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South Australia
Natural Resources Management (Review) Amendment
Bill 2010
An Act to amend the Natural
Resources Management Act 2004.
Part 1—Preliminary
Part 2—Amendment of Natural Resources
Management Act 2004
4Amendment of section
5Amendment of section 11—Powers of
6Amendment of section 13—Composition
of NRM Council
7Amendment of section 14—Conditions of
8Amendment of section 20—Annual
9Amendment of section 22—Establishment of
10Amendment of section 25—Composition
of boards
11Amendment of section 26—Conditions
of membership
12Amendment of section 38—Annual
13Amendment of section 49—Conditions
of membership
14Repeal of section 57
15Amendment of section
65—Power of delegation
16Substitution of section
17Amendment of section
75—Regional NRM plans
18Amendment of section 76—Preparation
of water allocation plans
19Repeal of section 78
of section 79—Preparation of plans and consultation
of section 80—Submission of plan to Minister
22Amendment of section
81—Review and amendment of plans
23Amendment of section 97—Outside
council areas
24Amendment of
section 100—Interpretation
25Amendment of section
106—Determination of quantity of water taken
26Amendment of section
115—Declaration of penalty in relation to unauthorised or unlawful taking
of water
27Amendment of section
28Amendment of section 124—Right to take
water subject to certain requirements
29Amendment of section
125—Declaration of prescribed water resources
30Amendment of section
127—Water affecting activities
31Amendment of section 128—Certain
uses of water authorised
32Amendment of section
33Amendment of section 145—Requirement for
remedial or other work
34Amendment of section 150—Transfer
of water licences
35Amendment of section 152—Source of
36Amendment of section 161—Variation
of approvals
37Amendment of section 164N
of section 167—Allocation of reserved water
39Amendment of section
169—Water conservation measures
40Amendment of
section 175—Movement of animals or plants
41Amendment of
section 176—Possession of animals or plants
42Amendment of
section 177—Sale of animals or plants, or produce or goods carrying
animals or plants
43Amendment of section 179—Offence to
release animals or plants
44Amendment of
section 181—Requirement to control certain animals or
45Amendment of section
46Repeal of section 234
The Parliament of South Australia enacts as
This Act may be cited as the Natural Resources Management (Review)
Amendment Act 2010.
This Act will come into operation on a day to be fixed by
In this Act, a provision under a heading referring to the amendment of a
specified Act amends the Act so specified.
Part 2—Amendment
of Natural Resources Management
Act 2004
of section 3—Interpretation
(1) Section 3(1)—after the definition of Department
designated drainage infrastructure means—
(a) any water management works under the care, control and management of a
relevant authority under the South
Eastern Water Conservation and Drainage Act 1992; or
(b) any Project works under the Upper
South East Dryland Salinity and Flood Management Act 2002;
(c) any other drainage infrastructure designated by the regulations as
being within the ambit of this definition;
(2) Section 3(1), definition of domestic purpose,
paragraph (a)—delete paragraph (a) and substitute:
(a) taking water for the purpose of watering or irrigating land, other
than land used solely in connection with a dwelling; or
(ab) without limiting paragraph (a)—taking water for the
purpose of watering or irrigating more than 0.4 of a hectare of land;
(3) Section 3(1)—after the definition of domestic
wastewater insert:
drainage infrastructure means infrastructure established for
the purposes of draining water (however occurring) from any land and includes
any related or additional infrastructure established for managing or dealing
with the water after it has been drained from the land;
(4) Section 3(1), definition of infrastructure,
(c)—after "channels" insert:
, drains
(5) Section 3(1), definition of intensive
farming—delete the definition and substitute:
intensive farming means—
(a) a method of keeping animals in the course of carrying on the business
of primary production in which the animals are usually confined to a small space
or area and usually fed by hand or by a mechanical means; or
(b) any other form of farming designated as intensive farming by an NRM
