South Australian Current Regulations

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Schedule 3—Definition of harbor boundaries

Editorial note—

Unless the contrary intention appears, the maps in this Schedule are provided for convenience of reference only.

American River

The subjacent land underlying, and the adjacent land extending from, the waters, rivers, creeks, and inlets to the High Water Mark of American River and Eastern Cove bounded as follows:

on the north by a line running north-west from the American River Entrance Beacon to intersect with the High Water Mark on the western side of Eastern Cove then generally south-west along the High Water Mark to its intersection with a straight line drawn from the south-west corner of Allotment 500 in Deposited Plan No 68304 to the most northerly point of Section 178, Hundred of Dudley; then south-easterly along the line to its intersection with the High Water Mark; then generally easterly and northerly along the High Water Mark on the eastern side of American River to Strawbridge Point, then easterly along the High Water Mark to its intersection with a line running south-west from the Entrance Beacon, then along this line to the point of commencement.



The subjacent land underlying, and adjacent land extending from, the waters, rivers, creeks and inlets to the High Water Mark of that portion of the western coast of Gulf St. Vincent bounded as follows:

commencing at a point on a line bearing 106°25′ True and distance 1 nautical mile from the intersection of the centre line of the Ardrossan town jetty and the High Water Mark; then by a line bearing 196°25′ True to its intersection with the Ausbulk Jetty line of leads bearing 333°30′ True; then by a line bearing 286°25′ True to its intersection with the High Water Mark; then generally north-north-easterly along the High Water Mark to a point distant 1 nautical mile north-north-easterly and radial from the intersection of the High Water Mark and centre line of the Ardrossan town jetty; then by a 1 nautical mile radial line to the point of commencement.


Beachport and Southend

The subjacent land underlying, and the adjacent land extending from, the waters, rivers, creeks and inlets to the High Water Mark on the coast within 3 nautical miles from any point on a straight line between Cape Martin and Cape Buffon.


Cape Jaffa

The subjacent land underlying, and the adjacent land extending from, the waters, rivers, creeks and inlets to the High Water Mark within 100 m seaward of any part of the Cape Jaffa Jetty.


Cape Jervis

The following areas:

            (a)         the subjacent land underlying, and the adjacent land extending from, the waters, rivers, creeks and inlets to the High Water Mark within a distance of 200 m from the western tip of the south-eastern breakwater at Cape Jervis;

            (b)         allotments 2, 3 and 4 of Deposited Plan No 40711.


Coffin Bay

The subjacent land underlying, and the adjacent land extending from, the waters, rivers, creeks and inlets to the High Water Mark of Coffin Bay, Port Douglas, Mount Dutton Bay and Kellidie Bay, contained within a line drawn from Point Sir Isaac to a hill known as "Frenchman Lookout" in the Hundred of Warrow.


Cowell (Franklin Harbor)

The subjacent land underlying, and the adjacent land extending from, the waters, rivers, creeks and inlets to the High Water Mark of Franklin Harbor and within a straight line from Germein Point to Victoria Point, and 100 m to seaward of any point on that line.



The following areas:

            (a)         the subjacent land underlying, and the adjacent land extending from, waters, rivers, creeks and inlets to the High Water Mark in Nepean Bay, Kangaroo Island and west of a straight line from Point Marsden to Point Morrison;

            (b)         the following parcels of land:

        •         Sections 351, 348, 349, 392, 395, 399 and Blocks 1 and 2 in the Hundred of Menzies

        •         Allotment 2 in Deposited Plan No 39677

        •         Closed Road A in Road Plan 4046.


Kingston (SE)

The subjacent land underlying, and the adjacent land extending from, the waters, rivers, creeks and inlets to the High Water Mark within 100 m seaward of any part of the Kingston Jetty.


Klein Point

The subjacent land underlying, and the adjacent land extending from, the waters, rivers, creeks and inlets to the High Water Mark within 1 nautical mile seaward of any part of the Klein Point Jetty.


