(1) In this Act—
S. 3(1) def. of abolished ambulance service inserted by No. 25/1999 s. 4.
"abolished ambulance service" means an ambulance service that was at any time—
(a) created under section 23; or
(b) listed in Schedule 1—
but was—
(c) abolished by force of an Order under section 23(1)(g); or
(d) removed from the list in Schedule 1 by force of an Order under section 23(1)(h) ;
"ambulance service" means an ambulance service created under section 23 or listed in Schedule 1;
Ambulance Service—Victoria means all ambulance services created under section 23 or listed in Schedule 1;
S. 3(1) def. of apology inserted by No. 4/2022 s. 14(1).
"apology" means an expression of compassion, regret or sympathy in connection with any matter, whether or not the apology admits or implies an admission of fault in connection with the matter;
S. 3(1) defs of Board , Centre repealed by No. 38/1998 s. 4.
* * * * *
S. 3(1) def. of Chief General Manager
repealed by No. 46/1998
s. 7(Sch. 1).
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S. 3(1) def. of civil proceeding inserted by No. 4/2022 s. 14(1).
"civil proceeding" includes—
(a) a proceeding before a tribunal; and
(b) a proceeding under an Act regulating the practice or conduct of a profession or occupation; and
(c) a proceeding of a Royal Commission, whether established under the Inquiries Act 2014 or under the prerogative of the Crown; and
(d) a proceeding of a Board of Inquiry or Formal Review established under the Inquiries Act 2014 ;
S. 3(1) def. of Director repealed by No. 51/2004 s. 4(a).
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S. 3(1) def. of Metropolitan Ambulance Service amended by No. 52/2017 s. 69.
"Metropolitan Ambulance Service" means the ambulance service created under section 23 whose area of administrative jurisdiction includes the north-east corner of Bourke and Elizabeth Street, Melbourne;
S. 3(1) def. of operational staff member inserted by No. 51/2004 s. 4(b).
"operational staff member" means a person who is employed or engaged (whether on a paid or voluntary basis) by an ambulance service—
(a) as an ambulance paramedic or an intensive care paramedic; or
(b) in any other capacity to provide medical or other assistance to patients in an emergency;
S. 3(1) def. of police officer inserted by No. 37/2014 s. 10(Sch. item 4.1).
"police officer" has the same meaning as in the Victoria Police Act 2013 ;
S. 3(1) def. of Secretary inserted by
No. 46/1998
s. 7(Sch. 1), substituted by No. 29/2010 s. 45(1),
amended by No. 8/2020 s. 9.
"Secretary" means the Department Head (within the meaning of the Public Administration Act 2004 ) of the Department of Health and Human Services;
S. 3(1) def. of senior available next of kin inserted by No. 51/2004 s. 4(b).
"senior available next of kin" has the same meaning as in the Human Tissue Act 1982 ;
S. 3(1) def. of serious adverse patient safety event inserted by No. 4/2022 s. 14(1).
serious adverse patient safety event has the same meaning as in the Health Services Act 1988 ;
S. 3(1) def. of successor ambulance service inserted by No. 25/1999 s. 4.
"successor ambulance service", in relation to an abolished ambulance service, means an ambulance service that is by force of section 23A(1) to be taken to be the same body as the abolished ambulance service for the purposes of any trust in relation to the abolished ambulance service, whether as a result of the successor ambulance service—
(a) immediately succeeding the abolished ambulance service; or
(b) succeeding an ambulance service that had succeeded the abolished ambulance service (immediately or otherwise) and regardless of the ambulance service's position in any such chain of succession;
S. 3(1) def. of trust inserted by No. 25/1999 s. 4, amended by No. 4/2022 s. 14(2).
"trust", in relation to an abolished ambulance service, means—
(a) a gift, disposition or trust of property made or declared, or deemed to have been made or declared; or
(b) a trust fund created—
whether by deed, will or otherwise to, or in favour of, for the use of, or for the purposes of, the abolished ambulance service or under its terms capable of being given to, or applied in favour of, for the use of, or for the purposes of, the abolished ambulance service;
S. 3(1) def. of Victorian Duty of Candour Guidelines inserted by No. 4/2022 s. 14(1).
"Victorian Duty of Candour Guidelines" means the guidelines made under section 128ZF of the Health Services Act 1988 .
S. 3(2) inserted by No.
s. 7(Sch. 1), amended by Nos 108/2004 s. 117(1)
(Sch. 3 item 11.1), 29/2010 s. 45(2).
(2) If under the Public Administration Act 2004 the name of the Department of Health is changed, a reference in the definition of Secretary in subsection (1) to that Department must, from the date when the name is changed, be treated as a reference to the Department by its new name.
inserted by No. 25/1999 s. 5.