Commonwealth Consolidated Regulations

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- made under the Trade Marks Act 1995



   1.1.    Name of regulations  


   2.1.    Interpretation  
   2.2.    Period expressed in months  
   2.3.    Giving of documents by Registrar  


   3.1.    Classification of goods and services  
   3.2.    Period in which action for infringement may be brought  


           Division 1--General

   3A.1.   Purpose of Part  

           Division 2--Request for filing assistance

   3A.3.   Request for filing assistance--form of request  
   3A.4.   AFS request--assessment by Registrar  
   3A.5.   AFS request--formal requirements for amendment or proceeding to Part 4 application  
   3A.6.   AFS request--application for extension of time  
   3A.7.   AFS request--grant of extension of time  


   4.1.    Applications--approved form  
   4.2.    Application in approved form--requirements for filing  
   4.2AA.  Divisional application--additional requirement for filing  
   4.2A.   AFS request submitted as application--requirements for filing  
   4.3.    Representation of trade marks  
   4.4.    Specification of goods and/or services  
   4.5.    Period for claiming priority for an application  
   4.6.    How to claim priority  
   4.7.    Publication of particulars of application  
   4.8.    Examination of application--report to applicant  
   4.9.    Examination--applicant's response to report  
   4.10.   Examination--further report to applicant  
   4.11.   Examination--additional requirements  
   4.11A.  Publication of decision  
   4.12.   Periods after which applications lapse  
   4.13.   Deferment of acceptance  
   4.14.   Period for which acceptance is deferred  
   4.15.   Trade marks containing etc certain signs  
   4.15A.  Grounds for rejection--trade mark identical etc to trade mark protected under Madrid Protocol  
   4.18.   Request for expedited examination of application  
   4.19.   Expedited examinations  


           Division 1--Preliminary

   5.1.    What Part 5 is about  
   5.2.    Definitions  
   5.4.    Notification and opportunity to make representations  

           Division 2--Filing of opposition documents

              Subdivision A--Notice of opposition

   5.5.    Components of notice of opposition  
   5.6.    Filing of notice of intention to oppose  
   5.7.    Filing of statement of grounds and particulars  
   5.8.    Statement of grounds and particulars must be adequate  
   5.9.    Extension of time for filing--application  
   5.10.   Extension of time for filing--grant  
   5.11.   Amendment of notice of intention to oppose  
   5.12.   Amendment of statement of grounds and particulars  

              Subdivision B--Notice of intention to defend

   5.13.   Filing of notice of intention to defend  
   5.13A.  Extension of time for filing--application  
   5.13B.  Extension of time for filing--grant  

              Subdivision C--Evidence

   5.14.   Filing of evidence  
   5.15.   Extension of time for filing  

           Division 3--Cooling-off period for opposition

   5.16.   Registrar may allow cooling - off period  

           Division 4--Hearing of opposition

   5.17.   Hearing  

           Division 5--Miscellaneous

   5.18.   Copy of earlier Convention application to be available to opponent  
   5.19.   Registrar may give direction  
   5.20.   Registrar must notify parties of dismissal or discontinuance of opposition  


           Division 1--Amendment of application for registration of trade mark and other documents

   6.1.    Amendment of applications by Registrar  
   6.2.    Request to amend before publication of details  
   6.3.    Filing of declarations  
   6.3A.   Publication of request for amendment  
   6.4.    Notification of amendments  

           Division 2--Opposition to amendment after particulars published

   6.5.    Definitions  
   6.6.    Notice of opposition  
   6.7.    Notification and opportunity to make representations  
   6.8.    Practice and procedure  
   6.9.    Hearing  
   6.10.   Registrar may give direction  
   6.11.   Registrar must notify parties of dismissal or discontinuance of opposition  


           Division 1--Initial registration

   7.1.    Period in which a trade mark can be registered  
   7.2.    Particulars to be entered in the Register  
   7.2A.   Publication of registration  

           Division 2--Renewal of registration (general)

   7.3.    Period for request for renewal  
   7.4.    Notice of renewal due--when and how given  
   7.5.    Notification of renewal  