Lucky Bay

The area bounded as follows:
commencing at a point (being the northernmost corner of the Lucky Bay Harbor) situated on the north-eastern boundary of Allotment 1 in Deposited Plan 113465 being the back bearing of 299°14′40″ from the intersection of the western boundary of Lucky Bay Road and the southernmost corner of Piece 13 in Deposited Plan 94729 for a distance of 465 m, then south-easterly on a bearing of 119°14′40″ for a distance of 465 m to the western boundary of Lucky Bay Road, then southerly on a bearing of 168°27′20″ along the western boundary of Lucky Bay Road and its production along an eastern boundary of Allotment 20 in Deposited Plan 115028 for a distance of 239.95 m, then southerly on a bearing of 195°57′50″ for a distance of 153.18 m, then easterly on a bearing of 88°06′00" for a distance of 30.66 m, then easterly on a bearing of 78°50′00" for a distance of 35 m, then easterly on a bearing of 100°46′00" for a distance of 3.25 m, then south-easterly on a bearing of 150°10′30″ for a distance of 7.5 m, then south-easterly on a bearing of 140°07′30″ for a distance of 44 m, then south-easterly on a bearing of 120°29′30″ for a distance of 13 m, then south-easterly on a bearing of 136°20′30″ for a distance of 27 m, then south-easterly on a bearing of 150°45′30″ for a distance of 21 m, then north-easterly on a bearing of 65°03′30″ for a distance of 15.02 m, then south-easterly on a bearing of 152°42′10″ for a distance of approximately 86 m to the Medium High Water Mark, then easterly along the Medium High Water Mark to a point being the production southerly of the eastern boundary of Allotment 20 in Deposited Plan 42395 to the intersection of the said Medium High Water Mark, then south-easterly along the Harbor Limit boundary to a point being at Longitude 137°4′40″ East and Latitude 33°43′47″ South, then southerly along the eastern Harbor Limit boundary to a point being at Longitude 137°3′29.30″ East and Latitude 33°52′10″ South, then westerly along the southern Harbor Limit boundary to a point being at Longitude 137°1′13.20″ East and Latitude 33°52′10″ South, then northerly along the western Harbor Limit boundary to a point on the Medium High Water Mark being the intersection of an arbitrary straight line from Longitude 137°1′13.20″ East and Latitude 33°52′10″ South to the southernmost corner of Allotment 5 in Deposited Plan 88637, then generally northerly along the Medium High Water Mark to the southernmost corner of Allotment 5 in Deposited Plan 88637, then north-westerly on a bearing of 307°41′30″ for a distance of approximately 157.6 m, then south-westerly on a bearing of 217°41′30″ for a distance of 265 m, then north-westerly on a bearing of 296°20′00" for a distance of 254.08 m to the eastern boundary of Piece 21 in Deposited Plan 115028, then north-easterly on a bearing of 43°01′40″ for a distance of 57.54 m, then north-westerly on a bearing of 296°14′20″ to a point on a southern boundary of Allotment 20 in Deposited Plan 115028 being the intersection of an arbitrary straight line heading in a south-westerly direction with an internal angle of 90° from the point of commencement to the said intersection, then north-easterly from the said intersection back to the point of commencement.




The subjacent land underlying, and the adjacent land extending from, the waters, rivers, creeks and inlets to the High Water Mark of that part of Wallaroo Bay bounded as follows:

commencing at a point on the High Water Mark at longitude 137°36’04.71" East and the northern extremity of Point Hughes, then westerly for 3 nautical miles to latitude 33°56'07.41" South, longitude 137°32'30.69" East, then northerly to latitude 33°54'50.72" South, longitude 137°32'29.20" East, then generally south easterly for 3.8 nautical miles to a point on the High Water Mark at longitude 137°36'55.68" East, then generally south westerly along the High Water Mark back to the point of commencement.




The subjacent land underlying, and the adjacent land extending from, the waters, rivers, creeks and inlets to the High Water Mark on the northern coast of Dudley Peninsula, Kangaroo Island, and within a straight line from Hog Point to Ironstone Hill, and 1 nautical mile to seaward from any point on that line.


