87—Records of waste and other matter received at waste depot
A person licensed to conduct a waste depot who is required to provide a
mass balance report under regulation 74(2) must record the following
information in relation to each delivery of waste and other matter received at
the depot:
(a) the
amount of any waste and other matter delivered, its waste and matter stream
and, to the extent that it is reasonably practicable, its waste
and matter type;
whether the source of the waste and other matter is from premises situated
outside metropolitan Adelaide or premises situated in metropolitan Adelaide;
(c) the
amount of any waste and other matter delivered arising from a biological
outbreak or natural or other disaster determined by the Authority;
(d) the
date and time the delivery of waste and other matter is made;
(e) in
the case of waste transported to the waste depot from another waste
depot—the name and address of the other depot;
(f) any
other information required under the Waste Reporting, Record Keeping and
Measurement Standard .
Maximum penalty: $4 000.
Expiation fee: $300.