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South Australia
Police (Return to Work) Amendment
Bill 2015
An Act to amend the
Act 1998
Part 2—Amendment of Police
Act 1998
Schedule 1A—Return to Work—special
3Modification of
section 33 of RTWA
4Extended income
support for prescribed police officers—new injuries
5Extended income
support for prescribed police officers—existing injuries
adjustments to weekly payments for prescribed police officers
7Modification of
section 48 of RTWA
decisions under Part 6 of RTWA
The Parliament of South Australia enacts as
This Act may be cited as the Police (Return to Work) Amendment
Act 2015.
This Act will come into operation 3 months after the date of
In this Act, a provision under a heading referring to the amendment of a
specified Act amends the Act so specified.
Part 2—Amendment
of Police Act 1998
After Schedule 1 insert:
Schedule 1A—Return to Work—special
(1) In this Schedule—
existing injury has the same meaning as under
clause 29(1)(a) of Schedule 9 of the RTWA;
new injury has the same meaning as under clause 29(1)(b)
of Schedule 9 of the RTWA (including on account of the
operation of clause 29(2) of that Schedule);
prescribed entity means the agency or instrumentality of the
Crown responsible for the employment of police officers;
prescribed police officer means a police officer, other than
a police officer who is a seriously injured worker, who suffers a work injury
that results in incapacity for work;
RTWA means the
to Work Act 2014
(2) This Schedule applies in conjunction with the RTWA but in the
event of an inconsistency between this Schedule and the RTWA, this
Schedule prevails to the extent of the inconsistency.
(3) Terms used in this Schedule and also in the RTWA have the same
meaning in this Schedule as they have in that Act.
2—Application of Schedule
(1) Clause 4 of this
Schedule applies in relation to a prescribed police officer who suffers, or has
suffered, a new injury (whether before of after the commencement of this
(2) Clause 5 of this Schedule applies in relation to a prescribed police
officer who has suffered an existing injury.
(3) The remaining provisions of this Schedule apply in relation to a
prescribed police officer who has suffered, or who suffers, an existing injury
or a new injury (whether before of after the commencement of this
3—Modification of section 33 of
Section 33 of the RTWA applies to a prescribed police officer with
the following modifications:
(a) despite subsection (5) of section 33, a decision under
subsection (4) of that section relating to a prescribed police officer is a
reviewable decision under Part 6 of the RTWA;
(b) subsection (20) of that section does not apply in relation to a
prescribed police officer.
4—Extended income support for prescribed police
officers—new injuries
(1) Subject to this
clause (and to the provisions of this Schedule and the RTWA), a
prescribed police officer who suffers a new injury that results in incapacity
for work that occurs after the end of the second designated period that applies
under section 39(1)(b) of the RTWA is entitled to weekly payments in
respect of that incapacity in accordance with the following
(a) for any period when the prescribed police officer has no current work
capacity—the prescribed police officer is entitled to weekly payments
equal to 80% of the prescribed police officer's notional weekly
(b) for any period when the prescribed police officer has a current work
capacity—the prescribed police officer is entitled to weekly payments
equal to 80% of the difference between the prescribed police officer's notional
weekly earnings and the prescribed police officer's designated weekly
(2) For the purposes of
subclause (1)
, the designated weekly earnings of a prescribed police
officer will be taken to be the current weekly earning of the prescribed police
officer in employment or self-employment (if any) but not so as to include a
prescribed benefit (as defined by section 37 of the RTWA).
5—Extended income support for prescribed police
officers—existing injuries
(1) In the case of a
prescribed police officer to whom this clause applies in relation to an existing
(a) if the prescribed
police officer, in respect of the existing injury, has an incapacity for work
that occurs after the end of the second transitional period that applies under
clause 37 of Schedule 9 of the RTWA, the prescribed police officer is
entitled to weekly payments in respect of that incapacity in accordance with the
following principles:
(i) for any period when the prescribed police officer has no current work
capacity—the prescribed police officer is entitled to weekly payments
equal to 80% of the prescribed police officer's notional weekly
(ii) for any period when the prescribed police officer has a current work
capacity—the prescribed police officer is entitled to weekly payments
equal to 80% of the difference between the prescribed police officer's notional
weekly earnings and the prescribed police officer's designated weekly earnings;
(b) clause 35 of Schedule 9 of the RTWA does not apply to the
prescribed police officer; and
(c) subclause (3) of clause 37 of Schedule 9 of the RTWA does not
apply to the prescribed police officer (but
paragraph (a)
of this clause will apply instead in relation to the existing
(2) For the purposes of
subclause (1)
, the designated weekly earnings of a prescribed police
officer will be taken to be the current weekly earnings of the prescribed police
officer in employment or self-employment (if any) but not so as to include a
prescribed benefit (as defined by section 37 of the RTWA).
6—Economic adjustments to weekly payments for
prescribed police officers
(1) If a prescribed police officer is incapacitated for work or appears
likely to be incapacitated for work for more than 1 year, the prescribed
entity must, during the course of each year of incapacity, review the weekly
payments being paid to the prescribed police officer under the RTWA or
this Schedule for the purpose of making an adjustment to the amount of those
payments under this clause.
(2) Before the prescribed entity begins a review under this clause, the
prescribed entity must give the prescribed police officer notice, in a
designated form—
(a) informing the prescribed police officer of the proposed review;
(b) inviting the prescribed police officer to make written representations
to the prescribed entity on the subject of the review within a reasonable time
specified in the notice.
(3) An adjustment under this clause—
(i) changes in the
rates of remuneration payable to workers generally or to workers engaged in the
kind of employment from which the prescribed police officer's injury arose;
(ii) if the
prescribed police officer applies, in a designated manner and a designated form,
for the adjustment to be made on the basis of changes in rates of remuneration
prescribed by an award or enterprise agreement payable to a group of workers of
which the prescribed police officer was a member at the time of the occurrence
of the injury—changes in those rates of remuneration; and
(b) operates—
(i) in the case of an adjustment under
paragraph (a)(i)
—from the end of the year of incapacity in which the review is
(ii) in the case of an adjustment under
paragraph (a)(ii)
—from the prescribed entity's decision on the application, back-dated
to the date of the relevant changes in rates of remuneration.
(4) If the prescribed entity makes an adjustment to weekly payments under
this clause, the prescribed entity must give notice in writing, in a designated
form, to the prescribed police officer—
(a) containing such information as the regulations may require as to the
grounds on which the adjustment is being made; and
(b) informing the prescribed police officer of his or her rights to have
the prescribed entity's decision reviewed.
7—Modification of section 48 of
Section 48 of the RTWA applies to a prescribed police officer with
the following modifications:
(a) a notice requirement under subsection (6) of section 48 of
the RTWA will extend to a decision to reduce or discontinue weekly
payments under clause 4 or 5; and
(b) subsection (10) of that section does not apply to a prescribed police
officer who is entitled to weekly payments under clause 4 or 5 (but
not so as to go beyond a date where the weekly payments will come to an end in
any event under either clause or under another provision of the RTWA
(other than section 39 or Schedule 9 of the RTWA)).
8—Reviewable decisions under Part 6 of
A decision of a prescribed entity that relates to weekly payments under
clause 4 or 5 is reviewable for the purposes of section 97 of the