Point Turton

The subjacent land underlying, and the adjacent land extending from, the waters, rivers, creeks and inlets to the High Water Mark on the southern shore of Hardwicke Bay, bounded as follows:

commencing at Point Souttar; then true east to the High Water Mark on the sea coast; then south-westerly and north-westerly following the High Water Mark to the point of commencement.


Port Adelaide

        (1)         The following areas:

            (a)         the subjacent land underlying, and the adjacent land extending from, the waters, rivers, creeks and inlets to the High Water Mark bounded as follows:

                  (i)         on the north by a line extending due west for 5 nautical miles from a point on the Low Water Mark being the north-western corner of the Hundred of Port Adelaide (approximate latitude 34°40.42′S);

                  (ii)         on the south by a line extending due west for 5 nautical miles from a point on the Low Water Mark being the south-western corner of the Hundred of Port Adelaide (approximate latitude 34°51.30′S);

                  (iii)         on the west by a line extending north-north-westerly and connecting the western extremities of the southern and northern boundaries;

but excluding—

                  (iv)         the area bounded on the south by a line being the production west of the southern side of Section 1048, Hundred of Port Adelaide, and on the north by a line running east and west 1 nautical mile north of the Largs Bay Jetty, except for—

                        (A)         a strip of land 10 m wide on each side of the centreline of the Semaphore Jetty and extending easterly from the Low Water Mark to the eastern end of the approach to that jetty; and

                        (B)         a strip of land 10 m wide on each side of the centreline of the Largs Bay Jetty and extending easterly from the Low Water Mark to the eastern end of the approach to that jetty;

                  (v)         the area bounded on the south by a line running east and west 1 nautical mile north of the Largs Bay Jetty and on the north-west by a line extending south-westerly from the northern most corner of Section 389, Hundred of Port Adelaide, and at right angles to the north-eastern boundary of Section 389;

                  (vi)         the area bounded as follows: commencing at a point on the northern boundary of the Hundred of Port Adelaide, being its intersection with the western edge of the mangroves along the eastern shore of Gulf St. Vincent, then southerly and generally south-easterly along portion of that western edge to intersect the production south-westerly of the north-western boundary of the road north-west of Section B, Hundred of Port Adelaide, then north-easterly along that production and portion of boundary to the High Water Mark, then generally north-westerly along that High Water Mark to that northern Hundred boundary, then generally westerly along portion of the latter boundary to the point of commencement;

                  (vii)         that portion of the subjacent land underlying, and the adjacent land extending from, Old Port Reach (including Port Adelaide Canal), Port Adelaide River, Out of Hundreds (Adelaide) to the High Water Mark bounded as follows:

                        (A)         on the north by a straight line between the bend on the eastern boundary of Section 661, Hundred of Port Adelaide, at corner 162°12′ and the bend on the western boundary of Section 7640, Hundred of Port Adelaide at corner 173°45′;

                        (B)         on the south by the southern boundary of the Hundred of Port Adelaide;

                  (viii)         the following parcels of land:

        •         Allotment 708 of Deposited Plan No 123204

        •         Allotment 807 of Deposited Plan No 128471;

                  (ix)         the following parcels of land:

        •         Allotment 9 of Deposited Plan No 28523

        •         Allotment 40 of Deposited Plan No 133651

        •         Allotment 602 of Deposited Plan No 131998 to the extent it comprises subjacent land or adjacent land to the High Water Mark

        •         Allotment 501 of Deposited Plan No 87145 to the extent it comprises subjacent land or adjacent land to the High Water Mark

        •         Allotment 22 of Deposited Plan No 76309 to the extent it comprises subjacent land or adjacent land to the High Water Mark;

            (b)         the whole of the land comprised in Certificates of Title Register Book—

        •         Volume 1962 Folio 149

        •         Volume 1974 Folio 153

        •         Volume 1974 Folio 154

        •         Volume 2436 Folio 64

        •         Volume 2772 Folio 12

        •         Volume 3009 Folio 131

        •         Volume 4383 Folio 154

        •         Volume 5086 Folio 57

        •         Volume 5123 Folio 453

        •         Volume 5128 Folio 416

        •         Volume 5143 Folio 963

        •         Volume 5179 Folio 216

        •         Volume 5179 Folio 219

        •         Volume 5179 Folio 223

        •         Volume 5191 Folio 911

        •         Volume 5202 Folio 446

        •         Volume 5202 Folio 448

        •         Volume 5202 Folio 451

        •         Volume 5202 Folio 452

        •         Volume 5211 Folio 177;