plan applying to or in relation to the area where the farming is being carried
but does not include any method or activity excluded from the ambit of this
definition by the NRM plan applying to or in relation to the area where the
farming is being carried out;
(6) Section 3(1), definition of private land,
(a)—delete "
Lands Act 1929" and substitute:
Land Management Act 2009
(7) Section 3(1), definition of residential
premises—delete the definition
(8) Section 3(1), definition of surface water—after
paragraph (c) insert:
(d) water of a kind referred to in paragraph (a) that is contained in any
designated drainage infrastructure;
(e) water in a watercourse if the watercourse, or a particular part of a
watercourse, is declared by proclamation under subsection (13) to
constitute surface water for the purposes of this Act;
(9) Section 3(1), definition of surface water prescribed
area—after "stormwater infrastructure" insert:
or designated drainage infrastructure
(10) Section 3(1), definition of to take—after
paragraph (ba) insert:
(bb) to stop, impede or direct the flow of water in any designated
drainage infrastructure for the purpose of collecting the water, or to extract
any water from designated drainage infrastructure;
(11) Section 3(1), definition of water resource—after
"(to the extent that it is not within a preceding item)" insert:
, water within designated drainage infrastructure (to the extent that it is
not within a preceding item)
(12) Section 3—after subsection (12) insert:
(a) by proclamation,
declare a watercourse, or a part of a watercourse, to constitute surface water
for the purposes of this Act;
(b) by subsequent proclamation or proclamations, vary or revoke a
proclamation under
paragraph (a).
(14) A proclamation under
subsection (13)
will have effect according to its terms.
of section 11—Powers of delegation
Section 11(4)(b)—delete paragraph (b)
of section 13—Composition of NRM Council
(1) Section 13—after subsection (4) insert:
(4a) Subsection (4) does not apply if—
(a) the Minister is seeking to fill a casual vacancy in the membership of
the NRM Council; and
(b) the unexpired period of office of the member whose position has become
vacant (the "former member") is less than 2 years; and
(c) the Minister's intention is that the term of office of the person
appointed to the vacant position will be equal to the unexpired term of the
former member at the time that the vacant position is filled.
(2) Section 13(5)(a)(v)—delete "administration" and
of section 14—Conditions of membership
(1) Section 14(1)—delete "3" and substitute:
(2) Section 14(1)—delete "6" and substitute:
of section 20—Annual report
Section 20(2)—delete subsection (2) and
(2) The report must include any report or information provided to the NRM
Council under this Act for inclusion in its annual report.
of section 22—Establishment of regions
Section 22(4)—delete "notice" and substitute:
of section 25—Composition of boards
(1) Section 25—after subsection (3) insert:
(3a) Subsections (2) and (3) do not apply if—
(a) the Minister is seeking to fill a casual vacancy in the membership of
a regional NRM board; and
(b) the unexpired term of office of the member whose position has become
vacant (the "former member") is less than 2 years; and
(c) the Minister's intention is that the term of office of the person
appointed to the vacant position will be equal to the unexpired term of the
former member at the time that the vacant position is filled.
(2) Section 25(4)(a)(vi)—delete "administration" and
of section 26—Conditions of membership
(1) Section 26(1)—delete "3" and substitute:
(2) Section 26(1)—delete "6" and substitute:
(3) Section 26(3)(f)—delete "the Minister" and
the Governor
of section 38—Annual reports
(1) Section 38(1)—delete subsection (1) and
(1) A regional NRM board must, on or before 30 November in every
year, provide to the Minister a report—
(a) on its activities for the financial year ending on the preceding
30 June (and the regional NRM board need not provide a report under the
Sector Act 2009); and
(b) on the activities of any NRM group within its region (and any NRM
group need not provide a report under the Public
Sector Act 2009).
(2) Section 38—after subsection (2) insert:
(3) The Minister must cause a copy of a report provided to the Minister
under this section to be laid before both Houses of Parliament within
12 sitting days after receiving the report.
