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This is a Bill, not an Act. For current law, see the Acts databases.
House of Assembly—No 52
As laid on the table and read a first time, 11 November
South Australia
A Bill For
Act to establish a statutory corporation, Zero Waste SA, with the function of
reforming waste management in the State; to amend the Environment Protection
Act 1993; and for other purposes.
Part 1—Preliminary
1 Short title
2 Commencement
3 Interpretation
Part 2—Zero Waste SA
4 Establishment of Zero Waste SA
5 Primary objective and guiding
6 Functions of Zero Waste SA
7 Powers of Zero Waste SA
8 Chief Executive
9 Board of Zero Waste SA
10 Terms and conditions of office
11 Proceedings of Board
12 Committees and subcommittees of Board
13 Business plan
14 Annual report
15 Use and protection of name
Part 3—Waste to Resources Fund
16 Waste to Resources Fund
Part 4—Waste strategy
17 Development of waste strategy
18 Zero Waste SA and Environment
Protection Authority to co-ordinate activities
Part 5—Miscellaneous
19 Immunity of persons engaged in
administration of Act
20 Regulations
Schedule 1—Related amendments and transitional provision
The Parliament of South Australia enacts
as follows:
This Act may be cited as the Zero Waste SA Act 2003.
This Act will come into operation on a day to be fixed by
(1) In this Act—
appointed member of the Board means a member of the Board appointed by the Governor;
Board means the Board of Zero Waste SA established as the governing
body of Zero Waste SA under section 9;
waste has the same meaning as in the Environment Protection Act 1993;
waste management hierarchy—see subsection (2);
waste strategy—see Part 4;
Waste to Resources Fund—see Part 3;
Zero Waste SA—see Part 2.
(2) In this Act, a reference to the waste
management hierarchy is a reference to an order of priority for the
management of waste in which—
(a) avoidance
of the production of waste; and
(b) minimisation
of the production of waste; and
(c) reuse
of waste; and
(d) recycling
of waste; and
(e) recovery
of energy and other resources from waste; and
(f) treatment
of waste to reduce potentially degrading impacts; and
(g) disposal
of waste in an environmentally sound manner,
are pursued in order with, first, avoidance of the production of
waste, and second, to the extent that avoidance is not reasonably practicable,
minimisation of the production of waste, and third, to the extent that minimisation
is not reasonably practicable, reuse of waste, and so on.
4—Establishment of Zero Waste SA
(1) Zero
Waste SA is established.
(2) Zero Waste SA—
(a) is
a body corporate with perpetual succession and a common seal; and
(b) is
capable of suing and being sued in its corporate name; and
(c) is
capable of acquiring, holding or dealing with real or personal property in its
corporate name; and
(d) has
the functions and powers assigned or conferred by or under this Act.
(3) Zero
Waste SA is an instrumentality of the Crown and holds its property on behalf of
the Crown.
(4) In
the exercise of its powers, functions or duties, Zero Waste SA is subject to
the direction of the Minister except in relation to the making of a
recommendation or report to the Minister.
(5) Any
direction given to Zero Waste SA by the Minister must be in writing.
5—Primary objective and guiding principles
(1) The primary objective of Zero Waste SA is
to promote waste management practices that, as far as possible—
(a) eliminate
waste or its consignment to landfill; and
(b) advance
the development of resource recovery and recycling; and
(c) are
based on an integrated strategy for the State.
(2) Zero Waste SA, is, in the exercise of its
functions, to be guided by—
(a) the
waste management hierarchy; and
(b) the
principles of ecologically sustainable development as set out in section 10 of
the Environment Protection Act 1993; and
(c) best
practice methods and standards in waste management; and
(d) the
principle that government waste management policies should be developed through
a process of open dialogue with local government, industry and the community in
which local government, industry and the community are encouraged to contribute
to decision making.
The functions of Zero Waste SA are—
(a) to
develop, co-ordinate and contribute to the implementation of government policy
objectives in respect of—
(i) waste
management for regions, industry sectors or material types; and
(ii) public
and industry awareness and education in relation to waste management; and
(iii) programs
for the prevention of litter and illegal dumping; and
(iv) market
development for recovered resources and recycled material; and
(b) to
develop, adopt and administer the waste strategy for the State; and
(c) to
monitor and assess the adequacy of the waste strategy and its implementation;
(d) to
provide assistance to local councils with arrangements for regional waste
management; and
(e) to
contribute to the development of waste management infrastructure, technologies
and systems; and
(f) to
commission, support and collaborate on research into waste management practices
and issues; and
(g) to
advise the Minister from time to time about the amount to be charged by way of
the levy under section 113 of the Environment Protection Act 1993;
(h) to
advise the Minister about any matter referred to it by the Minister or any
matter it sees fit to advise the Minister on in connection with its
responsibilities under this Act; and
(i) such
other functions as may be conferred on it by this Act or any other Act, or as
may be assigned to it by the Minister.
