Note See regulation 13.8.
1 After section 131
131A Definitions
In this Part:
"Comptroller" means the Comptroller of the Indian Ocean Territories Customs Service.
"designated owner" , in relation to goods imported into Christmas Island, means the person identified as the owner of the goods on the entry made in relation to the goods under subsection 68(2) or (3) of the Customs Act 1901 of Christmas Island.
2 Paragraph 133(1)(b)
After " Customs Act 1901 ", insert "of Christmas Island".
3 Section 133A
After " Customs Act 1901 ", insert "of Christmas Island".
4 Section 140
Omit "of the Commonwealth", substitute "in force in Christmas Island".
5 Further amendments--Christmas Island
The following provisions are amended by omitting each mention of "Australia" and inserting "Christmas Island":
(a) section 131;
(b) subsection 133(1);
(c) paragraph 134(4)(a);
(d) subparagraph 136C(2)(b)(ii);
(e) section 143.
6 Further amendments--Comptroller
The following provisions are amended by omitting each mention of "Comptroller - General of Customs" and inserting "Comptroller":
(b) section 133, including the heading;
(d) section 139, including the note;
(e) sections 140 to 143.
7 Further amendments--Territory of Christmas Island
The following provisions are amended by omitting each mention of "Commonwealth" and inserting "Territory of Christmas Island":
(a) section 133;
(b) subsection 134(5);
(c) section 135;
(d) subsection 136A(1);
(e) section 136E;
(f) paragraph 137(3)(b);
(g) section 139, including the heading;
(h) section 142, including the heading.
8 Section 144
Repeal the section.