In this Division
abattoir —
means any place used for or in connection with the slaughtering of animals for
sale for human consumption; and
includes a holding yard or other place used for or in connection with the
slaughtering of those animals;
animal source food production has the meaning
given in The Criminal Code section 70A(1);
animal source food production facility has the
meaning given in The Criminal Code section 70A(1);
intensive production means an activity that is
carried out at an animal source food production facility during which, in the
ordinary course of animal source food production, any animals involved in the
production do not have an opportunity to graze or forage outside;
intensive production place means a non-residential
place where intensive production is carried out;
knackery —
means any place used for or in connection with the slaughtering and processing
of animals for sale for animal consumption; and
includes a holding yard or other place used for or in connection with the
slaughtering and processing of those animals.
[Section 36A inserted: No. 5 of 2023 s. 6.]