            (c)         the following parcels of land:

        •         Allotments 1, 2, 7, 9, 10 and 12 of Deposited Plan No 40901

        •         Allotments 52, 55, 57 and 58 of Deposited Plan No 41580

        •         Allotments 1, 2, 4, 5 and 6 of Deposited Plan No 41006

        •         Allotments 1, 3, 4 and 7 of Deposited Plan No 41578

        •         Allotments 101 and 102 of Deposited Plan No 39922

        •         Allotment 2 of Deposited Plan No 31181

        •         Allotments 54 and 55 of Deposited Plan No 41577.

Port Augusta

The subjacent land underlying, and the adjacent land extending from, the waters, rivers, creeks and inlets to the High Water Mark of all that portion of Spencer Gulf, north of a line drawn across the Gulf from Point Patterson to Commissariat Point, and including all navigable waters to the extreme northern extent of the Gulf.


Port Bonython

The subjacent land underlying, and the adjacent land extending from, the waters, rivers, creeks and inlets to the High Water Mark of that portion of the western coast of Spencer Gulf bounded as follows:

commencing at the eastern extremity of the harbor of Whyalla, latitude 33°03.75′ South, longitude 137°40.5′ East, then along the north-east boundary of that harbor bearing 319° True to the High Water Mark, then generally easterly along the High Water Mark to its intersection with a straight line bearing 143.5° True from Lowly Point Light, then along the latter line for a distance of approximately 3.4 nautical miles to the north boundary of the harbor of Port Pirie, then along the latter line bearing 251° True for a distance of approximately 2.5 nautical miles to the west extremity of that harbor, then along the south-west boundary of that harbor bearing 126° True for a distance of approximately 1.6 nautical miles to its intersection with a straight line bearing 97° True from the point of commencement, then along the latter line to the point of commencement.


Port Broughton

The subjacent land underlying, and the adjacent land extending from, the waters, rivers, creeks and inlets to the High Water Mark on the eastern coast of Spencer Gulf, and within a straight line drawn from Woods Point to Webling Point, and over 3 nautical miles to seaward measured from any point on the line.


Port Giles

The subjacent land underlying, and the adjacent land extending from, the waters, rivers, creeks and inlets to the High Water Mark of that portion of the western coast of Gulf St. Vincent bounded as follows:

commencing at a point on the High Water Mark 1 nautical mile due north of the intersection of the centre line of the Port Giles Jetty with the High Water Mark; then by a line bearing due east from the High Water Mark for 7 nautical miles; then on a line bearing due south for 2 nautical miles; then on a line bearing due west to the High Water Mark; then generally northerly along the High Water Mark to the point of commencement.


Port Lincoln

The following areas:

            (a)         the subjacent land underlying, and the adjacent land extending from, the waters, rivers, creeks and inlets to the High Water Mark of Port Lincoln, as embraced within a straight line drawn between Cape Donnington and Point Boston, and within 3 nautical miles to seaward, measured from any point on the line;

            (b)         the following parcels of land:

        •         Allotments 63, 64, 65 and 66 in Deposited Plan No 57911

        •         Allotment 60 in Deposited Plan No 53037

        •         Block 2, Hundred of Lincoln.


Port MacDonnell

The subjacent land underlying, and the adjacent land extending from, the waters, rivers, creeks and inlets to the High Water Mark of that portion of MacDonnell Bay bounded as follows:

commencing at the intersection of the High Water Mark and a line 100 m westerly and parallel to the centre line of the breakwater, then generally south and east along the line to a point south-west of the eastern tip of the breakwater, then north-easterly along a line towards the south-east corner of Allotment 21 of Deposited Plan No 60070 to its intersection with the High Water Mark, then generally westerly along the High Water Mark to the point of commencement.