           Division 3--Renewal of registration (registration delayed for 10 or more years after filing date)

   7.6.    Prescribed period (Act s 80A(3))  
   7.7.    Notification about renewal  
   7.8.    Notification of renewal  


   8.1.    Notice of cancellation  
   8.2.    Amendment or cancellation--matters for the court  
   8.3.    Grounds for application for rectification of Register--registered trade mark identical etc to trade mark protected under Madrid Protocol  
   8.3A.   Amendment because of inconsistency with international agreements--publication of request  
   8.4.    Amendment because of inconsistency with international agreements--notice of opposition  
   8.5.    Amendment because of inconsistency with international agreements--opposition practice and procedure  
   8.6.    Amendment because of inconsistency with international agreements--hearing  
   8.7.    Amendment because of inconsistency with international agreements--opposition directions  
   8.8.    Amendment because of inconsistency with international agreements--notification of dismissal or discontinuance of opposition  


           Division 1--Preliminary

   9.1.    What Part 9 is about  
   9.2.    Definitions  
   9.4.    Notification and opportunity to make representations  

           Division 2--Application for removal

   9.5.    Application for removal  
   9.6.    Notification of application  

           Division 3--Filing of opposition documents

              Subdivision A--Notice of opposition

   9.7.    Components of notice of opposition  
   9.8.    Filing of notice of intention to oppose  
   9.9.    Filing of statement of grounds and particulars  
   9.10.   Statement of grounds and particulars must be adequate  
   9.11.   Extension of time for filing--application  
   9.12.   Extension of time for filing--grant  
   9.13.   Amendment of notice of intention to oppose  
   9.14.   Amendment of statement of grounds and particulars  

              Subdivision B--Notice of intention to defend

   9.15.   Filing of notice of intention to defend  
   9.15A.  Extension of time for filing--application  
   9.15B.  Extension of time for filing--grant  

              Subdivision C--Evidence

   9.16.   Filing of evidence  
   9.17.   Request for hearing and circumstances in which opposition taken to have ended  
   9.18.   Extension of time for filing  
   9.18A.  Trade mark restored to Register in certain circumstances  

           Division 4--Cooling-off period for opposition

   9.19.   Registrar may allow cooling - off period  

           Division 5--Hearing of opposition

   9.20.   Hearing  

           Division 6--Miscellaneous

   9.21.   Registrar may give direction  
   9.22.   Registrar must notify parties of dismissal or discontinuance of opposition  
   9.23.   Removal of trade mark from register  


   10.1.   Applications for assignment etc to be recorded or entered  
   10.2.   Recording of assignment etc--trade marks not registered  
   10.3.   Particulars of recorded assignment or transmission to be published  
   10.4.   Recording of assignment etc of registered trade marks  
   10.5.   Notification to persons recorded as claiming right or interest in trade marks  


   11.1.   Amendment of particulars--claimed interests or rights  
   11.2.   Amendment of name, address and address for service--claims not in the Register  
   11.3.   Cancellation of particulars--claimed interests or rights  


   13.1A.  Definition  
   13.1.   Action period  
   13.2.   Claim period  
   13.3.   Notice of objection to importation  prescribed document  
   13.4.   Notice of objection to importation--authorised users  
   13.5.   Claim for release of seized goods  
   13.6.   Period for compliance with request of Comptroller - General of Customs for information etc.  
   13.7.   Modification of the Act in its application to Norfolk Island  
   13.8.   Modification of the Act in its application to Christmas Island  
   13.9.   Modification of the Act in its application to Cocos (Keeling) Islands  


   16.1.   Copy of rules to be filed  
   16.2.   Documents to be sent to Commission  
   16.3.   Initial assessment of applications by Commission  
   16.4.   Holding of conferences  
   16.5.   Consideration of applications  
   16.6.   Criteria for Commission consideration of rules  
   16.7.    Matters to be included in publication of adverse decision  
   16.7A.  Publication of decision to accept or reject application  
   16.8.   Applications to vary rules  
   16.9.    Consideration of applications to vary rules  
   16.10.   Decision on variation of rules  
   16.10A.  Assignment of unregistered certification trade marks  
   16.11.  Assignment of registered certification trade marks  
   16.12.  Publication of rules  