(4) The Chief Executive of the Department must ensure that a copy of any
report within the ambit of subsection (3) is published on the Department's
website within 5 business days after being laid before both Houses of
Parliament under that subsection.
of section 49—Conditions of membership
(1) Section 49(1)—delete "3" and substitute:
(2) Section 49(1)—delete "9" and substitute:
Section 57—delete the section
of section 65—Power of delegation
Section 65(1)—after "under this" insert:
or any other
Section 72—delete the section and substitute:
(1) It is not an excuse for a person to refuse or fail to answer a
question or to produce, or provide a copy of, a document or information as
required under this Part on the ground that to do so might tend to incriminate
the person or make the person liable to a penalty.
(2) If compliance by a natural person with a requirement to answer a
question or to produce, or provide a copy of, a document or information might
tend to incriminate the person or make the person liable to a penalty,
(a) in the case of a person who is required to produce, or provide a copy
of, a document or information—the fact of production, or provision of a
copy of, the document or the information (as distinct from the contents of the
document or the information); or
(b) in any other case—the answer given in compliance with the
is not admissible in evidence against the person in proceedings for an
offence or for the imposition of a penalty (other than proceedings in respect of
the making of a false or misleading statement or declaration).
of section 75—Regional NRM plans
(1) Section 75(1)—after "its operations" insert:
and in order to promote the objects of this Act within its region
(2) Section 75(3)—after paragraph (b) insert:
(ba) set strategic directions for all natural resource management
activities that are to be undertaken under this Act in relation to its region;
(3) Section 75(3)(b)(iii)—after "flood mitigation" insert:
, and plans to manage significant issues associated with the drainage of
land (insofar as these issues are not being managed or addressed in other
(4) Section 75(3)(i)—after "Chapter 5" insert:
and subsection (3a) applies for the purposes of this
(5) Section 75(3)—after paragraph (j) insert:
(ja) if the plan proposes a water levy be declared under Chapter 5
Part 1 Division 2—set out the board's proposals or
recommendations with respect to the basis on which the levy will be imposed
under section 101; and
(6) Section 75(3)(k)—delete paragraph (k) and substitute:
(k) set out matters that should be taken into account when a relevant
authority is exercising a power to grant or refuse a permit under Chapter 7
Part 2; and
(7) Section 75—after subsection (3) insert:
(3a) This subsection applies for the purposes of paragraph (i) of
subsection (3) if—
(a) a plan proposes—
(i) that funds should now comprise or include an amount to be raised or
recovered by a levy under Chapter 5 Part 1 Division 1 or
Division 2; and
(ii) such a levy has not been imposed in the financial year immediately
preceding the financial year in which the levy is to be imposed; or
(b) a plan proposes—
(i) that a levy under Chapter 5 Part 1 Division 1 or
Division 2 imposed in 1 financial year be again imposed in the next
financial year; and
(ii) that the amount to be raised or recovered by the levy in the next
financial year will be an amount that exceeds the amount raised for the last
financial year adjusted to reflect increases (if any) in the CPI during the
financial year immediately preceding that last financial year.
of section 76—Preparation of water allocation
(1) Section 76(4)—after paragraph (a) insert:
(aab) include—
(i) an assessment of the capacity of the water resource to meet
environmental water requirements; and
(ii) information about the water that is to be set aside for the
environment including, insofar as is reasonably practicable, information about
the quantity and quality, the time when that water is expected to be made
available, and the type and extent of the ecosystems to which it is to be
provided; and
(iii) a statement of the environmental outcomes expected to be delivered
on account of the provision of environmental water under the plan; and
(2) Section 76(4)(h)(i)—delete subparagraph (i) and
(i) set out matters that should be taken into account when a relevant
authority is exercising a power to grant or refuse a permit under Chapter 7
Part 2; and
(3) Section 76—after subsection (8) insert:
(9) For the purposes of this section, environmental water requirements are
those water requirements that must be met in order to sustain the ecological
values of ecosystems that depend on the water resource, including their
processes and biodiversity, at a low level of risk.
Section 78—delete the section
of section 79—Preparation of plans and consultation
(1) Section 79(1)—delete subsection (1) and
(1) A regional NRM board proposing to create a plan must prepare a draft
plan for the purposes of this Division.
(1a) A regional NRM board must, at the time that it commences the
preparation of a draft plan, give public notice of its decision to proceed to
prepare a draft in accordance with the regulations.
