In this Subdivision:
"application for cessation of protection" means an application to the Registrar for cessation of protection of a trade mark that is, or may become, a protected international trade mark.
"cessation of protection" means the cessation of protection of a trade mark that is a protected international trade mark.
"notice of intention to defend" means a notice filed under regulation 17A.48Q.
"notice of intention to oppose" means a notice filed under regulation 17A.48G.
"notice of opposition" means:
(a) a notice of intention to oppose; and
(b) a statement of grounds and particulars.
"opponent" means a person who files:
(a) a notice of intention to oppose; and
(b) a statement of grounds and particulars.
"party" means an applicant or opponent.
"statement of grounds and particulars" means a statement by an opponent that sets out:
(a) the grounds for cessation of protection that the opponent intends to rebut; and
(b) the facts and circumstances that form the basis for the opposition to the cessation of protection.
Note: The definitions of the following terms are in section 6 of the Act:
(a) applicant;
(b) approved form;
(c) employee;
(d) file;
(e) month;
(f) person.