Zero Waste SA may exercise any powers that
are necessary or expedient for, or incidental to, the performance of its
functions and in particular—
(a) may
obtain expert or technical advice from a person on such terms and conditions as
it thinks fit; and
(b) may,
if the Chief Executive of Zero Waste SA is declared under section 13 of the Public
Sector Management Act 1995 to have the powers and functions of Chief
Executive of an administrative unit of the Public Service, make use of the
services of the administrative unit's employees and of its facilities.
(1) The
office of Chief Executive of Zero Waste SA is established.
(2) The
Chief Executive is, subject to the control and direction of the Board,
responsible for giving effect to the policies and decisions of the Board.
(3) The
Chief Executive will be appointed by the Governor, on conditions determined by
the Governor, for a term, not exceeding 7 years, specified in the instrument of
appointment and, at the expiration of a term of appointment, is eligible for
(4) The
Governor may appoint a person (on terms and conditions determined by the
Governor) to act in the office of Chief Executive of Zero Waste SA.
(5) A person appointed to act in the office of
the Chief Executive under subsection (4)—
(a) may
act in that office during a temporary absence of the Chief Executive or while
the office of the Chief Executive is temporarily vacant; and
(b) has,
while so acting, all the powers, duties and functions of the Chief Executive.
(1) The
Board of Zero Waste SA is established as the governing body of Zero Waste SA.
(2) The
Board is to consist of not less than 6 and not more than 10 members.
(3) The
Chief Executive of Zero Waste SA is a member of the Board ex officio and
the remaining members of the Board will be appointed by the Governor.
(4) The
Minister must consult with the Local Government Association, in accordance with
the regulations, in relation to the selection of persons for appointment under
this section.
(5) One
member of the Board must be a member of the Board of the Environment Protection
(6) The Board's membership must include persons
who together have, in the Governor's opinion, practical knowledge of, and
experience in, the following areas:
(a) environmental
sustainability, conservation and protection;
(b) local
(c) waste
management industry or waste-related infrastructure development;
(d) regional
(e) economic,
financial and risk management;
(f) advocacy
on environmental matters on behalf of the community.
(7) At
least one member of the Board must be a woman and one a man.
(8) The
Governor may appoint a suitable person to be deputy of a member of the Board
(other than the Chief Executive) and a person so appointed may act in the place
of the member during any absence of the member.
10—Terms and conditions of office
(1) An
appointed member of the Board is to be appointed for a term, not exceeding 2 years,
specified in the instrument of appointment and is, on the expiration of a term
of office, eligible for re-appointment.
(2) An
appointed member of the Board is entitled to such remuneration, allowances and
expenses as may be determined by the Governor.
(3) The Governor may remove an appointed member
of the Board from office for—
(a) misconduct;
(b) neglect
of duty; or
(c) incapacity
to carry out satisfactorily the duties of his or her office; or
(d) failure
to carry out satisfactorily the duties of his or her office.
(4) An
appointed member of the Board neglects his or her duty if the member fails to
attend three consecutive meetings without the leave of the Board.
(5) The office of an appointed member of the
Board becomes vacant if the member—
(a) dies;
(b) completes
a term of office and is not reappointed; or
(c) resigns
by written notice addressed to the Minister; or
(d) is
removed from office by the Governor under subsection (3).
(6) On
the office of an appointed member of the Board becoming vacant, a person must
be appointed in accordance with this Act to the vacant office.
(1) The
Governor will appoint a member of the Board to preside at meetings of the
(2) In
the absence of the person appointed under subsection (1) from a meeting of
the Board, a member chosen by those present will preside.
(3) A
quorum of the Board consists of half of the total number of its members
(ignoring any fraction resulting from the division) plus one and no business
may be transacted at such a meeting unless a quorum is present.
(4) Subject
to subsection (3), the Board may act despite vacancies in its membership
or a defect in appointment of a member.
(5) A
decision carried by a majority of the votes cast by the members present at a
meeting is a decision of the Board.
(6) Each
member present at a meeting of the Board has one vote on a matter arising for
decision and, if the votes are equal, the member presiding at the meeting may
exercise a casting vote.
(7) A
telephone or video conference between members will, for the purposes of this
section, be taken to be a meeting of the Board at which the participating
members are present.
