(1) For the purposes
of paragraph (d) of the definition of
"prescribed health service" in section 89(1) of the Act, the following
health services are prescribed:
cardiac catheterisation;
chemotherapy (except when provided by or on behalf of an incorporated
hospital, the holder of a private day procedure centre licence or another
entity that ordinarily provides a prescribed health service at a private day
procedure centre);
gastrointestinal endoscopy;
renal dialysis (except when provided by or on behalf of an incorporated
hospital, the holder of a private day procedure centre licence or another
entity that ordinarily provides a prescribed health service at a private day
procedure centre);
(e) the
following cosmetic surgical procedures:
belt lipectomy;
biceps implants;
breast augmentation or reduction;
buttock augmentation, reduction or lift;
calf implants;
deltoid implants;
facelift (other than a mini-lift that does not involve
the superficial musculoaponeurotic system (SMAS));
facial implants that involve—
(A) inserting an implant on the bone; or
(B) surgical exposure to deep tissue;
fat transfer that involves the transfer of more than
500 millilitres of lipoaspirate;
liposuction that involves the removal of more than
2.5 litres of lipoaspirate;
mastopexy or mastopexy augmentation;
neck lift;
pectoral implants;
penis augmentation;
triceps implants;
(f) a
health service, or health service of a class, determined by the Minister by
notice in the Gazette.
(2) For the purposes
of section 89(2)(c) of the Act, health services of the following kinds
are prescribed:
(a) a
health service consisting of the use of topical local anaesthetic;
(b) a
health service provided by a registered health practitioner (being a person
who is permitted or authorised under a law of the State to administer local
anaesthetic of the relevant kind).