Port Pirie

The following areas:

            (a)         the subjacent land underlying, and the adjacent land extending from, the waters, rivers, creeks and inlets to the High Water Mark in Germein Bay, Spencer Gulf, commencing at a point on a line bearing 282° True and distant 13 nautical miles from Mount Ferguson (latitude 33°06.34′ South, longitude 138°01.78′ East) situated in Section 1, Hundreds of Telowie and Pirie, then by a line bearing 126° True to the High Water Mark on the shore, generally easterly, generally southerly and generally northerly following that High Water Mark to a point being its intersection with a line bearing 71° True from the point of commencement, then west-south-westerly along the latter line to the point of commencement;

            (b)         the following parcels of land:

        •         Allotments 409 of Deposited Plan No 57081

        •         Pieces 96 and 97 in Filed Plan 203787

        •         Sections 698, 699, 944, 947, 948 and 958, Hundred of Pirie.



Port Stanvac

The subjacent land underlying, and the adjacent land extending from, the waters, rivers, creeks and inlets to the High Water Mark on the eastern side of Gulf St. Vincent bounded as follows:

            (a)         on the north-east by a line bearing 315° for 3 nautical miles from the High Water Mark at approximately latitude 35°05.50′ South, longitude 138°29.25′ East;

            (b)         on the south by a line bearing 270° True for 3 nautical miles from the High Water Mark at approximately latitude 35°07.50′ South, longitude 138°28.25′ East;

            (c)         on the north-west by a straight line connecting the extremities of those boundaries.


Port Wakefield

The subjacent land underlying, and the adjacent land extending from, the waters, rivers, creeks and inlets to the High Water Mark of that portion of Gulf St. Vincent situated to the north of a line drawn from Sandy Point on the eastern shore to Mangrove Point on the western shore, but excluding an area commencing at a point being the intersection of the production easterly of the northern boundary of Wandilta Terrace, Town of Clinton, Hundred of Clinton, with the eastern edge of the mangroves along the western shore of Gulf St. Vincent, then westerly along that production and portion of boundary to the High Water Mark, then generally northerly along the High Water Mark to its intersection with the production south-easterly of the north-eastern boundary of Section 568 in the Hundred of Clinton, then generally southerly following that edge of the mangroves to the point of commencement.


Rapid Bay

The subjacent land underlying, and the adjacent land extending from, the waters, rivers, creeks and inlets to the High Water Mark within 0.5 nautical miles seaward of any part of the Rapid Bay Jetty.



The subjacent land underlying, and the adjacent land extending from, the waters, rivers, creeks and inlets to the High Water Mark of Guichen Bay, Lake Butler, including the entrance channel, as embraced within straight lines drawn from Cape Dombey to the outward point of Godfrey Island, and from there to Cape Thomas, and over 3 nautical miles to seaward, measured from any point on these lines.


Streaky Bay

The subjacent land underlying, and the adjacent land extending from, the waters, rivers, creeks and inlets to the High Water Mark to the north and east of a line joining Point Brown to Point Westall.



The following areas:

            (a)         the subjacent land underlying the waters, rivers, creeks and inlets to the Low Water Mark of portions of Denial Bay, Murat Bay, Bosanquet Bay, and D'Ecres Bay bounded as follows:

commencing at the Low Water Mark, Cape Beaufort, Hundred of Moule, then true south for 2 nautical miles, then 150° True for 3.2 nautical miles, then 71° True on a straight line to the Low Water Mark at Wittelbee Point, Hundred of Bonython, then along the Low Water Mark in a westerly, northerly, westerly, and southerly direction to the point of commencement, and including—

        •         that portion of the foreshore 30.48 m wide being 15.24 m on each side of the centre line of the Denial Bay Jetty, situated opposite Main Street, Denial Bay, Hundred of Moule, extending from the High Water Mark to the Low Water Mark; and

        •         that portion of the foreshore 30.48 m wide being 15.24 m on each side of the centre line of the Murat Bay Jetty, situated opposite McKenzie Street, Ceduna, Hundred of Bonython, extending from the High Water Mark to the Low Water Mark;

            (b)         the whole of the land comprised in—

        •         Allotments 7 and 8 in Deposited Plan No 57833

        •         Allotment 6 in Deposited Plan No 52794

        •         Closed Road B in Road Plan 5058.


