an alleged contravention of this Act
70—Amendment of section 128—Statement of officer evidence against body corporate
Section 128(1)—after "by a body
corporate" insert:
or proceedings against a body corporate for the payment of an
amount as a civil penalty in respect of an alleged contravention of this Act
71—Substitution of sections 129 and 130
Sections 129 and 130—delete the sections
and substitute:
of officers of body corporate
(1) Where a body corporate contravenes a
provision of this Act, a person who is an officer of the body corporate is—
(a) subject to the general defence under this Part, guilty of a
contravention of this Act; and
(b) subject to subsection (2), liable to the same penalty
as may be imposed for the principal contravention when committed by a natural
(2) Where
an officer of a body corporate is convicted of an offence under
subsection (1), the officer is not liable to be punished by imprisonment
for the offence.
(3) Where
a body corporate contravenes a provision of this Act, an officer of the body
corporate who knowingly promoted or acquiesced in the contravention is also
guilty of contravening that provision.
(4) An officer of a body corporate—
(a) may be prosecuted and convicted of an offence pursuant to
subsection (1) or (3); or
(b) may be ordered to pay an amount as a civil penalty pursuant
to subsection (1) or (3),
whether or not there has been a finding by a
court that the body corporate committed the contravention.
in respect of alleged contraventions
Where a person reports to the Authority or another administering
agency an alleged contravention of this Act, the Authority or other
administering agency (as the case may be) must, at the request of the person,
advise the person as soon as practicable of the action (if any) taken or
proposed to be taken by the Authority or other administering agency in respect
of the allegation.
72—Amendment of section 133—Orders in respect of contraventions
(1) Section 133(1)—delete "for an offence
against this Act, the court finds the defendant guilty of a contravention of
this Act that" and substitute:
under this Act, the court finds that the defendant contravened
this Act and the contravention has
(2) Section 133(1a)—delete "is convicted
of an offence against this Act, the court may, in addition to any penalty it
may impose, order the convicted" and substitute:
is found by a court to have contravened this Act, the court
may, in addition to any penalty it may impose, order the
(3) Section 133(1a)—delete "commission of
the offence" and substitute:
(4) Section 133(1b)—delete "commission of
an offence if commission of the offence" and substitute:
a contravention if the contravention
73—Substitution of section 135
Section 135—delete the section and
of administrative and technical costs associated with contraventions
(1) Where a person has contravened this Act and
the Authority or another administering agency—
(a) has taken action to—
(i) investigate the
contravention; or
(ii) issue an order under Part 10 in respect of the
contravention; or
(iii) ensure
that the person has complied with requirements imposed in relation to the
contravention by an order under Part 10 or by an order of a court under this
Act; or
(b) has,
in taking such action, incurred costs and expenses in taking samples or in
conducting tests, examinations or analyses,
the Authority or other administering agency may, by notice in
writing served on the person, require the person to pay to the Authority or
other administering agency—
(c) in
respect of action to investigate the contravention or to issue an order under
Part 10 in respect of the contravention—a fee fixed by, or calculated in
accordance with, the regulations; or
(d) in
respect of action to ensure that the person has complied with requirements
imposed in relation to the contravention by an order under Part 10 or by an
order of a court under this Act—the reasonable costs and expenses incurred by
the Authority or other administering agency in taking that action; or
(e) in
respect of costs and expenses incurred in taking samples or in conducting
tests, examinations or analyses—the reasonable costs and expenses so incurred
by the Authority or other administering agency.
(2) Subject
to subsection (3), an amount payable to the Authority or another administering
agency in accordance with a notice under this section must be paid within the
period specified in the notice.
(3) On application by a person who has been
served a notice under this section, the Authority or other administering agency
that served the notice may, by notice in writing—
(a) extend the time for payment of an amount payable in
accordance with the notice; or
(b) waive payment of such an amount or reduce the amount
(4) A person who fails to pay an amount payable
to the Authority or another administering agency in accordance with this
section is guilty of an offence.
Maximum penalty: Division 8 fine.
Expiation fee: $500.
(5) If a notice is issued under this section in
respect of a contravention and—
(a) the contravention is the subject of an appeal; or
(b) the notice requires payment of an amount in respect of the
issue of an order under Part 10 and the order is the subject of an appeal,
the notice is suspended until the appeal has been determined
(but if the court, on appeal, finds that the contravention was committed or
that the order was properly issued, as the case may be, the notice will have
effect as if the period for payment specified in the notice commenced on the
day on which the appeal was determined).
