88—Records of waste and other matter transported from waste depot for
use, recovery, recycling, processing or disposal
A person licensed to conduct a waste depot who is required to provide a
mass balance report under regulation 74(2) must record the following
information in relation to each load of waste and other matter transported
from the depot for use, recovery, recycling, processing or disposal at another
(a) the
amount of any waste contained in the load and its waste type;
(b) the
amount of any other matter contained in the load and a description of the
nature of that other matter;
(c) the
amount of any waste and other matter in the load that arose from a biological
outbreak or natural or other disaster determined by the Authority;
(d) the
date and time the load is transported from the depot;
(e) if
the waste and other matter must, under the Act or any other Act or law, be
transported to a particular place—
whether it is material recovered as a result of resource
recovery processes or is being transported to another waste depot for further
treatment; and
the name and address or location of the place to which
the load is being transported;
(f) any
other information required under the Waste Reporting, Record Keeping and
Measurement Standard .
Maximum penalty: $4 000.
Expiation fee: $300.