Venus Bay

The subjacent land underlying, and the adjacent land extending from, the waters, rivers, creeks and inlets to the High Water Mark of Venus Bay, including the islands of the bay and the subjacent land underlying, and the adjacent land extending from, waters to the north of a straight line between Point Weyland and South Head.


Victor Harbor

The subjacent land underlying, and the adjacent land extending from, the waters, rivers, creeks and inlets to the High Water Mark bounded as follows:

commencing at the intersection of the High Water Mark and a line running 141° True from Rosetta Head, Hundred of Waitpinga; then south-westerly along that line for 0.5 nautical miles; then along a line 51° True to the High Water Mark about 1.5 nautical miles eastward from Middleton, Hundred of Goolwa; then westerly and south-westerly along the High Water Mark to the point of commencement.


Vivonne Bay

The subjacent land underlying, and the adjacent land extending from, the waters, rivers creeks and inlets to the High Water Mark to the north of a line joining Point Ellen to Mount Bloomfield.



The following areas:

            (a)         the subjacent land underlying, and the adjacent land extending from, the waters, rivers, creeks and inlets to the High Water Mark of that part of Wallaroo Bay bounded as follows:

                  (i)         on the north by a line extending due west for 3 nautical miles from a point on High Water Mark at the south-west extremity on Point Riley at longitude 137°36'02.92" East;

                  (ii)         on the west by a line from the seaward extremity of the north boundary to latitude 33°54'50.72" South, longitude 137°32'29.20" East;

                  (iii)         on the south by a line from latitude 33°54'50.72" South, longitude 137°32'29.20" East to a point on the High Water Mark at longitude 137°36'55.68" East;

                  (iv)         on the east commencing at a point on the High Water Mark at longitude 137°36'55.68" East and continuing in a general north-east direction along High Water Mark to its intersection with Allotment 1003 in Deposited Plan No 56470, continuing in a clockwise direction along the boundary of Allotment 1003 in Deposited Plan No 56470 to its intersection with Piece 915 in Deposited Plan No 36451, then clockwise along the boundary of Piece 915 in Deposited Plan No 36451 to the High Water Mark, then generally northerly along the High Water Mark to the point of commencement,

but excluding—

                  (v)         Allotment 247 in Filed Plan No 189999

                  (vi)         Allotment 248 in Filed Plan No 190000

                  (vii)         Allotment 249 in Filed Plan No 190001

                  (viii)         Allotment 250 in Filed Plan No 190002

                  (ix)         Pieces 100 and 101 in Filed Plan No 178342

                  (x)         Allotments 316 and 251, Town of Wallaroo;

            (b)         the whole of the land comprised in Certificate of Title Register Book Allotments 101, 104, 105 and 106 in Deposited Plan No 57809.



The subjacent land underlying, and the adjacent land extending from, the waters, rivers, creeks and inlets to the High Water Mark of that portion of the western coast of Spencer Gulf bounded as follows:

commencing at point latitude 33°03.75′ South, longitude 137°40.50′ East, then by a straight line to latitude 33°06.25′ South, longitude 137°37.00′ East, then on a line bearing 319° True to the High Water Mark, then generally north-easterly following the High Water Mark to its intersection with a line bearing 319° True from the point of commencement, then from the latter line to the point of commencement but excluding that portion comprising land reclaimed as follows:

        •         that portion of Allotment 6 in Deposited Plan No 26386, Hundred of Randell, situated between the Old Medium High Water Mark and the Toe of Bank of Reclaimed Area delineated on that Plan;

        •         that portion shown on Deposited Plan No 26386 as situated between the southern boundary of Allotment 7 and the Medium High Water Mark;

        •         Allotment 3 in Deposited Plan No 26088, Hundred of Randell and Out of Hundreds (Whyalla).


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