(2) Section 79(6)(a)—after subparagraph (ix) insert:
(ixa) any body that represents the interests of Aboriginal people
identified by the Minister for the purposes of this subparagraph (either in
relation to a particular plan or more generally); and
(3) Section 79—after subsection (18) insert:
(19) The board may, as part of the processes associated with
subsections (16), (17) and (18), amend the draft plan as the board
thinks fit.
of section 80—Submission of plan to Minister
Section 80(1)—after "section 79(18)" insert:
(and, if relevant, under section 79(19))
of section 81—Review and amendment of plans
(1) Section 81(4)—delete "5" and substitute:
(2) Section 81(7)(a)(i)—delete "a copy" and substitute:
a summary
(3) Section 81(10)(b)(ii)—delete subparagraph (ii) and
(ii) that the amount to be raised or recovered by the levy in the next
financial year will be an amount that exceeds the amount raised for the last
financial year adjusted to reflect increases (if any) in the CPI during the
financial year immediately preceding that last financial year,
of section 97—Outside council areas
(1) Section 97(4)—delete "will be" and substitute:
may be
(2) Section 97—after subsection (11) insert:
(11a) In connection
with the operation of a preceding subsection:
(a) if 2 or more pieces of rateable land are owned by the same owner and
occupied by the same occupier, only 1 levy may be imposed against the whole
of that land; and
(b) if 2 or more
pieces of rateable land constitute a single farm enterprise, only 1 levy may be
imposed against the whole of the land.
Subsection (11a)(b)
only applies if the Minister is satisfied, on application to the Minister and by
provision of such information or evidence as the Minister may reasonably
require, that the relevant land is within the ambit of the provision.
(11c) If the grounds on which land within the ambit of
subsection (11a)(b)
cease to exist, the person who has the benefit of the provision must immediately
inform the Minister of that fact.
Maximum penalty: $5 000.
(3) Section 97—after subsection (16) insert:
(17) In this section, a reference to a single farm enterprise is a
reference to 2 or more pieces of rateable land—
(a) which—
(i) are farm land; and
(ii) are farmed as a single enterprise; and
(iii) are occupied by the same person or persons,
whether or not the pieces of land are contiguous; or
(b) which—
(i) as to all the pieces except 1, are farm land farmed as a single
enterprise occupied by the same person or persons; and
(ii) as to 1 piece contiguous with at least 1 of the other pieces, is the
principal place of residence of that person or 1 of those persons.
(18) In this section—
farm land means land used wholly or mainly for the business
of primary production.
of section 100—Interpretation
Section 100(1), definition of levy—delete the
definition and substitute:
levy includes an instalment of a levy.
of section 106—Determination of quantity of water
Section 106(1)—after paragraph (e) insert:
(f) water taken for the purposes of the construction or repair of a public
road must be disregarded;
(g) if water taken for the purposes of the construction or repair of a
public road is not measured by meter, or the water is taken for other purposes
as well, the Minister must make an assessment of the quantity of water taken for
those purposes on such basis as the Minister thinks fit.
of section 115—Declaration of penalty in relation to unauthorised or
unlawful taking of water
Section 115(4)—after "subsection (1)(cb)" insert:
or (d)
of section 121—Interpretation
Section 121, definition of degradation—after "an
adverse effect" insert:
on the productive capacity of land, or
of section 124—Right to take water subject to certain
(1) Section 124(3)—delete "and (6)" and substitute:
, (6), (6a) and (6b)
(2) Section 124—after subsection (6a) insert:
(6b) Subsection (3) does not apply—
(a) to the taking of water from designated drainage infrastructure in
circumstances prescribed by regulations; or
(b) to the taking of water from designated drainage infrastructure, or a
part of designated drainage infrastructure, brought within the ambit of this
paragraph by regulation.
of section 125—Declaration of prescribed water
Section 125(4a)—after "(or a part of stormwater infrastructure)"
or by reference to particular designated drainage infrastructure (or a part
of designated drainage infrastructure)
of section 127—Water affecting activities
(1) Section 127—after subsection (4) insert:
(4a) The relevant authority may—
(a) require that separate applications be made;
(b) issue separate water management authorisations or permits,
with respect to each distinct activity or item of infrastructure within the
ambit of subsection (3) in any particular case.