(8) A proposed resolution of the Board becomes
a valid decision of the Board despite the fact that it is not voted on at a
meeting of the Board if—
(a) notice
of the proposed resolution is given to all members in accordance with
procedures determined by the Board; and
(b) a
majority of the members express their concurrence in the proposed resolution by
letter, facsimile transmission, e-mail or other written communication setting
out the terms of the resolution.
(9) The
Board must have accurate minutes kept of its proceedings and make them
available to all members of the Board.
(10) A
person who is not a member of the Board may be present during a meeting with
the consent of the Board but not otherwise.
(11) Subject
to this Act, the Board may determine its own procedures.
12—Committees and subcommittees of Board
(1) The
Board may establish committees or subcommittees as the Board thinks fit to
advise Zero Waste SA on any aspect of its functions, or to assist Zero Waste SA
in the performance of its functions.
(2) A
committee or subcommittee established under subsection (1) may, but need
not, consist of, or include, members of the Board.
(3) The procedures to be observed in relation
to the conduct of business of a committee or a subcommittee of the Board will
(a) as
prescribed by regulation; or
(b) insofar
as the procedure is not prescribed by regulation—as determined by the Board; or
(c) insofar
as the procedure is not prescribed by regulation or determined by the Board—as
determined by the relevant committee or subcommittee.
(1) Zero
Waste SA must, at least one month before the beginning of each financial year,
submit a business plan to the Minister for approval.
(2) A business plan must—
(a) set
out Zero Waste SA's major projects, and its goals and priorities with respect to
the full range of Zero Waste SA's functions, for the next 3 financial years;
(b) set
out Zero Waste SA's budget for the next financial year (including estimates of
its income and expenditure for that period); and
(c) conform
with any requirements of the Minister as to the form of the plan and any other
matters to be addressed by the plan.
(3) The
Minister may approve a business plan submitted under this section with or
without modification.
(4) If
a business plan is not approved by the Minister (with or without modification)
before the commencement of the period to which it relates, Zero Waste SA may
proceed as if it were approved (but is bound by any modifications subsequently
required by the Minister).
(5) Zero
Waste SA may, at any time, submit a variation of its business plan to the
Minister for the Minister's approval (which may be with or without
(6) Zero
Waste SA must ensure that its business plan, as last approved under this
section, is available for public inspection on a website and at its principal
place of business during normal office hours.
(7) In this section—
financial year means—
(a) the
period starting from a date specified by the Minister and ending on
30 June following the commencement of this section; or
(b) a
succeeding period of 12 months commencing on 1 July.
(1) Zero
Waste SA must, on or before 30 September in each year, present a report to the
Minister on Zero Waste SA's operations during the previous financial year.
(2) A report under this section must include—
(a) an
audited statement of the income and expenditure of the Waste to Resources Fund,
together with details of the items of income and expenditure of the Fund, for
the period to which the report relates; and
(b) any
direction given to Zero Waste SA by the Minister during the period to which the
report relates; and
(c) details
of the co-ordination of activities by Zero Waste SA and the Environment
Protection Authority during the period to which the report relates; and
(d) an
assessment of the adequacy of the waste strategy and its implementation during
the period to which the report relates according to the criteria and methods
established in the strategy.
(3) The
Minister must, within 12 sitting days after receipt of a report under this
section, cause copies of the report to be laid before each House of Parliament.
(1) Zero Waste SA has a proprietary interest in—
(a) the
name "Zero Waste"; and
(b) the
name "Zero Waste SA"; and
(c) any
other name prescribed by regulation for the purposes of this section.
(2) A person must not, without the consent of
Zero Waste SA in the course of a trade or business, use a name in which Zero
Waste SA has a proprietary interest under this section for the purpose of
promoting the sale of services or the provision of any benefits.
Maximum penalty: $20 000.
(3) A consent under this section—
(a) may
be given with or without conditions (including conditions requiring payment to
Zero Waste SA); and
(b) must
be given in writing addressed to the applicant for the consent; and
(c) may
be revoked by Zero Waste SA for a breach of a condition by notice in writing
given personally or by post to a person who has the benefit of the consent.
(4) The
Supreme Court may, on the application of Zero Waste SA, grant an injunction to
restrain a breach of this section.
(5) The
court by which a person is convicted of an offence against this section may, on
the application of Zero Waste SA, order the convicted person to pay compensation
of an amount fixed by the court to Zero Waste SA.
(6) Subsections (4)
and (5) do not derogate from any civil remedy that may be available to Zero
Waste SA apart from those subsections.
Part 3—Waste to Resources Fund
(1) The
Waste to Resources Fund is established.
(2) The
Fund must be kept as directed by the Treasurer.