   17.1.   Evidence in support of applications  
   17.2.   Defensive trade mark based on protected international trade mark  


           Division 1--General

   17A.1.  Purpose of Part  
   17A.2.  Definitions for Part  
   17A.3.  Meaning of priority date  
   17A.4.  Meaning of date of effect  

           Division 2--Application for international registration of a trade mark

   17A.5.  Purpose of Division  
   17A.6.  Eligibility to apply for international registration  
   17A.7.  Application for international registration  
   17A.8.  Functions of Registrar  
   17A.9.  Time limit for Registrar to send application to International Bureau  
   17A.10. Subsequent designations  

           Division 3--International registration designating Australia

              Subdivision 1--General

   17A.11. Purpose of Division  
   17A.12. Registrar to examine, and report on, IRDA  
   17A.13. Use of trade mark  
   17A.14. Specification of goods and services  
   17A.14A.Representation of trade marks  
   17A.15. Claim for priority  
   17A.16. Examination of IRDA--report to holder  
   17A.17. Examination--holder's response to report  
   17A.18. Examination--further report to holder  
   17A.19. Examination--additional requirements  
   17A.20. Period within which final decision on examination must be notified  
   17A.21. Deferment of acceptance  
   17A.22. Period for which acceptance is deferred  
   17A.23. Expedited examination  
   17A.24. Final decision on examination  
   17A.25. Notice of final decision on examination  
   17A.26. Appeal  
   17A.27. Revocation of acceptance  

              Subdivision 2--Grounds for rejecting IRDA

   17A.28. Grounds for rejecting IRDA  

              Subdivision C--Opposition to IRDA

   17A.29. Definitions  
   17A.31. Notification and opportunity to make representations  
   17A.32. Filing of notice of opposition  
   17A.33. Filing of notice of intention to oppose  
   17A.34. Grounds for opposing IRDA  
   17A.34A.Filing of statement of grounds and particulars  
   17A.34B.Statement of grounds and particulars must be adequate  
   17A.34C.Extension of time for filing--application  
   17A.34D.Extension of time for filing--grant  
   17A.34E.Opposition may proceed in name of other person  
   17A.34F.Amendment of notice of intention to oppose  
   17A.34G.Amendment of statement of grounds and particulars  
   17A.34H.Filing of notice of intention to defend  
   17A.34HA.Extension of time for filing--application  
   17A.34HB.Extension of time for filing--grant  
   17A.34J.Filing of evidence  
   17A.34K.Extension of time for filing  
   17A.34L.Registrar may allow cooling - off period  
   17A.34N.Decision on opposition  
   17A.34Q.Registrar may give direction  
   17A.35. Registrar must notify parties of dismissal or discontinuance of opposition  

              Subdivision 3A--Cancellation or limitation of an international registration

   17A.35B.Duties and powers of Registrar--notification of limitation by International Bureau  

              Subdivision 4--Extension of protection

   17A.36. When trade mark becomes a protected international trade mark  
   17A.37. Notice that trade mark is a protected international trade mark  
   17A.38. Disclaimer  

           Division 4--Protected international trade marks--rights and protection

   17A.39. Rights given to, and protection of, protected international trade marks  
   17A.40. Circumstances in which action may not be brought  

           Division 5--Protected international trade marks--amendment or cessation of protection

              Subdivision 1--Amendment or cessation of protection because of cancellation, limitation or non-renewal of international registration

   17A.41. Cancellation of international registration  
   17A.41A.Duties and powers of Registrar--notification of limitation by International Bureau  
   17A.42. Failure to renew international registration  

              Subdivision 2--Amendment or cessation of protection by Registrar

   17A.42A.Registrar's powers to amend or cease protection  
   17A.42B.Notice to be given  
   17A.42C.Hearings and procedure  
   17A.42D.Effect of amendment or cessation of protection by Registrar  
   17A.42E.Registrar to notify Comptroller - General of Customs  
   17A.42F.Appeals to Federal Court or Federal Magistrates Court  