(2) Section 127(6)(a), penalty provision—delete
paragraph (a) and substitute:
(a) if the offence is constituted by a contravention of
subsection (1) or (5a)—
(i) where the offender is a body
corporate—$2 200 000;
(ii) where the offender is a natural person—$700 000;
(3) Section 127(6), Expiation fee provision—delete this provision
and substitute:
Expiation fee: If the offence is constituted by a breach of a prescribed
condition of a water management authorisation or permit—$750.
(4) Section 127(9)—delete subsection (9)
of section 128—Certain uses of water authorised
Section 128(3)—after "infrastructure of a particular class"
or as to particular designated drainage infrastructure (or a part of
designated drainage infrastructure) or designated drainage infrastructure of a
particular class
of section 135—Permits
Section 135(4)—delete subsection (4) and substitute:
(4) A relevant authority must—
(a) take into account the provisions of the relevant regional NRM plan
when considering an application for a permit; and
(b) ensure that the permit, if granted, and any conditions of the permit,
are not inconsistent with the provisions of the relevant regional NRM
of section 145—Requirement for remedial or other work
Section 145(2)—after "backfilled" insert:
, capped
of section 150—Transfer of water licences
(1) Section 150(13)—after paragraph (c) insert:
(d) require a reduction in the size of a dam, or require other work to be
undertaken with respect to a dam, wall or structure, to match the effect of the
(2) Section 150—after subsection (14) insert:
(14a) A person who holds a water licence that is subject to the operation
of subsection (13)(d) must comply with that requirement within a period
specified by the Minister.
Maximum penalty:
(a) where the offender is a body corporate—$50 000;
(b) where the offender is a natural person—$25 000.
of section 152—Source of allocation
(1) Section 152(1)—after paragraph (a) insert:
(ab) as a carry-over under subsection (7)(a) or (b);
(2) Section 152—after subsection (2) insert:
(2a) In a case where subsection (1)(ab) applies, the water allocation
that is carried over will be subject to such adjustments (including a reduction)
as the Minister may determine for the purposes of this section.
(3) Section 152(7)—delete subsection (7) and
(7) A water allocation will initially relate to a specified period (not
exceeding 12 months) and if water is not taken under the terms of the
allocation during that period the allocation may be carried over
(a) to do so is authorised by the relevant water allocation plan;
(b) a carry-over is allowed by the Minister (either by determination of
the Minister in a particular case or cases or under a policy established by the
Minister for the purposes of this section by notice in the Gazette),
but otherwise the water allocation will expire at the end of the
of section 161—Variation of approvals
(1) Section 161(1)—after paragraph (d) insert:
(da) at any time if the variation is necessary, in the opinion of the
Minister, to provide consistency with action taken with respect to the variation
or transfer of a water licence that is relevant to the water resource works
approval; or
(2) Section 161(4)(b)—delete "licence" and
water resource works approval
Section 164N—after subsection (11) insert—
(12) If a person who is an existing user under a preceding subsection
divests himself or herself of land (or an interest in land) in relation to which
the rights of an existing user arises under those subsections—
(a) the person who acquires the land (or the interest in land), or any
successor to that person, will be regarded as the existing user in substitution
for the earlier existing user (and to obtain the benefit of any action or
commitment taken or made by an earlier existing user); and
(b) those subsections will apply subject to any modifications necessary to
take into account the operation of this subsection, and such other modifications
as may be prescribed by the regulations.
of section 167—Allocation of reserved water
Section 167(1)(d)—delete "subsections (2) and (4) of section 151" and
subsections (2) and (7) of section 147
of section 169—Water conservation measures
(1) Section 169(2)—delete subsection (2) and substitute:
(2) The Minister may, by notice in the Gazette, introduce 1 or more water
conservation measures.
