43—Exemption of certain containers by regulation (section 67)
(1) Pursuant to
section 67 of the Act, the following classes of containers are exempt
from the application of Part 8 Division 2 of the Act:
containers used for the purpose of containing milk or milk substitute (other
than flavoured milk or flavoured milk substitute);
containers used for the purpose of containing 1 litre or more of
flavoured milk or flavoured milk substitute;
containers used for the purpose of containing 1 litre or more of pure
juice (comprising at least 90% fruit juice or vegetable juice or a mixture of
fruit and vegetable juices);
containers used for the purpose of containing more than 3 litres of
containers constructed of cardboard and plastic, cardboard and foil, or
cardboard, plastic and foil (commonly known as casks or aseptic packs) used
for the purpose of containing 1 litre or more of wine,
wine-based beverage or water (including mineral or spring water);
containers constructed of plastic or foil or plastic and foil (commonly known
as sachets) used for the purpose of containing 250 millilitres or more of
(2) In this
"flavoured milk" means milk to which flavouring has been added;
"flavoured milk substitute" means milk substitute to which flavouring has been
added and which is marketed as a flavoured product;
"milk" means cow's milk or the milk of any other animal and, without limiting
that meaning, includes milk that is 1 or more of the following:
ultra heat treated or reconstituted milk;
reduced fat milk;
(c) milk
with added protein, milk fat, calcium, vitamins, minerals or other
"milk substitute" means a liquid substitute for milk derived from a plant or
part of a plant and, without limiting that meaning, includes milk substitute
that is 1 or more of the following:
ultra heat treated or reconstituted milk substitute;
reduced fat milk substitute;
milk substitute with added protein, fat, calcium, vitamins, minerals or other
"wine-based beverage" means a pre-mixed beverage that contains—
(a) wine
and another beverage that is not a grape product; and
(b) less
than 10% alcohol by volume at 20° Celsius.