              Subdivision 3--Amendment or cessation of protection by prescribed court

   17A.43. Amendment or cessation of protection--contravention of condition  
   17A.44. Amendment or cessation of protection--loss of exclusive rights to use trade mark  
   17A.45. Amendment or cessation of protection--other specified grounds  
   17A.46. Amendment or cessation may not be granted if holder not at fault etc  
   17A.47. Duties and powers of Registrar  

              Subdivision D--Cessation of protection for non-use

   17A.48. Definitions  
   17A.48B.Notification and opportunity to make representations  
   17A.48C.Application for cessation of protection  
   17A.48D.Cessation of protection  
   17A.48E.Notification of application  
   17A.48F.Filing of notice of opposition  
   17A.48G.Filing of notice of intention to oppose  
   17A.48H.Opponent must have address for service  
   17A.48J.Filing of statement of grounds and particulars  
   17A.48K.Statement of grounds and particulars must be adequate  
   17A.48L.Extension of time for filing--application  
   17A.48M.Extension of time for filing--grant  
   17A.48N.Amendment of notice of intention to oppose  
   17A.48P.Amendment of statement of grounds and particulars  
   17A.48Q.Filing of notice of intention to defend  
   17A.48QA.Extension of time for filing--application  
   17A.48QB.Extension of time for filing--grant  
   17A.48R.Filing of evidence  
   17A.48S.Request for hearing and circumstances in which opposition taken to have ended  
   17A.48T.Extension of time for filing  
   17A.48U.Registrar may allow cooling - off period  
   17A.48W.Registrar may give direction  
   17A.48X.Registrar must notify International Bureau  
   17A.48Y.Registrar must notify parties of dismissal or discontinuance of opposition  
   17A.48Z.Cessation of protection of protected international trade mark  

           Division 6--Collective and certification trade marks

   17A.49. Collective trade marks  
   17A.50. Certification trade marks  

           Division 7--Transformation of cancelled international registrations

   17A.51. Application of Division  
   17A.52. Transformation of IRDA  
   17A.53. Transformation of protected international trade mark  

           Division 8--Concurrence between registration and international registration

   17A.54. Effect of registration and protection of the same trade mark  
   17A.55. Effect of cancellation, removal or expiry of registered trade mark  

           Division 9--Change in ownership of international registration

   17A.56. Application of Division  
   17A.57. Collective trade marks  
   17A.58. Protected certification trade marks  
   17A.58A.Unprotected certification trade marks  
   17A.59. Trade marks affected by claimed interests and rights  
   17A.60. Recording change of ownership  

           Division 10--Recording of claimed interests and rights

   17A.61. Application to have claims recorded  
   17A.62. Recording of claims  
   17A.63. Notification of matters affecting trade mark  
   17A.64. Record not proof etc of existence of right etc  
   17A.65. Amendment or cancellation of record  

           Division 11--Miscellaneous

   17A.66. Record of International Registrations  
   17A.67. Inspection  
   17A.68. Evidence--the Record of International Registrations  
   17A.69. Evidence--international instruments  
   17A.70. Correction of errors or omissions in Record of International Registrations  
   17A.71. Passing off actions  
   17A.72. Documents to be made available for public inspection  
   17A.73. Security for costs  
   17A.74. Address for service of documents  


   19.1.   Trade Marks Office and sub - offices--business hours  
   19.2.   Persons to whom Registrar may delegate (Act, s 206(1))  


           Division 1--General

   20.1A.  Application of Part  
   20.1.   Interpretation  

           Division 2--Obtaining registration for first time

   20.2.   Form of application  
   20.3.   Evidence that applicant meets registration requirements  
   20.4.   Certificate of registration  
   20.5.   Evidence of academic qualifications  
   20.6.   Academic qualifications  
   20.7.   Evidence of knowledge requirements  
   20.8.   Knowledge requirements  
   20.9.   Exemption from a requirement in Schedule 5 to Patents Regulations  
   20.10.  Prescribed offences  
   20.11.  Application of Schedule 5 to Patents Regulations  