(2) Section 169(3)—delete "Regulations" and substitute:
A notice
(3) Section 169(3)(b)—delete "the Governor" and
the Minister
(4) Section 169(4)—delete "A regulation" and substitute:
A notice
(5) Section 169(5)—delete "a regulation is made" and
a notice is published
(6) Section 169(5)(a)—delete "regulation" and substitute:
water conservation measures
(7) Section 169(5)(b)—delete "regulation" and substitute:
(8) Section 169(6)—delete "A regulation" and substitute:
A notice
(9) Section 169(6)—delete "in accordance with the
(10) Section 169(7)—delete "A regulation" and substitute:
A notice
(11) Section 169(7)(e)—delete "the regulation" and
the notice
(12) Section 169—after subsection (7) insert:
(7a) The Minister may, by subsequent notice in the Gazette, vary or revoke
a notice under subsection (2).
(13) Section 169(8)—delete "a regulation" and substitute:
the provisions of a notice
of section 175—Movement of animals or plants
(1) Section 175(2)—after "control area for a class of"
animals or
(2) Section 175(2)(a)—delete "a plant" and
an animal or plant
(3) Section 175(2)(b)—delete "a plant" and
an animal or plant
of section 176—Possession of animals or plants
Section 176(1)—delete subsection (1) and
(1) Subject to this Act, a person must not keep, or have in his or her
possession or control, an animal of a class to which this subsection
Maximum penalty:
(a) if the offence relates to a Category 1 animal—$50 000
or imprisonment for 1 year;
(b) if the offence relates to a Category 2 animal—$20 000
or imprisonment for 6 months;
(c) if the offence relates to a Category 3
animal—$10 000.
Expiation fee: If the offence relates to a Category 3
(1a) Subject to this Act, a person must not keep, or have in his or her
possession or control, an animal of a class to which this subsection applies
within a control area for that class of animals.
Maximum penalty:
(a) if the offence relates to a Category 1 animal—$50 000
or imprisonment for 1 year;
(b) if the offence relates to a Category 2 animal—$20 000
or imprisonment for 6 months;
(c) if the offence relates to a Category 3
animal—$10 000.
Expiation fee: If the offence relates to a Category 3
of section 177—Sale of animals or plants, or produce or goods
carrying animals or plants
Section 177(2)—delete "carrying a plant" and
carrying an animal or plant
of section 179—Offence to release animals or
(1) Section 179—before subsection (1) insert:
(a1) A person must not release an animal of a class to which this
subsection applies, or cause or permit an animal of that class to be
Maximum penalty: $100 000 or imprisonment for 2 years.
(2) Section 179(3)—after "an offence against" insert:
subsection (a1),
(3) Section 179(4)(a)(ii)—delete subparagraph (ii) and
(ii) warning the defendant that if the animal, or an animal of that class
(as the case may be)—
(A) in the case of an animal under subsection (a1)—were to be
released within any part of the State; and
(B) in the case of an animal under subsection (1)—were to be
released into a control area,
then the defence would not apply;
(4) Section 179(5)—after "contravention of" insert:
subsection (a1) or
(5) Section 179(8)(b)—after "open environment"
(including by sowing or planting any plant or plant material or by
otherwise distributing seeds, spores, cuttings, divisions or other plant
propagating material)
of section 181—Requirement to control certain animals or
(1) Section 181—before subsection (1) insert:
(a1) A person who has in his or her possession or control an animal of a
class to which this subsection applies must comply with any instructions of an
authorised officer with respect to the keeping or management of any animal of
that class.
Maximum penalty:
(a) if the offence relates to a Category 1 animal—$50 000
or imprisonment for 1 year;
(b) if the offence relates to a Category 2 animal—$20 000
or imprisonment for 6 months;
(c) if the offence relates to a Category 3
animal—$10 000.
Expiation fee: If the offence relates to a Category 3
(2) Section 181(3)—delete "subsection (1) or (2)" and
this section
of section 223—Evidentiary
Section 223(2)—after paragraph (ca) insert:
(cb) specified infrastructure—
(i) was, or was not, designated drainage infrastructure;
(ii) was, or was not, designated drainage infrastructure forming part of a
surface water prescribed area; or
Section 234—delete the section