(1) An occupier of dog premises must not keep more than 20 female adult dogs on the premises.: Maximum penalty--(a) for a corporation--5,000 penalty units, or(b) for an individual--1,000 penalty units or imprisonment for 2 years, or both.
(2) This section does not apply to the following--(a) an approved charitable organisation to the extent the organisation is exercising the organisation's functions under this Act,(b) a rehoming organisation that has been allocated a RON, unless--(i) the organisation has been allocated a BIN, or(ii) the organisation is required to have a BIN allocated,(c) premises used to temporarily keep or care for dogs if no dogs are bred on the premises,(d) a government sector agency within the meaning of the Government Sector Employment Act 2013 ,(e) a dog kept for the purposes of breeding an assistance animal within the meaning of the Companion Animals Act 1998 , if the occupier of the dog premises is--(i) a member of the International Guide Dog Federation, or(ii) an accredited member of Assistance Dogs International,(f) a dog that has been rendered permanently infertile.
(3) In this section--
"temporarily keep or care" , in relation to a dog, does not include keeping or caring for a dog in relation to dog breeding.