           Division 3--Accreditation of courses of study

   20.12.  Accreditation of courses of study  

           Division 4--Board examinations

   20.13.  Board examinations  

           Division 5--Maintaining registration and removing and restoring name to Register of Trade Marks Attorneys

   20.14.  Maintaining registration and removing and restoring name to Register of Trade Marks Attorneys  

           Division 5A--Suspension of registration

   20.14A. Requirement to notify of serious offence  
   20.14B. Suspension from Register--serious offence  

           Division 6--Discipline

   20.15.  Discipline  

           Division 7--Rights of registered trade marks attorneys

   20.16.  Lien  


           Division 1--General

   20A.1.  Application of Part 20A  
   20A.2.  Definitions  

           Division 2--Obtaining registration for first time

   20A.3.  Form of application  
   20A.4.  Certificate of registration  

           Division 3--Maintaining registration

   20A.5.  Requirements for remaining on Register of Trade Marks Attorneys  

           Division 4--Removal from Register of Trade arks Attorneys

   20A.6.  Voluntary removal of name from Register of Trade Marks Attorneys  
   20A.7.  Failure to pay annual registration fee  
   20A.8.  Failure to maintain professional indemnity insurance  

           Division 5--Discipline

              Subdivision A--General

   20A.9.  Definitions  
   20A.10. Board may apply for cancellation or suspension of incorporated trade marks attorney's registration  

              Subdivision B--Proceedings in Disciplinary Tribunal

   20A.11. Panel of the Disciplinary Tribunal to be constituted  
   20A.11A.Meetings of Panel of Disciplinary Tribunal  
   20A.11B.Procedure of Panel of Disciplinary Tribunal  
   20A.11C.Panel Chair unavailable to complete hearing  
   20A.11D.Members other than the Panel Chair unavailable to complete hearing  
   20A.12. Notification of hearing  
   20A.13. Hearings to be public except in special circumstances  
   20A.14. Representation before Panel of Disciplinary Tribunal  
   20A.15. Summoning of witnesses  
   20A.16. Offences by persons appearing before a Panel of Disciplinary Tribunal  
   20A.17. Protection of certain persons  
   20A.18. Decision of Panel of Disciplinary Tribunal  
   20A.19. Notification and publication of decisions of Panel of Disciplinary Tribunal  
   20A.20. Completion of outstanding business  
   20A.21. Former attorney may be required to provide assistance  

           Division 6--Returning to Register of Trade arks Attorneys

   20A.22. Restoring name to Register of Trade Marks Attorneys  


           Division 1--Applications and other documents

   21.1.   Compliance with instructions on approved forms  
   21.2.   Requirements for filing documents  
   21.3.   Filing of documents--common requirements  
   21.3A.  Approved means of filing documents  
   21.3B.  Directions by Registrar for filing of documents  
   21.3C.  Directions by Registrar for filing of evidence  
   21.4.   Consequences for documents not meeting filing requirements  
   21.5.   Filing of documents--date of receipt to be marked  
   21.5A.  Consequences for evidence not meeting filing requirements  
   21.6.   Declarations  
   21.7.   Declarations--additional material  
   21.7A.  Service by post  
   21.8.   Notification of service  
   21.9.   Notice of withdrawal of applications etc  
   21.10.  Notification of withdrawal of application etc.  
   21.11.  Change of address for service--notice to interested persons  
   21.11A. Documents to be made available for public inspection  

           Division 2--Proceedings before the Registrar

   21.12.  Applications for costs  
   21.13.  Award of costs  
   21.14.  Conduct of proceedings generally  
   21.15.  Opportunity to be heard by Registrar  
   21.16.  Written submissions and oral hearings  
   21.17.  Giving of oral evidence  
   21.19.  Registrar may use information available  
   21.20.  Statements of reasons for decision  

           Division 2A--Extensions of time

   21.20A. Definitions  
   21.20AA.Publication of application for extension of time  
   21.20B. Notice of opposition  
   21.20C. Notification and opportunity to make representations  
   21.20D. Practice and procedure  
   21.20E. Hearing  
   21.20F. Registrar may give direction  
   21.20G. Registrar must notify parties of dismissal or discontinuance of opposition  