(3) The Fund is to consist of the following
(a) 50
per cent, or such greater percentage as may be prescribed, of the amount paid
by waste depot licence holders by way of levy under section 113 of the Environment
Protection Act 1993 in respect of solid waste received at the depots;
(b) any
money appropriated by Parliament for the purposes of the Fund;
(c) any
money paid into the Fund at the direction or with the approval of the Minister
and the Treasurer;
(d) any
money received by way of grant, gift or bequest for the purposes of the Fund;
(e) any
income from investment of money belonging to the Fund;
(f) any
money paid into the Fund under any other Act.
(4) The
Fund may be applied by Zero Waste SA (without further appropriation than this
subsection) in accordance with the business plan or in any other manner
authorised by the Minister for the purposes of this Act.
(5) Zero
Waste SA may, with the approval of the Treasurer, invest in a manner approved
by the Treasurer any of the money belonging to the Fund that is not immediately
required for the purposes of the Fund.
17—Development of waste strategy
(1) Zero
Waste SA is to develop a waste strategy for the State.
(2) A waste strategy—
(a) is
to include objectives, principles and priorities of Zero Waste SA for the
management of waste generated or disposed of in the State; and
(b) is
to include analysis of waste generation levels and waste management practices;
(c) is,
as a result of the analysis undertaken, to include targets or goals for—
(i) waste
reduction; and
(ii) the
diversion of waste from landfill disposal; and
(iii) waste
collection, transport and disposal; and
(iv) public
and industry awareness and education programs; and
(v) research;
(d) is
to identify—
(i) the
means of implementation of the targets or goals; and
(ii) any
obstacles or potential obstacles to the implementation of the targets or goals;
(iii) any
significant risks associated with the implementation of the targets or goals;
(e) is
to establish criteria and methods for assessing the adequacy of the strategy
and its implementation.
(3) A
waste strategy does not take effect until it is adopted by Zero Waste SA.
(4) Before adopting a waste strategy, Zero
Waste SA must—
(a) cause
copies of the proposed waste strategy to be sent to the Minister and, as
prescribed, State and local government bodies; and
(b) cause
notice of the proposed strategy to be published in a newspaper circulating
throughout the State; and
(c) cause
copies of the proposed strategy to be made available for public inspection on a
website and at its principal place of business during normal office hours; and
(d) allow
a period of at least 8 weeks for consultation with State and local government
bodies and written submissions from the public on the proposed strategy; and
(e) take
into consideration the views and submissions gathered through that process.
(5) The
first waste strategy is to be adopted within 12 months after the establishment
of Zero Waste SA or at a time directed by the Minister.
(6) Subsequent
waste strategies, to replace existing waste strategies, are to be developed at
intervals of not more than 5 years or at a time directed by the Minister.
(7) Zero
Waste SA must ensure that the current waste strategy is available for public
inspection on a website and at its principal place of business during normal
office hours.
18—Zero Waste SA and Environment Protection Authority to co-ordinate activities
Zero Waste SA and the Environment Protection Authority are
required to co-ordinate their activities for the development and implementation
of waste strategies under this Part.
19—Immunity of persons engaged in administration of Act
(1) No
personal liability attaches to a person engaged in the administration of this
Act for an act or omission in good faith in the exercise or discharge, or
purported exercise or discharge, of official powers or functions.
(2) A
liability that would, but for subsection (1), lie against a person, lies
instead against the Crown.
The Governor may make such regulations as are contemplated by, or
as are necessary or expedient for the purposes of, this Act.
Schedule 1—Related amendments and transitional provision
Part 1—Preliminary
In this Schedule, a provision under a heading referring to the
amendment of a specified Act amends the Act so specified.
Part 2—Amendment
of Environment Protection Act 1993
2—Amendment of section 47—Criteria for grant and conditions of environmental authorisations
Section 47(1)—after paragraph (e) insert:
(ea) have
regard to the waste strategy for the State adopted under the Zero Waste SA
Act 2003 (if relevant); and
Section 57—delete "and any relevant
environment protection policies" and insert:
, any relevant environment protection policies and the waste
strategy for the State adopted under the Zero Waste SA Act 2003 (if
Part 3—Transitional
4—Payment by EPA to Waste Resources Fund of percentage of waste depot levy paid since 1 July 2003
The Environment Protection Authority must, on the commencement of this Part, pay to the Treasurer for the credit of the Waste to Resources Fund a sum equal to 47.5 per cent of the amount paid by waste depot licence holders by way of levy under section 113 of the Environment Protection Act 1993 during the period between 1 July 2003 and the commencement of Part 3 of this Act in respect of solid waste received at the depots.