(1) The Department Head may, by notice published in the Government Gazette, declare that the welfare of any class or classes of animal is at risk due to an existing emergency.
(2) The declaration must state when it ceases to have effect and the nature of the emergency.
(3) The Department Head must revoke the declaration by a notice published in the Government Gazette as soon as possible after being satisfied that the emergency no longer exists.
(4) The declaration ceases to have effect 30 days after the notice is published under subsection (1), unless earlier revoked under subsection (3).
(5) If a declaration is made under this section, the Department Head may, by instrument in writing, appoint any person whom the Department Head considers to have the appropriate qualifications to be a general inspector for the purposes of any provision or provisions of this Act.
(6) The Department Head may appoint a general inspector for the period specified in the instrument, which must not exceed the duration of the declaration.
(7) The appointment of a general inspector remains in force until the earlier of the following—
(a) the declaration ceases to have effect or is revoked under subsection (3);
(b) the appointment is revoked by the Department Head.
S. 20A(8) amended by No. 73/2013 s. 100.
(8) In this section "emergency" has the same
meaning as in section 3 of the Emergency Management Act 2013 .
Ss 21– 24Q amended by Nos 77/1995
ss 20– 25, 58/1997 s. 96(Sch. items 7.3–7.6), 46/1998
s. 7(Sch. 1), 83/2001 ss 4 – 6, 103/2003 s. 36, 69/2004
ss 51–53, 50/2005 ss 4– 9, 76/2005
ss 30–37, substituted
as Pt 2A
(Headings and ss 21– 24ZW) by No. 65/2007 s. 95.
Part 2A—Enforcement
Division 1—Preliminary
S. 21 substituted by No. 65/2007 s. 95.