           Division 3--General

   21.21.  What fees are payable  
   21.21A. No action permitted until fee paid  
   21.22.  How fees are to be paid  
   21.23.  Notice of non - payment of fee  
   21.23A. Exemption from fees  
   21.24.  Refunds etc of fees  
   21.24A. Period for doing certain acts--office not open for business  
   21.24B. Days when office not open for business  
   21.24C. Period for doing certain acts--acts to which section 223A does not apply  
   21.25.  Extension of time--application  
   21.28.  Extension of time--prescribed acts and documents  
   21.29.  Convention countries  
   21.30.  Rights of registered patent attorneys  
   21.31.  Incapacity of certain persons  
   21.33.  Directions not otherwise prescribed  
   21.34.  Requirements cannot be complied with for reasonable cause  
   21.35.  Review of decisions  


           Division 1--General

   22.1.   Application of the Act  
   22.2.   Fees payable in relation to certain matters  
   22.3.   Certain delegations continue  
   22.4.   Certain deferments continue  
   22.5.   Certain extensions of time continue  
   22.6.   Deferment of acceptance--certain applications  
   22.7.   Trade marks attorneys  
   22.8.   Trade marks attorney examination requirements  

           Division 2--Amendments made by particular instruments

   22.9.   Amendments made by the Intellectual Property Legislation Amendment (Raising the Bar) Regulation 2013 (No. 1)  
   22.10.  Amendments made by the Customs and Other Legislation Amendment (Australian Border Force) Regulation 2015  
   22.11.  Amendments made by the Trade Marks Amendment (Fees) Regulation 2016  
   22.12.  Amendments made by the Intellectual Property Legislation Amendment (Fee Review) Regulation 2016  
   22.13.  Amendment made by Schedule 5 to the Intellectual Property Legislation Amendment (Single Economic Market and Other Measures) Regulation 2016  

           Division 3--Transitional provisions for Schedule 4 to the Intellectual Property Laws Amendment Act 2015 and Schedule 2 to the Intellectual Property Legislation Amendment (Single Economic Market and Other Measures) Regulation 2016

   22.14.  Definitions  
   22.15.  Transitional--registration as a trade marks attorney  
   22.16.  Continuation of certain disciplinary proceedings--individuals  
   22.17.  Continuation of certain disciplinary proceedings--incorporated trade marks attorneys  

           Division 4--Amendments made by the Intellectual Property Laws Amendment (Productivity Commission Response Part 1 and Other Measures) Regulations 2018

   22.18.  Amendments made by Part 2 of Schedule 1  
   22.19.  Amendments made by Part 1 of Schedule 2  
   22.20.  Amendments made by Part 2 of Schedule 2  
   22.21.  Amendments made by Part 3 of Schedule 2  
   22.22.  Amendments made by Part 4 of Schedule 2  
   22.23.  Amendments made by Part 8 of Schedule 2  
   22.24.  Amendments made by Part 10 of Schedule 2  

           Division 5--Amendments made by the Intellectual Property Laws Amendment (Fee Amounts and Other Measures) Regulations 2020

   22.25.  Amendments made by the Intellectual Property Laws Amendment (Fee Amounts and Other Measures) Regulations 2020  

           Division 6--Amendments made by the Intellectual Property Laws Amendment (Regulator Performance) Regulations 2024

   22.26.  Amendments made by Part 1 of Schedule 1  
   22.27.  Amendments made by Part 2 of Schedule 1  
   22.28.  Amendments made by Part 3 of Schedule 1  
   22.29.  Amendments made by Part 4 of Schedule 1  
           SCHEDULE 1 Classification of goods and services
           SCHEDULE 2 Signs that may not be registered as trade marks
           SCHEDULE 3 Modifications of Part 13 of the Act (Norfolk Island)
           SCHEDULE 4 Modifications of Part 13 of the Act (Christmas Island)
           SCHEDULE 5 Modifications of Part 13 of the Act (Cocos (Keeling) Islands)
           SCHEDULE 6 Offices of persons to whom registrar may delegate
           SCHEDULE 8 Costs, expenses and allowances
           SCHEDULE 9 Fees

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