(6) If
an amount payable to the Authority or another administering agency is not paid
in accordance with this section, the amount may be recovered as a debt by the
Authority or other administering agency.
74—Amendment of section 136—Assessment of reasonable costs and expenses
Section 136—after "the
Authority" insert:
, another administering agency
After section 137 insert:
and several liability
Where an amount is recoverable by the Authority from two or more
persons under a provision of this Act, the provision is to be construed as if
those persons were jointly and severally liable to pay the amount to the
76—Amendment of section 138—Enforcement of charge on land
Section 138(1)—delete "the Authority
or the Minister, the Authority or the Minister" and substitute:
the Minister, the Authority or another administering agency,
the Minister, the Authority or the other administering agency
77—Amendment of section 139—Evidentiary provisions
(1) Section 139(1)—delete "the Authority
or the Minister" first occurring and substitute:
the Minister, the Authority or another administering agency
(2) Section 139(1)(d),
(e) and (f)—delete "the Authority or the Minister" wherever occurring
and substitute in each case:
the Minister, the Authority or the other administering agency
(3) Section 139(2)—delete "the
Authority" first occurring and substitute:
the Minister, the Authority, another administering agency
(4) Section 139(2)—delete "the
Authority" second occurring and substitute:
the Minister, the Authority, the other administering agency
(5) Section 139(4)—delete subsection (4) and
(4) In any proceedings for an offence against
this Act where it is alleged that the defendant caused an environmental
nuisance, evidence by an authorised officer that he or she formed the opinion
based on his or her own senses—
(a) that pollutants discharged or emitted from a place occupied
by the defendant travelled to a place occupied by another person; and
(b) that the level, nature or extent of the pollution within the
place occupied by the other person was such as to constitute an unreasonable
interference with the person's enjoyment of the place,
constitutes proof, in the absence of proof to the
contrary, that the defendant caused an environmental nuisance.
(6) Section 139(6)(a)—delete
"the Authority or the Minister" and substitute:
the Minister, the Authority, another administering agency
78—Amendment of section 140—Regulations
Section 140(2)—before paragraph (a)
(aa) make provisions implementing a national
environment protection measure;
79—Amendment of Schedule 1—Prescribed activities of environmental significance
(1) Schedule 1, clause 3(4)(w)—delete
"Petroleum Act 1940" and substitute:
Petroleum Act 2000
(2) Schedule 1, clause 8(3)(d)—delete
"Petroleum Act 1940" and substitute:
Petroleum Act 2000
Schedule 2—delete the Schedule
Schedule 1—Transitional provisions
In this Schedule—
Minister means the Minister responsible for the administration of the
principal Act;
principal Act means the Environment Protection Act 1993.
2—Environment, Resources and Development Committee to conduct inquiry into administering agencies
The Environment, Resources and Development Committee of the
Parliament must, not less than 2 years after the commencement of
section 16, inquire into, consider and report on the role and functions of
administering agencies (other than the Environment Protection Authority) under
the principal Act as amended by this Act.
3—Amendment of environment protection policies by notice
(1) The Minister may, by notice in the Gazette,
amend an environment protection policy—
(a) to substitute, for references in the policy to a
"Category C offence", references to a "Category D offence";
(b) to add to the policy references to another
"administering agency" so that they appear in the alternative to
references to the "Authority".
(2) An
amendment under subclause (1) comes into operation on the day fixed in the
notice of the amendment.
4—Environment protection policies in force under section 28A
The following provisions apply in relation
to an environment protection policy in operation immediately before the
commencement of section 20 by virtue of section 28A(1)
of the principal Act:
(a) on the commencement of section 20, the environment
protection policy continues in operation as an environment protection policy
made under the principal Act;
(b) after the commencement of section 20, the normal
procedure for making environment protection policies does not apply in relation
to a draft environment protection policy—
(i) that revokes and
replaces the environment protection policy if the Minister is satisfied that—
(A) the draft environment protection policy covers the same
subject matter as the policy it is revoking; and
(B) the
only substantive changes relate to the enforcement of the policy (including the
imposition of penalties for contravention of the policy) or are otherwise
necessary or appropriate for the application of the policy in this
jurisdiction; or
(ii) that revokes the environment protection policy if the
Minister is satisfied that an environment protection policy is not required for
the implementation of the relevant national environment protection measure;
(c) the Minister may refer a draft policy referred to in paragraph (b) directly to the Governor.