(1) A registered health practitioner must not practise the health profession in which the practitioner is registered unless appropriate professional indemnity insurance arrangements are in force in relation to the practitioner's practice of the profession.Note--: See also the Health Care Liability Act 2001 which provides that medical practitioners practising in New South Wales must be covered by approved professional indemnity insurance within the meaning of that Act.
(2) A National Board may, at any time by written notice, require a registered health practitioner registered in a health profession for which the Board is established to give the Board evidence of the appropriate professional indemnity insurance arrangements that are in force in relation to the practitioner's practice of the profession.
(3) A registered health practitioner must not, without reasonable excuse, fail to comply with a written notice given to the practitioner under subsection (2).
(4) A contravention of subsection (1) or (3) by a registered health practitioner does not constitute an offence but may constitute behaviour for which health, conduct or performance action may be taken.
(5) In this section--
"registered health practitioner" does not include a registered health practitioner who holds non-practising registration in the profession.